IVS Player SDK: Video.js Integration - Amazon IVS

IVS Player SDK: Video.js Integration

This document describes the most important functions available in the Amazon Interactive Video Service (IVS) Video.js player.

Latest version of Video.js player integration: 1.36.0 (Release Notes)

Getting Started

Amazon IVS support for Video.js is implemented through a Video.js tech. We provide support through script tags as well as through an npm module. Amazon IVS supports Video.js versions 7.6.6 and later 7*, and 8*.

Note that when instantiating the player, the Video.js sources option is not supported. Instead, instantiate the player normally and call the Video.js src() function. If autoplay is enabled, the stream will start playing; otherwise, use play() to start playback.


The following live demo shows how to use the Video.js integration with script tags from our Content Delivery Network: Amazon IVS Player Video.js integration.

Setup With Script Tag

To set up the Amazon IVS tech using the script tag:

  1. Include the following tag (for the latest version of the player integration).

    <script src="https://player.live-video.net/1.36.0/amazon-ivs-videojs-tech.min.js"></script>
  2. Register the tech using the registerIVSTech function:


    where videojs is the object provided by Video.js.

  3. When creating an instance of the player, add AmazonIVS as your first tech in the techOrder option.

When instantiating the player, the Video.js sources option is not supported. Instead, to set the source, instantiate the player normally, then call the Video.js src() function on it. If autoplay is enabled, the stream will start playing; otherwise, use play() to start playback.

Sample Code

In this example, PLAYBACK_URL is the source stream you want to load. The example uses the latest version of the Amazon IVS Player.

<!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <link href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/video.js/7.14.3/video-js.css" rel="stylesheet"> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/video.js/7.14.3/video.min.js"></script> <script src="https://player.live-video.net/1.36.0/amazon-ivs-videojs-tech.min.js"></script> </head> <body> <div class="video-container"> <video id="amazon-ivs-videojs" class="video-js vjs-4-3 vjs-big-play-centered" controls autoplay playsinline></video> </div> <style> body { margin: 0; } .video-container { width: 640px; height: 480px; margin: 15px; } </style> <script> (function play() { // Get playback URL from Amazon IVS API var PLAYBACK_URL = ''; // Register Amazon IVS as playback technology for Video.js registerIVSTech(videojs); // Initialize player var player = videojs('amazon-ivs-videojs', { techOrder: ["AmazonIVS"] }, () => { console.log('Player is ready to use!'); // Play stream player.src(PLAYBACK_URL); }); })(); </script> </body> </html>

Setup With NPM

To use Amazon IVS player through npm:

  1. Install the video.js npm package or ensure that your project has some other access to the Video.js library.

  2. Install the amazon-ivs-player npm package:

    npm install amazon-ivs-player
  3. When you’re ready to register the Amazon IVS tech, import the registerIVSTech function:

    import { registerIVSTech } from 'amazon-ivs-player';
  4. Register the tech using the registerIVSTech function:

    registerIVSTech(videojs, options);


    • videojs is the object provided by Video.js.

    • options is the options for the Amazon IVS tech layer. Supported options are:.

      • wasmWorker: URL where the amazon-ivs-wasmworker.min.js file is hosted.

      • wasmBinary: URL where the amazon-ivs-wasmworker.min.wasm file is hosted.

      The worker files are in your node_modules/ folder under amazon-ivs-player/dist/. You need to host them, to use the IVS player.

  5. When creating an instance of the player, add AmazonIVS as your first tech in the techOrder option:

    const player = videojs('videojs-player', { techOrder: ["AmazonIVS"] });


If you’re using TypeScript, our npm package includes the following types you may want to import and use.

  • VideoJSEvents, which describes the returned structure from getIVSEvents().

  • VideoJSIVSTech, which describes the interface to a player instance that uses the AmazonIVS tech. This can be intersected with the VideoJsPlayer type exposed by the @types/video.js npm package.

  • TechOptions, which describes the interface defining the configuration options you can send to registerIVSTech().

For more information on these types, see the Amazon IVS Player SDK: Web Reference.


To listen to standard Video.js events, use the on function of the Video.js player.

To listen to events that are specific to Amazon IVS, add and remove event listeners on the Amazon IVS Web player:

player.getIVSPlayer().addEventListener(event, callback); player.getIVSPlayer().removeEventListener(event, callback);

where callback is a callback you define, and event is one of: PlayerEventType or PlayerState. For more information about events, see the Amazon IVS Player SDK: Web Reference.


For general Video.js errors, listen to the generic error event on the player:

player.on("error", callback);

For errors specific to Amazon IVS, listen on the Amazon IVS player for its own errors:

let playerEvent = player.getIVSEvents().PlayerEventType; player.getIVSPlayer().addEventListener(playerEvent.ERROR, callback);

The callback will receive an object with the following fields:

Field Description


The error type. Corresponds to ErrorType events. For more information, see Amazon IVS Player SDK: Web Reference.


The error code.


Source of the error.


Human readable error message.


