Managing users in Deadline Cloud - AWS Deadline Cloud

Managing users in Deadline Cloud

AWS Deadline Cloud uses AWS IAM Identity Center to manage users and groups. IAM Identity Center is a cloud-based single sign-on service that can be integrated with your enterprise single-sign on (SSO) provider. With integration, users can sign in with their company account.

Deadline Cloud enables IAM Identity Center by default, and it is required to set up and use Deadline Cloud. For more information, see Manage your identity source.

An organization owner for your AWS Organizations is responsible for managing the users and groups that have access to your Deadline Cloud monitor. You can create and manage these users and groups using IAM Identity Center or the Deadline Cloud console. For more information, see What is AWS Organizations.

You create and remove users and groups that can manage farms, queues, and fleets using the Deadline Cloud console. When you add a user to Deadline Cloud, they must reset their password using IAM Identity Center before they get access.