Creating a CDI flow - AWS Elemental MediaConnect

Creating a CDI flow

A CDI flow transports high-quality uncompressed or lightly compressed content into and out of the AWS Cloud. You can configure a CDI flow to use JPEG XS to transport lightly compressed content. The content is demuxed into separate media streams for audio, video, or ancillary data. Each CDI flow can use multiple media streams for the source and multiple media streams for each output. MediaConnect uses AWS Cloud Digital Interface (AWS CDI) network technology to transport content that adheres to the SMPTE 2110, part 22 transport standard.

CDI flows only support sources from a virtual private cloud (VPC) that you set up using Amazon VPC. You set up your VPC and then create a flow that has an interface to that VPC.

MediaConnect doesn't support two sources on CDI flows. For redundancy with ST 2110 JPEG XS sources, you can specify two inbound VPC interfaces on an individual media stream. For redundancy with CDI sources, create a second flow.


Before you begin this procedure, make sure that the following steps have been completed:

Create an AWS CDI flow (console)

  1. Open the MediaConnect console at

  2. On the Flows page, choose Create flow.

  3. In the Details section, for Name, specify a name for your flow. This name will become part of the ARN for this flow.


    MediaConnect allows you to create multiple flows with the same name. However, we encourage you to use unique flow names within an AWS Region to help with organization. After you create a flow, you can't change the name.

  4. For Availability Zone, choose the Availability Zone where your VPC subnet resides.

  5. In the Source section, for Source type, choose VPC source.

  6. For Name, specify a name for your source. This value is an identifier that is visible only on the MediaConnect console.

  7. Skip to the VPC interface section.

  8. For each VPC that you want to connect to the flow, do the following:

    1. Choose Add VPC interface.

    2. For Name, specify a name for your VPC interface. The name of the VPC interface must be unique within the flow.

    3. For Type, choose the type of network adapter that you want MediaConnect to use on this interface. If you want to use this interface for a CDI source or output, you must choose EFA as the type.

    4. For Role ARN, specify the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role that you created when you set up MediaConnect as a trusted service.

    5. For VPC, choose the ID of the VPC that you want to use.


      If you don't see the VPC that you want in the list, verify that the VPC has been set up in Amazon Virtual Private Cloud and that you have IAM permissions to view the VPC.

    6. For Subnet, choose the VPC subnet that you want MediaConnect to use to set up your VPC configuration. You must choose at least one and can choose as many as you want.

    7. For Security groups, specify the VPC security groups that you want MediaConnect to use to set up your VPC configuration. You must choose at least one security group.

  9. For each media stream that you want to add to the flow, do the following:

    1. In the Media streams section, choose Add media stream.

    2. In the Name field, specify a descriptive name that will help you distinguish this media stream from others in the flow.

    3. For Description, specify a description that will help you remember the use of this media stream.

    4. For Stream ID, specify a unique identifier for the media stream.

      If the source or any of the outputs uses the CDI protocol, specify the value that is expected by the production and playout systems.

      If the source and all outputs use the ST 2110 JPEG XS protocol, specify a value that is unique to that of other media streams within the flow.

    5. Choose Advanced options to display the additional options based on your stream type.

    6. For specific instructions on the advanced options based on your stream type, choose one of the following tabs:

      1. For Stream type, choose Audio.

      2. For Media clock rate, specify the sample rate for the stream. This value is measured in Hz.

      3. For Language, specify the language of the audio. This value should be in a format that the receiver recognizes.

      4. For Channel order, specify the format of the audio channel.

      5. Choose Add media stream.

      1. For Stream type, choose Video.

        For many fields, MediaConnect provides a default value that represents the recommended setting. Change the default value if needed.

      2. Media clock rate is the sample rate for the stream, and is set to 90000. This value is measured in Hz.

      3. For Video format, specify the resolution of the video.

      4. For Exact framerate, specify the frame rate of the video. This value should be represented in frames per second.

      5. For Colorimetry, specify the format that was used for the representation of color in the video.

      6. For Scan mode, specify the method that was used to scan the incoming video.

        • Choose Interlace if the incoming video is interlaced (for example, 480i or 1080i).

        • Choose Progressive if the incoming video is progressive (for example, 720p or 1080p).

        • Choose Progressive segmented frame if the incoming video is PSF (for example, 1080psf).

      7. For TCS, specify the transfer characteristic system (TCS) that was used in the video.

      8. For Range, specify the encoding range of the video.

      9. For PAR, specify the pixel access ratio (PAR) of the video.

      10. Choose Add media stream.

      Ancillary data
      1. For Stream type, choose Ancillary data.

      2. Media clock rate is the sample rate for the stream, and is set to 90000. This value is measured in Hz.

      3. Choose Add media stream.

  10. Scroll back up to the Sources section.

  11. Determine which protocol your source uses.

  12. For specific instructions based on your protocol, choose one of the following tabs:

    1. For Protocol, choose CDI.

    2. For Description, enter a description that will remind you later where this source is from. This might be the company name or notes about the setup.

