Example: Use a compound rule to create a match with players with similar attributes or similar selections - Amazon GameLift Servers

Example: Use a compound rule to create a match with players with similar attributes or similar selections

This example illustrates how to set up a rule set for matches with two teams using compound. In the example:

  • The SimilarLeagueDistance rule ensures all players in a match have a league within 2 of other players.

  • The SimilarSkillDistance rule ensures all players in a match have a skill within 10 of other players. If a player has been waiting 10 seconds, the distance is expanded to 20. If a player has been waiting 20 seconds, the distance is expanded to 40.

  • The SameMapComparison rule ensures all players in a match have requested the same map.

  • The SameModeComparison rule ensures all players in a match have requested the same mode.

  • The CompoundRuleMatchmaker rule ensures a match if at least one of the following conditions is true:

    • Players in a match have requested the same map and the same mode.

    • Players in a match have comparable skill and league attributes.

{ "ruleLanguageVersion": "1.0", "teams": [{ "name": "red", "minPlayers": 10, "maxPlayers": 20 }, { "name": "blue", "minPlayers": 10, "maxPlayers": 20 }], "algorithm": { "strategy":"balanced", "balancedAttribute": "skill", "batchingPreference":"fastestRegion" }, "playerAttributes": [{ "name": "league", "type": "number" },{ "name": "skill", "type": "number" },{ "name": "map", "type": "string" },{ "name": "mode", "type": "string" }], "rules": [{ "name": "SimilarLeagueDistance", "type": "distance", "measurements": ["max(flatten(teams[*].players.attributes[league]))"], "referenceValue": "min(flatten(teams[*].players.attributes[league]))", "maxDistance": 2 }, { "name": "SimilarSkillDistance", "type": "distance", "measurements": ["max(flatten(teams[*].players.attributes[skill]))"], "referenceValue": "min(flatten(teams[*].players.attributes[skill]))", "maxDistance": 10 }, { "name": "SameMapComparison", "type": "comparison", "operation": "=", "measurements": ["flatten(teams[*].players.attributes[map])"] }, { "name": "SameModeComparison", "type": "comparison", "operation": "=", "measurements": ["flatten(teams[*].players.attributes[mode])"] }, { "name": "CompoundRuleMatchmaker", "type": "compound", "statement": "or(and(SameMapComparison, SameModeComparison), and(SimilarSkillDistance, SimilarLeagueDistance))" }], "expansions": [{ "target": "rules[SimilarSkillDistance].maxDistance", "steps": [{ "waitTimeSeconds": 10, "value": 20 }, { "waitTimeSeconds": 20, "value": 40 }] }] }