Sign in to the Amazon Q Business console.
Choose Applications, then select the name of your application environment from the list.
From the left navigation, choose Data accessors.
Choose Add data accessor from the Data accessor(s) list section.
Choose from the list of approved and supported data accessors (ISVs).
Choose a Name for this data accessor's instance, for example
<your application-name>-<accessor-name>
. -
Choose Data source access between Allow all or Allow specific data sources depending on whether you want to provide the ISV access to all or certain data sources from your Amazon Q index.
Choose the end User access. These are the end users that will connect with and use the Amazon Q index data from within the ISV's application. You can choose between all users that have access to the Amazon Q Business application environment or a subset of users and groups that you can define.
Choose Add data accessor to confirm your choices and add the data accessor.
The data accessor you have added will now appear as an entry in the table on the main Data accessors page.
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