The Applications page lists all the applications that have been added to AWS Application Migration Service. The Applications page allows you to manage your applications and perform a variety of commands for one or more applications (such as controlling replication and launching test and cutover instances).
Interacting with the Applications
The Applications page shows a list of applications. Each row on the list represents a single application.
The Applications page provides key information for each application under each of the columns on the page.
The columns include:
Selector column – This blank checkbox selector column allows you to select one or more applications. When an application is selected, you can interact with the application through the Actions menu, Edit, and Delete buttons. Selected applications are highlighted.
Application name – This column shows the unique application name for each application.
Wave name – This column shows the name of the wave the application is associated with. An application cannot be associated with more than one wave at a time.
This column is hidden by default.
Migration status – This column shows the migration status for each application.
Not started – None of the application associated servers has started replication yet.
In progress – At least one of the application associated servers has started replication and not all of its servers completed migration.
Completed – All the application associated servers completed migration (have been cut over).
Alerts – This column shows whether any alerts exist for the application.
Stalled – An application that has at least one server that is experiencing significant issues, such as a stall,.
Lagging – An application that has at least one server that is experiencing a temporary issue such as lag or backlog.
Healthy – A healthy active application.
Archived applications do not display any alerts.
Number of servers – This column shows the total number of servers associated with each application.