    3. For Inbound port, specify the port that the flow will listen on for incoming content. This value can be anything from 1024 to 65535, with the exception of 2077 and 2088 (those ports are reserved for other protocols).

    4. For VPC interface, choose the name of the VPC interface that you want to use as the source.

    5. For each media stream that you want to use as part of the source, do the following.

      1. For Media stream name, choose the name of the media stream.

      2. For Encoding name, accept the default value.

        • For ancillary data streams, the encoding name is smpte291.

        • For audio streams, the encoding name is pcm.

        • For video, the encoding name is raw.

    ST 2110 JPEG XS
    1. For Protocol, choose ST 2110 JPEG XS.

    2. For Description, enter a description that will remind you later where this source is from. This might be the company name or notes about the setup.

    3. For Max sync buffer, specify the size of the buffer that you want MediaConnect to use to sync incoming source data. This value is measured in milliseconds (ms).

    4. For VPC interface name 1, choose one of the VPC interfaces that you want to use as a source.

    5. For VPC interface name 2, choose a second VPC interface that you want to use as a source. There is no priority between VPC interfaces 1 and 2.

    6. For each media stream that you want to use as part of the source, do the following.

      1. For Media stream name, choose the name of the media stream.

      2. For Encoding name, accept the default value.

        • For ancillary data streams, the encoding name is smpte291.

        • For audio streams, the encoding name is pcm.

        • For video, the encoding name is jxsv.

      3. For Inbound port, specify the port that the flow will listen on for incoming content. This value can be anything from 1024 to 65535, with the exception of 2077 and 2088 (those ports are reserved for other protocols).

  13. At the bottom of the page, choose Create flow.


    The flow doesn't start automatically. You must start the flow manually.

  14. Add outputs to specify where you want MediaConnect to send the content.

Create an AWS CDI flow (AWS CLI)

To use the AWS CLI to create a flow, you must use the create-flow command. To simplify the flow creation, we suggest you use the create-flow command with the --cli-input-json option. The --cli-input-json option requires you to create a JSON file with the necessary settings for your new flow. Step 1 of this procedure provides an example of one possible way configure this JSON file. For more information about the create-flow command and the --cli-input-json option, see: AWS CLI Command Reference create-flow

  1. Create a JSON file that contains the details of the flow that you want to create.

    The following example shows the structure for the contents of the file. This example uses a JPEG XS source to create a AWS CDI output with the following attributes:

    • 2 Amazon VPC interfaces, 1 EFA (Elastic Fabric Adapter) and 1 ENA (Elastic Network Adapter)

    • 1 video stream, 1 audio stream, and 1 ancillary data stream

    { "Name": "AwardsShow", "MediaStreams": [ { "Attributes": { "Fmtp": { "Colorimetry": "BT709", "ExactFramerate": "60000/1001", "Par": "1:1", "Range": "NARROW", "ScanMode": "progressive", "Tcs": "SDR" } }, "ClockRate": 90000, "MediaStreamId": 0, "MediaStreamName": "video-stream", "MediaStreamType": "video", "VideoFormat": "1080p" }, { "Attributes": { "Fmtp": { "ChannelOrder": "SMPTE2110.(ST)" } }, "ClockRate": 48000, "MediaStreamId": 1, "MediaStreamName": "audio-stream", "MediaStreamType": "audio" }, { "ClockRate": 90000, "MediaStreamId": 2, "MediaStreamName": "anc-stream", "MediaStreamType": "ancillary-data" } ], "Outputs": [ { "Name": "cdi-output", "Protocol": "cdi", "Description": "cdi-output to medialive", "Destination": "", "MediaStreamOutputConfigurations": [ { "EncodingName": "raw", "MediaStreamName": "video-stream" }, { "EncodingName": "pcm", "MediaStreamName": "audio-stream" } ], "Port": 5000, "VpcInterfaceAttachment": { "VpcInterfaceName": "efa-name" } } ], "Source": { "Name": "jxs-input", "Protocol": "st2110-jpegxs", "Description": "jxs-input to cdi-output", "MaxSyncBuffer": 100, "MediaStreamSourceConfigurations": [ { "EncodingName": "jxsv", "InputConfigurations": [ { "InputPort": 5011, "Interface": { "Name": "efa-name" } }, { "InputPort": 5011, "Interface": { "Name": "ena-name" } } ], "MediaStreamName": "video-stream" }, { "EncodingName": "pcm", "InputConfigurations": [ { "InputPort": 5001, "Interface": { "Name": "efa-name" } }, { "InputPort": 5001, "Interface": { "Name": "ena-name" } } ], "MediaStreamName": "audio-stream" } ] }, "VpcInterfaces": [ { "Name": "efa-name", "NetworkInterfaceType": "efa", "RoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/MediaConnectAccessRole", "SecurityGroupIds": [ "sg-1234567890abcdef0" ], "SubnetId": "subnet-abcdef01234567890" }, { "Name": "ena-name", "NetworkInterfaceType": "ena", "RoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/MediaConnectAccessRole", "SecurityGroupIds": [ "sg-1234567890abcdef0" ], "SubnetId": "subnet-abcdef01234567890" } ] }
  2. In the AWS CLI, use the create-flow command.

