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Using basic operations for Amazon Q Business document enrichment

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Using basic operations for Amazon Q Business document enrichment - Amazon Q Business
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With document enrichment, you can use basic operations to manipulate document attributes. For example, you can remove document attribute values, modify attribute values using conditions, or create document attributes.


Amazon Q Business can't create a target document attribute field if it isn't already created as an index field.

Basic operations using the Amazon Q Business API

To apply basic logic, you specify your document attribute configuration using the DocumentAttributeTarget object when you use either the BatchPutDocument API operation or the CreateDataSource operation. Use the following parameters to create your configuration:

  • key – The target field that you want to manipulate. For example, the key Department is a field or attribute that holds all the department names associated with the documents.

  • value – The target value for your target attribute.

  • attributeValueOperator – To delete an existing target value, set to DELETE. The default value for this parameter is UPDATE.

If a specific condition is met, you can also specify a value to use in the target field. Set the condition using the DocumentAttributeCondition object. For example, if the _source_uri field contains financial in its URI value, you can choose to prefill the target field department with the target value finance for the document.

For more information, see the following topics in the Amazon Q Business API Reference:

Basic operations using the Amazon Q Business console

To apply basic logic using the console
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Q Business console.

  2. In Applications, select the name of your application environment from the list of applications.

  3. From the left navigation menu, choose Enhancements, and then choose Document enrichments.

  4. In Document enrichments, choose Add document enrichment.

  5. In Configure basic operations, for Document enrichment source, choose a data source connected to your application environment.

  6. To apply basic manipulations to your document fields and content, go to Configure basic operations .

  7. Choose Next to save your configuration.

Use cases for basic operations

This section provides two examples of basic operations.

Example 1: Removing customer identification numbers associated with the documents

The following is an example of using a basic operation to remove all customer identification numbers in the document field called customer_id.

The following table shows the data before basic manipulation is applied.

_document_id _document_id customer_id
1 Example text CID1234
2 Example text CID1235
3 Example text CID1236

The following table shows the data after basic manipulation is applied.

_document_id _document_body customer_id
1 Example text
2 Example text
3 Example text

Example 2: Creating and prefilling the Department field with department names associated with the documents using a condition

The following is an example of using basic logic to create a field called Department and prefillling the field with the department names based on information from the _source_uri field. This example uses the condition that, if the _source_uri field contains financial in its URI value, then the target field department is prefilled with the target value finance for the document.

The following table shows the data before basic manipulation is applied.

_document_id document_body _source_uri
1 Example text financial/1
2 Example text financial/2
3 Example text financial/3

The following table shows the data after basic manipulation is applied.

_document_id _document_body _source_uri department
1 Example text financial/1 Finance
2 Example text financial/2 Finance
3 Example text financial/3 Finance

Code examples of basic operations

The following instructions give examples of configuring basic data manipulation to remove customer identification numbers associated with the documents.


To configure basic data manipulation to remove customer identification numbers

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Q Business console.

  2. From the left navigation pane, select Document enrichments and then select Add document enrichment.

  3. On the Configure basic operations page, choose from the data source that you want to alter document fields and content in.

  4. Select the document field name Customer_ID from the dropdown menu, and then select the target action Delete.

  5. Select Add basic operation.


To configure basic data manipulation to remove customer identification numbers

aws qbusiness create-data-source \ --name data-source-name \ --application-id application-id \ --index-id index-id \ --role-arn arn:aws:iam::account-id:role/role-name \ --type S3 \ --configuration '{"S3Configuration":{"BucketName":"S3-bucket-name"}}' \ --document-enrichment-configuration '{"InlineDocumentEnrichmentConfiguration":[{"Target":{"key":"Customer_ID", "attributeValueOperator": "DELETE"}}]}'

To configure basic data manipulation to remove customer identification numbers

import boto3 from botocore.exceptions import ClientError import pprint import time qbusiness = boto3.client("qbusiness") print("Create a data source with customizations") # Provide the name of the data source name = "data-source-name" # Provide the application environment ID for the data source application_id = "application-id" # Provide the index ID for the data source index_id = "index-id" # Provide the IAM role ARN required for data sources role_arn = "arn:aws:iam::${account-id}:role/${role-name}" # Provide the data source connection information data_source_type = "S3" S3_bucket_name = "S3-bucket-name" # Configure the data source with Document Enrichment configuration = {"S3Configuration": { "BucketName": S3_bucket_name } } document_enrichment_configuration = {"InlineDocumentEnrichmentConfiguration":[ { "Target":{"key":"Customer_ID", "attributeValueOperator": "DELETE"} }] } try: data_source_response = qbusiness.create_data_source( Name = name, ApplicationId = application_id, IndexId = index_id, RoleArn = role_arn, Type = data_source_type Configuration = configuration DocumentEnrichmentConfiguration = document_enrichment_configuration ) pprint.pprint(data_source_response) data_source_id = data_source_response["Id"] print("Wait for Amazon Q to create the data source with your customizations.") while True: # Get the details of the data source, such as the status data_source_description = qbusiness.get_data_source( DataSourceId = data_source_id, ApplicationId = application_id, IndexId = index_id ) status = data_source_description["Status"] print(" Creating data source. Status: "+status) time.sleep(60) if status != "CREATING": break print("Synchronize the data source.") sync_response = qbusiness.start_data_source_sync_job( DataSourceId = data_source_id, ApplicationId = application_id, IndexId = index_id ) pprint.pprint(sync_response) print("Wait for the data source to sync with the index.") while True: jobs = qbusiness.list_data_source_sync_jobs( DataSourceId = data_source_id, ApplicationId = application_id, IndexId = index_id ) # For this example, there should be one job status = jobs["History"][0]["Status"] print(" Syncing data source. Status: "+status) time.sleep(60) if status != "SYNCING": break except ClientError as e: print("%s" % e) print("Program ends.")

