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Review post-launch settings

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Review post-launch settings - Application Migration Service
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Post-launch settings allow you to control and automate actions performed after the server has been launched in AWS. These settings are created automatically based on the Post-launch settings template.

You must activate the post-launch actions using one of these options:

  • Activating the post-launch actions for a specific server:

    • Navigate to the Source servers page and select a source server.

    • Click Post-launch settings > Edit.

    • You will be redirected to the Edit post-launch settings screen. Activate the toggle and click Save settings.

    Alternatively, you can select a specific source server, open the Test and cutover drop-down menu located in the top right corner of the screen and select Edit post-launch settings .

  • Activating the post-launch actions for all servers:

    • Navigate to the Settings page and choose Post-launch settings template. You will only need to do this once and the change will apply to all newly added servers.

      After the post-launched actions have been activated from the template, you can deactivate and activate them for individual servers. Learn more about activating post-launch settings.

The settings configured in the template will be applied to every newly added server. You can change the settings for existing and newly added servers individually within the server details view.

The Post-launch settings template allows you to control various post-launch actions, including:

  • Deployment of test and cutover instances

  • Disaster recovery configuration (installing the AWS Replication Agent for AWS DRS and configuring the target disaster recovery AWS Region)

  • Operating system conversion on the target machine

  • License and subscription changes on the target machine

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