Download the Amazon Connect Client Application log files
for troubleshooting
When you open an AWS Support ticket for issues with screen recordings, provide the log files for the Amazon Connect Client Application on the agent's desktop and the browser shared worker.
How to access the Amazon Connect Client Application log files
For version
On the agent's desktop, navigate to:
C:\ProgramData\Amazon\Amazon.Connect.Client.Service\logs contains the logs including the Websocket connection between browser and Client Application, and another Websocket connection between Amazon.Connect.Client and Amazon.Connect.RecordingSession.
%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Amazon\Amazon.Connect.Client.RecordingSession\Logs contains logs for screen recording activities.
For version
On the agent's desktop, navigate to C:\ProgramData\Amazon\Amazon.Connect.Client.Service\logs.
How to access the screen recording
shared worker logs in the browser
Before doing these steps, open your CCP. It must be open so you can view the ClientAppInterface shared worker.
Open a Chrome browser. For the URL type chrome://inspect/#workers.
In the Shared workers section, locate the shared worker named ClientAppInterface.
Click inspect to open a DevTools instance.
Choose the Console tab, right-click the log dump, and then select Save as... to store the log dump to a local file.
Open a Firefox browser. For the URL type about:debugging#workers.
In the Shared workers section, choose Inspect for /connect/ccp-naws/static/client-app-interface.js.
Right-click the Console tab and select Save all Messages to File to store the log dump to a local file.
Open a Chrome browser. For the URL type edge://inspect/#workers.
In the Shared workers section, locate the shared worker named ClientAppInterface.
Choose inspect to open a DevTools instance.
Choose the Console tab, right-click the log dump, and then select Save as... to store the log dump to a local file.