    aws mediaconnect create-flow --cli-input-json file://filename.json --profile YourProfile

    The following example shows the return value:

    { "Flow": { "AvailabilityZone": "us-west-2a", "Description": "jxs-input to cdi-output", "EgressIp": "", "Entitlements": [], "FlowArn": "arn:aws:mediaconnect:us-west-2:111122223333:flow:1-DwtfUlYOUVABAQNR-c94d84ce4215:AwardsShow", "MediaStreams": [ { "Attributes": { "Fmtp": { "Colorimetry": "BT709", "ExactFramerate": "60000/1001", "Par": "1:1", "Range": "NARROW", "ScanMode": "progressive", "Tcs": "SDR" } }, "ClockRate": 90000, "Fmt": 96, "MediaStreamId": 0, "MediaStreamName": "video-stream", "MediaStreamType": "video", "VideoFormat": "1080p" }, { "Attributes": { "Fmtp": { "ChannelOrder": "SMPTE2110.(ST)" } }, "ClockRate": 48000, "Fmt": 97, "MediaStreamId": 1, "MediaStreamName": "audio-stream", "MediaStreamType": "audio" }, { "ClockRate": 90000, "Fmt": 98, "MediaStreamId": 2, "MediaStreamName": "anc-stream", "MediaStreamType": "ancillary-data" } ], "Name": "AwardsShow", "Outputs": [ { "Description": "cdi-output to medialive", "Destination": "", "MediaStreamOutputConfigurations": [ { "EncodingName": "raw", "MediaStreamName": "video-stream" }, { "EncodingName": "pcm", "MediaStreamName": "audio-stream" } ], "Name": "cdi-output", "OutputArn": "arn:aws:mediaconnect:us-west-2:111122223333:output:1-DwtfUlYOUVABAQNR-c94d84ce4215:cdi-output", "Port": 5000, "Transport": { "Protocol": "cdi" }, "VpcInterfaceAttachment": { "VpcInterfaceName": "efa-name" } } ], "Source": { "Description": "jxs-input to cdi-output", "MediaStreamSourceConfigurations": [ { "EncodingName": "jxs-input", "InputConfigurations": [ { "InputIp": "", "InputPort": 5011, "Interface": { "Name": "efa-name" } }, { "InputIp": "", "InputPort": 5011, "Interface": { "Name": "ena-name" } } ], "MediaStreamName": "video-stream" }, { "EncodingName": "pcm", "InputConfigurations": [ { "InputIp": "", "InputPort": 5001, "Interface": { "Name": "efa-name" } }, { "InputIp": "", "InputPort": 5001, "Interface": { "Name": "ena-name" } } ], "MediaStreamName": "audio-stream" } ], "Name": "jxs-input", "SourceArn": "arn:aws:mediaconnect:us-west-2:111122223333:source:1-DwtfUlYOUVABAQNR-c94d84ce4215:jxs-input", "Transport": { "MaxSyncBuffer": 100, "Protocol": "st2110-jpegxs" } }, "Sources": [ { "Description": "jxs-input to cdi-output", "MediaStreamSourceConfigurations": [ { "EncodingName": "jxsv", "InputConfigurations": [ { "InputIp": "", "InputPort": 5011, "Interface": { "Name": "efa-name" } }, { "InputIp": "", "InputPort": 5011, "Interface": { "Name": "ena-name" } } ], "MediaStreamName": "video-stream" }, { "EncodingName": "pcm", "InputConfigurations": [ { "InputIp": "", "InputPort": 5001, "Interface": { "Name": "efa-name" } }, { "InputIp": "", "InputPort": 5001, "Interface": { "Name": "ena-name" } } ], "MediaStreamName": "audio-stream" } ], "Name": "jxs-input", "SourceArn": "arn:aws:mediaconnect:us-west-2:111122223333:source:1-DwtfUlYOUVABAQNR-c94d84ce4215:jxs-input", "Transport": { "MaxSyncBuffer": 100, "Protocol": "st2110-jpegxs" } } ], "Status": "STANDBY", "VpcInterfaces": [ { "Name": "efa-name", "NetworkInterfaceIds": [ "eni-0ae6ca9ea6673a2a7" ], "NetworkInterfaceType": "efa", "RoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/MediaConnectAccessRole", "SecurityGroupIds": [ "sg-1234567890abcdef0" ], "SubnetId": "subnet-abcdef01234567890" }, { "Name": "ena-name", "NetworkInterfaceIds": [ "eni-0cbabcf978eeb00a2" ], "NetworkInterfaceType": "ena", "RoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/MediaConnectAccessRole", "SecurityGroupIds": [ "sg-1234567890abcdef0" ], "SubnetId": "subnet-abcdef01234567890" } ] } }