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Preparing for test and cutover instance launch

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Preparing for test and cutover instance launch - Application Migration Service
Halaman ini belum diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Anda. Minta terjemahan

Prior to launching your instances, you must ensure that your environment is set up properly to ensure successful launches. Check the following prior to continuing:

  • Prepare your subnets for launch - Plan which subnets you will use to launch your test and cutover instances. You will use these subnets in your EC2 launch template when you configure your Launch settings.

  • Create security groups within the subnets - Create the Security groups you want to use within your prepared subnets. You will set these Security groups in your EC2 Launch template when you configure launch settings.


Customers that want to run a proof of concept can skip this step. AWS Application Migration Service will automatically use the default subnet and Security groups. Make sure that you have not deleted your default subnet.

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