To configure basic data manipulation to remove customer identification numbers

package com.amazonaws.qbusiness; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import software.amazon.awssdk.services.qbusiness.QBusinessClient; import software.amazon.awssdk.services.qbusiness.model.AttributeValueOperator; import software.amazon.awssdk.services.qbusiness.model.CreateDataSourceRequest; import software.amazon.awssdk.services.qbusiness.model.CreateDataSourceResponse; import software.amazon.awssdk.services.qbusiness.model.CreateIndexRequest; import software.amazon.awssdk.services.qbusiness.model.CreateIndexResponse; import software.amazon.awssdk.services.qbusiness.model.DataSourceConfiguration; import software.amazon.awssdk.services.qbusiness.model.DataSourceStatus; import software.amazon.awssdk.services.qbusiness.model.DataSourceSyncJob; import software.amazon.awssdk.services.qbusiness.model.DataSourceSyncJobStatus; import software.amazon.awssdk.services.qbusiness.model.DataSourceType; import software.amazon.awssdk.services.qbusiness.model.GetDataSourceRequest; import software.amazon.awssdk.services.qbusiness.model.GetDataSourceResponse; import software.amazon.awssdk.services.qbusiness.model.IndexStatus; import software.amazon.awssdk.services.qbusiness.model.ListDataSourceSyncJobsRequest; import software.amazon.awssdk.services.qbusiness.model.ListDataSourceSyncJobsResponse; import software.amazon.awssdk.services.qbusiness.model.DataSourceConfiguration; import software.amazon.awssdk.services.qbusiness.model.StartDataSourceSyncJobRequest; import software.amazon.awssdk.services.qbusiness.model.StartDataSourceSyncJobResponse; public class CreateDataSourceWithCustomizationsExample { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { System.out.println("Create a data source with customizations"); String dataSourceName = "data-source-name"; String applicationId = "application-id"; String indexId = "index-id"; String dataSourceRoleArn = "arn:aws:iam::account-id:role/role-name"; String s3BucketName = "S3-bucket-name" QBusinessClient qbusiness = QBusinessClient.builder().build(); CreateDataSourceRequest createDataSourceRequest = CreateDataSourceRequest .builder() .name(dataSourceName) .applicationId(applicationId) .indexId(indexId) .description(experienceDescription) .roleArn(experienceRoleArn) .type(DataSourceType.S3) .configuration( DataSourceConfiguration .builder() .s3Configuration( S3DataSourceConfiguration .builder() .bucketName(s3BucketName) .build().Q Business carries ).build() ) .documentEnrichmentConfiguration( DocumentEnrichmentConfiguration .builder() .inlineDocumentEnrichmentConfiguration(Arrays.asList( InlineDocumentEnrichmentConfiguration .builder() .target( DocumentAttributeTarget .builder() .key("Customer_ID") .attributeValueOperator(AttributeValueOperator.DELETE) .build()) .build() )).build(); CreateDataSourceResponse createDataSourceResponse = qbusiness.createDataSource(createDataSourceRequest); System.out.println(String.format("Response of creating data source: %s", createDataSourceResponse)); String dataSourceId = createDataSourceResponse.id(); System.out.println(String.format("Waiting for Amazon Q to create the data source %s", dataSourceId)); GetDataSourceRequest getDataSourceRequest = GetDataSourceRequest .builder() .applicationId(applicationId).Q Business carries .indexId(indexId) .datasourceId(dataSourceId) .build(); while (true) { GetDataSourceResponse getDataSourceResponse = qbusiness.getDataSource(getDataSourceRequest); DataSourceStatus status = getDataSourceResponse.status(); System.out.println(String.format("Creating data source. Status: %s", status)); TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(60); if (status != DataSourceStatus.CREATING) { break; } } System.out.println(String.format("Synchronize the data source %s", dataSourceId)); StartDataSourceSyncJobRequest startDataSourceSyncJobRequest = StartDataSourceSyncJobRequest .builder() .applicationId(applicationId) .indexId(indexId) .datasourceId(dataSourceId) .build(); StartDataSourceSyncJobResponse startDataSourceSyncJobResponse = qbusiness.startDataSourceSyncJob(startDataSourceSyncJobRequest); System.out.println(String.format("Waiting for the data source to sync with the application environment %s index %s for execution ID %s", applicationId, indexId, startDataSourceSyncJobResponse.executionId())); // For this example, there should be one job ListDataSourceSyncJobsRequest listDataSourceSyncJobsRequest = ListDataSourceSyncJobsRequest .builder() .applicationId(applicationId) .indexId(indexId) .datasourceId(dataSourceId) .build(); while (true) { ListDataSourceSyncJobsResponse listDataSourceSyncJobsResponse = qbusiness.listDataSourceSyncJobs(listDataSourceSyncJobsRequest); DataSourceSyncJob job = listDataSourceSyncJobsResponse.history().get(0); System.out.println(String.format("Syncing data source. Status: %s", job.status())); TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(60); if (job.status() != DataSourceSyncJobStatus.SYNCING) { break; } } System.out.println("Data source creation with customizations is complete"); } }

To configure basic data manipulation to remove customer identification numbers

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Q Business console.

  2. From the left navigation pane, select Document enrichments and then select Add document enrichment.

  3. On the Configure basic operations page, choose from the data source that you want to alter document fields and content in.

  4. Select the document field name Customer_ID from the dropdown menu, and then select the target action Delete.

  5. Select Add basic operation.

Rubrique suivante :

Using Lambda functions

Rubrique précédente :

How document enrichment works
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