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Create the Infrastructure

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Create the Infrastructure - AMS Advanced Application Developer's Guide
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This procedure utilizes the High availability two-tier stack CT followed by the Create S3 storage CT.

Gathering the following data before you begin will make the deployment go more quickly.


  • AutoScalingGroup:

    • UserData: This value is provided in this tutorial. It includes commands to set up the resource for CodeDeploy and start the CodeDeploy agent.

    • AMI-ID: This value determines the operating system of EC2 instances your Auto Scaling group (ASG) will spin up. Select an AMI in your account that starts with "customer-" and is of the operating system that you want. Find AMI IDs in the AMS Console VPCs -> VPCs details page. This walkthrough is for ASGs configured to use an Amazon Linux or RHEL AMI.

  • Database:

    • These parameters, DBEngine, EngineVersion, and LicenseModel should be set according to your situation though the values shown in the example have been tested. The tutorial uses these values, respectively: MySQL, 8.0.16, general-public-license.

    • These parameters, DBName, MasterUserPassword, and MasterUsername are required when deploying the application bundle. The tutorial uses these values, respectively: wordpressDB, p4ssw0rd, admin. Note that DBName can only contain alphanumeric characters.

    • When you enter the MasterUsername for the RDS DB, it will appear in cleartext, so log in to the database as soon as possible and change the password to ensure your security.

    • For RDSSubnetIds, use two Private subnets. Enter them one at a time pressing "Enter" after each. Find Subnet IDs with the For the AMS SKMS API reference, see the Reports tab in the AWS Artifact Console. operation (CLI: list-subnet-summaries) or in the AMS Console VPCs -> VPC details page.

  • LoadBalancer:

    • Set this parameter, Public to true because the tutorial uses Public ELB subnets.

    • ELBSubnetIds: Use two Public subnets. Enter them one at a time pressing "Enter" after each. Find Subnet IDs with the For the AMS SKMS API reference, see the Reports tab in the AWS Artifact Console. operation (CLI: list-subnet-summaries) or in the AMS Console VPCs -> VPC details page.

  • Application: The ApplicationName value sets the CodeDeploy application name and CodeDeploy deployment group name. You use it to deploy your application. It must be unique in the account. To check your account for CodeDeploy names, see the CodeDeploy Console. The example uses WordPress but, if you will use that value, make sure that it is not already in use.

  1. Launch the high availability stack.

    1. On the Create RFC page, select the category Deployment, subcategory Standard Stacks, item High availability two-tier stack and operation Create, from the list.

    2. IMPORTANT: Choose Advanced and set the values as shown.

      You only need to enter values for starred (*) options, tested values are shown in the example; you can leave not-required empty options blank.

    3. For the RFC Description section:

      Subject: WP-HA-2-Tier-RFC
    4. For the Resource information section, set parameters for AutoScalingGroup, Database, LoadBalancer, Application, and Tags.

      Also, the purpose of the "AppName" tag key is so you can easily search for the ASG instances in the EC2 console; you can call this tag key "Name" or any other key name that you want. Note that you can add up to 50 tags.

      UserData: #!/bin/bash REGION=$(curl | sed 's/[a-z]$//') yum -y install ruby httpd chkconfig httpd on service httpd start touch /var/www/html/status cd /tmp curl -O https://aws-codedeploy-$REGION.s3.amazonaws.com/latest/install chmod +x ./install ./install auto chkconfig codedeploy-agent on service codedeploy-agent start AmiId: AMI-ID Description: WP-HA-2-Tier-Stack Database: LicenseModel: general-public-license (USE RADIO BUTTON) EngineVersion: 8.0.16 DBEngine: MySQL RDSSubnetIds: PRIVATE_AZ1 PRIVATE_AZ2 (ENTER ONE AT A TIME PRESSING "ENTER" AFTER EACH) MasterUserPassword: p4ssw0rd MasterUsername: admin DBName: wordpressDB LoadBalancer: Public: true (USE RADIO BUTTON) ELBSubnetIds: PUBLIC_AZ1 PUBLIC_AZ2 Application: ApplicationName: WordPress Tags: Name: WP-Rhel-Stack
    5. Click Submit when finished.

  2. Log in to the database that you created and change the password.

  3. Launch an S3 bucket Stack.

    Gathering the following data before you begin will make the deployment go more quickly.


    • VPC-ID: This value determines where your S3 Bucket will be. Find VPC IDs with the For the AMS SKMS API reference, see the Reports tab in the AWS Artifact Console. operation (CLI: list-vpc-summaries) or in the AMS Console VPCs page.

    • BucketName: This value sets the S3 Bucket name, you use it to upload your application bundle. It must be unique across the region of the account and cannot include upper-case letters. Including your account ID as part of the BucketName is not a requirement but makes it easier to identify the bucket later. To see what S3 bucket names exist in the account, go to the Amazon S3 Console for your account.

    1. On the Create RFC page, select the category Deployment, subcategory Advanced Stack Components, item S3 storage, and operation Create from the RFC CT pick list.

    2. Keep the default Basic option and set the values as shown.

      Subject: S3-Bucket-WP-HA-RFC Description: S3BucketForWordPressBundles BucketName: ACCOUNT_ID-BUCKET_NAME AccessControl: Private VpcId: VPC_ID Name: S3-Bucket-WP-HA-Stack TimeoutInMinutes: 60
    3. Click Submit when finished. The bucket deployed with this change type allows full read/write access to the whole account.

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