To remove a gateway, you must first remove all of its components, such as its networks, instances, and bridges. The following is the process for removing a gateway and its components.
The following procedure assumes that you have previously created at least one MediaConnect Gateway.
You can remove a gateway using the console or the AWS CLI.
To remove a gateway using the console
Open the MediaConnect console at
. -
From the navigation pane, select Gateways. In the Gateways section, select the gateway you want to delete.
On the MediaConnect Gateway details page, select the Bridges tab. Complete the following steps to delete the bridges:
Select the bridge you want to delete.
If the bridge has been started, select Stop.
When the bridge is stopped, select Delete.
Confirm the deletion of the bridge by selecting Delete bridge.
Repeat these steps for any additional bridges you need to delete.
Return to the gateway's Details page, select the Instances tab. Complete the following steps to delete the instances:
Select the instance you want to delete.
Select Deregister.
Confirm the deregistration of the instance by selecting Deregister instance.
Repeat these steps for any additional instances you need to deregister.
OPTIONAL: If you want to reuse the instance for Amazon ECS Anywhere or as another gateway instance, you will need to complete the following steps. If not, continue with Step 5.
Make sure that the Instance state is Deregistered for the instance you want to reuse.
From a computer with the access to do so, connect to the instance using SSH.
Run the following commands, in order:
sudo docker stop $(sudo docker ps -f "name=MediaConnectGatewayAgent" -q); \ sudo docker stop ecs-agent; \ sudo systemctl stop ecs amazon-ssm-agent; \ sudo yum remove -y amazon-ecs-init amazon-ssm-agent; `# or apt or snap as needed` \ sudo rm /var/lib/ecs /etc/ecs /var/lib/amazon/ssm /var/log/ecs /var/log/amazon/ssm -rf; \ sudo docker rm -f ecs-agent ssm-agent; \ sudo docker container rm -f $(sudo docker ps -a -f "name=MediaConnectGatewayAgent" -q); \ sudo docker volume rm -f ecsdata docker run; \ sudo pkill -f -KILL network_bootstra[p]; \ sudo pkill -KILL mcproxy;
After successfully deleting all bridges and deregistering all instances associated with the gateway, you may delete the gateway. Deleting the gateway will delete all networks created under that gateway.
From the navigation pane, select Gateways.
In the Gateways section, select the gateway that you want to delete to view that gateway's Details page.
Choose the Delete button.
Confirm the deletion of the gateway by choosing Delete gateway.