You enable thumbnails separately in each flow. You can enable thumbnails when you are creating the flow, or you can enable them in an existing flow.
After you have enabled thumbnails, MediaConnect automatically starts to generate them whenever the flow is active.
Enabling when you create a
In the flow that you are creating, go to the Source monitor configuration section, and move the Thumbnails state slider to Enabled.
When you start the new flow, MediaConnect will start to generate thumbnails.
Enabling in an existing flow
On the left navigation bar, choose Flows. Select the flow by its name.
On the flow Details page, choose the Sources tab. In the Source monitoring configuration section, choose Edit.
Move the Thumbnails state slider to Enabled, then choose Update.
If the flow is currently active, MediaConnect starts to generate thumbnails. You can enable and disable the thumbnails as often as you want, when the flow is active or inactive.
Viewing thumbnails
When thumbnails are enabled in an active flow, MediaConnect automatically generates thumbnails and displays them in the flow Details page, in the Preview section.
If the flow becomes inactive, the thumbnail preview stops refreshing. After a few seconds, the preview is replaced by a message.
Viewing thumbnails on several flows
You might open several instances of the MediaConnect console, one instance for each active flow. You can do this, but if you enable thumbnails in all the instances, there might be issues with displaying thumbnails in one or more of the instances.
We recommend that you enable thumbnails on only one active flow at a time, and disable it on other active flows.
Disabling thumbnails
You can disable thumbnails on an active or inactive flow. If the flow is active, you don't have to stop it first.
Go to the flow Details page, choose the Sources tab, and move the Thumbnails state slider to Disabled. Then choose Update.