Security on AWS Marketplace
We list software from high-quality sellers, and actively work to maintain the quality of our selection. Because every customer is different, our goal is to provide enough information about the products listed on AWS Marketplace so that customers can make good purchasing decisions.
For information about security for data products from AWS Data Exchange, see Security in the AWS Data Exchange User Guide.
For information about security for sellers on AWS Marketplace, see AWS Marketplace Security in the AWS Marketplace Seller Guide.
Subscriber information shared with sellers
We may share your contact information with our sellers for the following reasons:
If it is necessary for them to provide customer training and technical support.
For software activation, configuration, and customization of content.
Compensate their sales teams internally.
In addition, we may share information such as company name, full address and usage fees with sellers in order for sellers to compensate their sales teams. We may also share certain information with sellers to help them evaluate the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns. Sellers may use this information along with information that they already possess to determine rewards for their sales teams or usage for a particular buyer.
Otherwise, we generally do not share customer information with sellers, and any information shared is not personally identifiable, unless you have given us permission to share such information, or we believe that providing the information to sellers is necessary to comply with laws or regulations.