Viewing shadow copy storage - Amazon FSx for Windows File Server

Viewing shadow copy storage

You can view the amount of storage currently consumed by shadow copies on your file system using the Get-FsxShadowStorage command in a remote PowerShell session on your file system. For instructions on launching a remote PowerShell session on your file system, see Using the Amazon FSx CLI for PowerShell.

[fs-1234567890abcef12]: PS>PS>Get-fsxshadowstorage FSx Shadow Storage Configuration AllocatedSpace UsedSpace MaxSpace MaxShadowCopyNumber -------------- --------- -------- ------------------- 0 0 10737418240 20

The output shows the shadow storage configuration, as follows:

  • AllocatedSpace – The amount of storage on the file system in bytes currently allocated to shadow copies. Initially, this value is 0.

  • UsedSpace – The amount of storage, in bytes, currently used by shadow copies. Initially, this value is 0.

  • MaxSpace – The maximum amount of storage, in bytes, to which shadow storage can grow. This is the value that you set for shadow copy storage using the Set-FsxShadowStorage command.

  • MaxShadowCopyNumber – The maximum number of shadow copies that the file system can have, from 1-500.

When the UsedSpace amount reaches the maximum shadow copy storage amount configured (MaxSpace) or the number of shadow copies reaches the maximum shadow copy number configured (MaxShadowCopyNumber), the next shadow copy that you take replaces the oldest shadow copy. If you don't want to lose your oldest shadow copies, monitor your shadow copy storage to make sure that you have sufficient storage space for new shadow copies. If you need more space, you can delete existing shadow copies or increase the maximum amount of shadow copy storage.


When shadow copies are automatically or manually created, they use the amount of shadow copy storage that you configured as a storage limit. Shadow copies grow in size over time and utilize the available storage space shown by the CloudWatch FreeStorageCapacity metric up to the maximum shadow copy storage amount configured (MaxSpace).