The Waves page lists all the waves that have been added to AWS Application Migration Service (AWS MGN). The Waves page allows you to manage your waves and perform a variety of commands for one or more waves (such as controlling replication and launching test and cutover instances).
Interacting with the Waves page
The Waves page shows a list of waves. Each row on the list represents a single wave.
The Waves page provides key information for each wave under each of the columns on the page.
The columns include:
Selector column – This blank checkbox selector column allows you to select one or more waves. When a wave is selected, you can interact with the wave through the Actions menu, Edit, and Delete buttons. Selected waves are highlighted.
Wave name – This column shows the unique wave name for each wave.
Migration status – This column shows the migration status for each wave.
Not started – If none of the wave's associated servers has started replication yet.
In progress – At least one of the wave's associated applications has started replication and not all of its applications completed migration.
Completed – If all the wave associated applications completed migration (have been cutover).
Alerts – This column shows whether any alerts exist for the wave.
A wave that has at least one application that is experiencing significant issues, such as a stall, will display a Stalled status.
An wave that has at least one application that is experiencing a temporary issue such as lag or backlog will display a Lagging status.
A healthy active wave will display a Healthy status.
Archived waves do not display any alerts.
Number of applications – This column shows the total number of applications associated with each wave.