Create the CodeDeploy deployment group.
A CodeDeploy deployment group defines a set of individual instances targeted for a deployment.
: The VPC that you are using, this should be the same as the previously used VPC.CodeDeployApplicationName
: Use the value you previously created.CodeDeployAutoScalingGroups
: Use the name of the Auto Scaling group that you created previously.CodeDeployDeploymentGroupName
: A name for the deployment group. This name must be unique for each application associated with the deployment group.CodeDeployServiceRoleArn
: Use the formula given in the example.
On the Create RFC page, select the Category Deployment, subcategory Applications, item CodeDeploy deployment group, and operation Create from the RFC CT pick list. Choose Advanced and set the values as shown (only a Subject is needed for the RFC). Click Submit when finished.
Reference the CodeDeploy service role ARN in this format
and use the previously-created Auto scaling group name for "ASG_NAME".Description: Create CodeDeploy Deployment Group for WP CodeDeployApplicationName:
CodeDeployDeploymentConfigName: CodeDeployDefault.HalfAtATime CodeDeployDeploymentGroupName:WP CD Group
CodeDeployServiceRoleArn: arn:aws:iam::ACCOUNT_ID
:role/aws-codedeploy-role VpcId:VPC_ID
Name: WP Deployment GroupClick Submit when finished.