After you have launched your test instances, open the Amazon EC2 console and SSH or RDP into your test instances in order to ensure that they function correctly. Validate connectivity and perform acceptance tests for your application.
If you encounter any issues and want to launch new Test instances, or if you are performing a scheduled test and plan to perform additional tests prior to cutover, you can revert the test. This will revert your source servers' Migration lifecycle status to Ready for testing , indicating that these servers still require additional testing before they are ready for cutover. During a revert, you will also have the option to delete your Test instances for cost-saving purposes.
To revert a test:
Check the box to the left of every source server that has a launched Test instance for which you want to revert the test.
Open the Test and cutover menu.
Under Testing, choose Revert to "ready for testing".
The Revert testing for X servers dialog will appear. Select whether you want to terminate the launched instances used for testing. It is recommended to terminate these instances, as you will be charged for them even though you will no longer need them. Check the Yes, terminate launched instances (recommended) box and choose Revert.
The AWS Application Migration Service console will indicate that testing has been reverted. The selected source servers' Migration lifecycle column will show the Ready for testing status, the Next step column will show Launch test instance and the launched Test instances will be deleted if that option was selected.