Add shift activities in
draft or published schedules in Amazon Connect
Amazon Connect scheduling allows contact center managers, supervisors, and schedulers to insert activities into agent schedules, both draft and published. For example, activities such as team meetings, 1:1 coaching sessions, and trainings can be added into an agent's schedule.
Add a shift
Choose the agents you wish to include in the activity by selecting the check-boxes next to their names.
Choose the Actions drop-down and select Add Shift Activity. This action will bring up the Add Shift Activity screen, populated with all the agents you selected in the previous step.
An alternative way to access the Add Shift Activity screen is as follows: choose any agent's shift, then select Add, followed by Activity. This will open the Add Shift Activity pop-up screen, displaying the shift of the agent you initially chose. To include additional agents in the activity, choose Edit staff.
Select a shift activity from the drop-down.
Select an activity type of Shared or Individual:
Shared activity: A singular occurrence of the activity is shared among all participating agents. Any modifications made to the activity, such as adjustments to the date or time, will apply to all agents simultaneously.
Individual activity: Separate instances of the activity will be created for each individual agent. Any modifications made to the activity, such as adjustments to the date or time, will apply to an individual agent.
Select the date and time for the activity.
Select Override rules check if you want the system to ignore rules such as the minimum and maximum working hours exceeded. If unselected, any agent who violates rules due to the addition of this activity will be excluded from the activity. You can review the list of agents that didn't meet the criteria and the specific reasons for their exclusion in the Actions log.
Enter any note in the provided Comment text box.
Choose Apply to add the activity to agent schedules.
Adding activities to agent schedules using the Optimize shifts for breaks or meals option may take a few minutes to process. You can monitor the progress in the Actions log, where the status will transition from In progress to Complete.
The Actions log is designed to track the status of long running actions, such as adding a shift activity with optimization. The Actions log does not track all changes made to schedules.
Edit a shift
From an agent’s shift, choose the activity, select Edit, and then select the activity name to open the edit activity screen.
If the activity was added as a Shared activity, then all of the agents added to the activity will be listed under Staff.
From here, you can add or remove agents, change the date or time of the activity, apply the Override rules check, apply Optimize shifts for breaks or meals again as needed, and add or update Comments.
Choose Apply to commit the changes.
If the activity was added as an Individual activity, then only the agent whose shift you chose will be listed under Staff.
From here, you can: change the date or time of the activity, apply the Override rules check, apply Optimize shifts for breaks or meals again as needed, and add or update Comments.
Choose Apply to commit the changes.
Remove a
shift activity
From an agent’s shift, choose the activity, select Remove, and then select the activity name to open the remove activity screen.
Choose Override rules check or Optimize shifts for breaks or meals options as needed.
Choose Remove to remove the activity.