Capacity planning in Amazon Connect - Amazon Connect

Capacity planning in Amazon Connect

A capacity plan helps you estimate the long-term FTE (full-time equivalent) requirements for your contact center, up to 18 months. It specifies how many FTE agents are required to meet the service level target for a certain period of time.

After you generate long-term FTE estimations, you can share this information with other stakeholders, such as Human Resources, Finance, and the Training Department, to help facilitate the hiring and training of staff. When a business launches a new product or extends into a new Region, staff hiring is needed to meet the customer service demand.

The capacity planning feature uses published long-term forecasts as input, along with scenario information that you provide. It then creates a long-term capacity plan that you can share with stakeholders. Capacity planning also uses the published short-term forecast when determining the FTE requirements. Short-term forecast is used to identify contact patterns within a day and that helps in determining the maximum number of FTEs that will be needed to meet the service level targets. The following diagram illustrates this integration among published long-term forecasts, capacity planning, and capacity planning output.

The input and output of forecasting and capacity planning.

Getting started

Following is the order of steps for creating a capacity plan and sharing it with others.