We provide a plugin that creates a UI toggle for available qualities. To use this plugin, it must be loaded by including the amazon-ivs-quality-plugin.min.js file if you are using our tech through the following script tag (for the latest version of the IVS Player):

<script src="https://player.live-video.net/1.36.0/amazon-ivs-quality-plugin.min.js"></script>

If you are using npm, import the registerIVSQualityPlugin from the amazon-ivs-player module:

import { registerIVSQualityPlugin } from 'amazon-ivs-player';

Then, once you create an instance of your Video.js player, the following calls are required to register and enable it:

registerIVSQualityPlugin(videojs); // where videojs is the video.js variable player.enableIVSQualityPlugin(); // where player is the instance of the videojs player

This will create a UI menu button which allows you to select a quality for the stream.

Plugins and TypeScript

If you’re using TypeScript, our npm package includes the VideoJSQualityPlugin type that you may want to import and use with our plugin. Plugins essentially are mixins, so this type interface is to be used as an intersection type with the VideoJSIVSTech typescript interface.

Content Security Policy

The Amazon IVS Video.js API is configured to work on pages that use Content Security Policy (CSP). See the section on “Working with Content Security Policy” in the IVS Player SDK: Web Guide.



The Amazon IVS Video.js API supports the necessary interfaces for internal use by the Video.js framework. The client application is not likely to need to use these methods directly, since Video.js does the necessary integration and presents a standard interface. However, if needed, one way to access internal Video.js and Amazon IVS player methods is to use the Video.js player object to get the needed object handle to the tech.

To access the API, retrieve the instance of your Video.js player as you would normally:

let player = videojs("videoTagId"); //replace videoTagId with your <video> tag’s id

Then you can call functions on that instance.

The following are the subset of Video.js functions that the Amazon IVS tech layer overrides. For the full list of Video.js functions, see the video.js API documentation.

Function Description and Amazon IVS-Specific Information


Gets or sets the time (in seconds from the beginning).

Amazon IVS: We do not recommend setting current time for live streams.


Deletes the player instance

Amazon IVS: This also deletes the Amazon IVS tech backend.


Returns the duration of the video, in seconds.

Amazon IVS: For live streams, this returns Infinity.


Starts loading the src() data.

Amazon IVS: This is a no-op.


Plays the stream that was set up via the src call.

Amazon IVS: If a live stream was paused, this plays the live stream from the latest frames, instead of continuing from where it was paused.


Gets or sets the video-playback rate. 1.0 means normal speed; 0.5, half normal speed; 2.0, two times normal speed; and so on.

Amazon IVS: On a live stream, a get returns 1, and a set is ignored.


Returns the TimeRanges of the media that can be seeked to.

Amazon IVS: For live streams, calling end(0) on the return value (TimeRange) returns Infinity.

Amazon IVS Specific

The Amazon IVS Video.js tech has additional functions for accessing behaviors specific to Amazon IVS features:

Function Description


Returns the underlying Amazon IVS player instance. The full Amazon IVS Player Web API is available through this instance. We recommend using the basic Video.js playback API as much as possible, and using this function only to access Amazon IVS-specific features. The most common functions you are likely to need to access on the Amazon IVS player instance are setQuality() and addEventListener() / removeEventListener() .


Returns an object that holds Amazon IVS-specific enums. This is used for listening to Amazon IVS-specific errors. For more information, see Events and Errors.


Gets or sets the time (in seconds from the beginning).

Amazon IVS: We do not recommend setting current time for live streams.


currentTime currentTime(time)


Parameter Type Description



If time is absent, gets the current time. If time is present, sets video playback to that time.

Return Value

Type Description


The current time, in seconds from the beginning.


Deletes the player instance.

Amazon IVS: This also deletes the Amazon IVS tech backend.





Return Value



Returns the duration of the video, in seconds.

Amazon IVS: For live streams, this returns Infinity.





Return Value

Type Description


The duration of the stream, in seconds. For live streams, this value is Infinity.


Returns an object that holds Amazon IVS-specific enums. This is used for listening to Amazon IVS-specific errors and events. For more information, see:





Return Value

Type Description


An object with PlayerEventType, PlayerState, and ErrorType keys, which map to their associated enums.


Returns the underlying Amazon IVS player instance. The full Amazon IVS Player Web API is available through this instance. We recommend using the basic Video.js playback API as much as possible, and using this function only to access Amazon IVS-specific features. The most common functions you are likely to need to access on the Amazon IVS player instance are setQuality() and addEventListener() / removeEventListener().





Return Value

Type Description


The created instance of the player.


Starts loading the src() data.

Amazon IVS: This is a no-op.





Return Value



Plays the stream that was set up via the src call.

Amazon IVS: If a live stream was paused, this plays the live stream from the latest frames, instead of continuing from where it was paused.





Return Value



Gets or sets the video-playback rate. 1.0 means normal speed; 0.5, half normal speed; 2.0, two times normal speed; and so on.

Amazon IVS: On a live stream, a get returns 1, and a set is ignored.


playbackRate playbackRate(rate)


Parameter Type Description



The playback rate. Valid values: in the range [0.25, 2.0].

Return Value

Type Description


The playback rate.


Returns the TimeRanges of the media that can be seeked to.

Amazon IVS: For live streams, calling end(0) on the return value (TimeRange) returns Infinity.





Return Value

Type Description


TimeRange of the media that is available for seeking to.