Optimize Amazon Connect audio for Amazon WorkSpaces cloud desktops - Amazon Connect

Optimize Amazon Connect audio for Amazon WorkSpaces cloud desktops

Amazon Connect simplifies delivery of high-quality voice experiences for agents operating within Amazon WorkSpaces Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) environments. By leveraging Amazon WorkSpaces with the WebRTC redirection feature, agents can redirect Amazon Connect audio processing to their local devices. This approach results in enhanced audio quality, even over challenging network conditions. To take advantage of this feature, you need to do the following:

  • Use Amazon Connect open source libraries to create a new or update an existing agent user interface, such as a custom Contact Control Panel (CCP).

  • Configure Amazon WorkSpaces to enable WebRTC redirection.

System requirements

This section describes the system requirements for using Amazon Connect with WorkSpaces WebRTC redirection.

Confirm media flows between agent machine and Amazon Connect during the call

  • Ensure DCV WebRTC browser extension is enabled and in Ready state.