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Activating post-launch settings

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Activating post-launch settings - Application Migration Service
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In order to be able to use the post-launch template, you must first activate the post-launch actions. This will allow Application Migration Service to:

  • Install the SSM Agent on your servers

  • Run the post-launch actions


Activate or deactivate this feature at the account level. You must activate the feature to see and activate the individual actions.

To activate the post-launch actions:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Post-launch settings template.

  2. Click Edit.

  3. When the Post-launch actions dialog appears, toggle the Install System Manager agent and allow executing actions on launched servers option.

  4. Click Save template at the bottom of the page.

  5. You will be returned to the Settings >Post-launch template view, and the post-launch actions will now be shown. Click Edit to change the settings.


The post-launch actions feature is not supported on CentOS 5.x, CentOS 6.x, RHEL 6.x and Oracle 6.x.

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