Control attribute conversion - AWS SDK for Java 2.x

Control attribute conversion

By default, a table schema provides converters for many common Java types through a default implementation of the AttributeConverterProvider interface. You can change the overall default behavior with a custom AttributeConverterProvider implementation. You can also change the converter for a single attribute.

For a list of available converters, see the AttributeConverter interface Java doc.

Provide custom attribute converter providers

You can provide a single AttributeConverterProvider or a chain of ordered AttributeConverterProviders through the @DynamoDbBean (converterProviders = {…}) annotation. Any custom AttributeConverterProvider must extend the AttributeConverterProvider interface.

Note that if you supply your own chain of attribute converter providers, you will override the default converter provider, DefaultAttributeConverterProvider. If you want to use the functionality of the DefaultAttributeConverterProvider, you must include it in the chain.

It's also possible to annotate the bean with an empty array {}. This disables the use of any attribute converter providers, including the default. In this case all attributes that are to be mapped must have their own attribute converter.

The following snippet shows a single converter provider.

@DynamoDbBean(converterProviders = ConverterProvider1.class) public class Customer { }

The following snippet shows the use of a chain of converter providers. Since the SDK default is provided last, it has the lowest priority.

@DynamoDbBean(converterProviders = { ConverterProvider1.class, ConverterProvider2.class, DefaultAttributeConverterProvider.class}) public class Customer { }

The static table schema builders have an attributeConverterProviders() method that works the same way. This is shown in the following snippet.

private static final StaticTableSchema<Customer> CUSTOMER_TABLE_SCHEMA = StaticTableSchema.builder(Customer.class) .newItemSupplier(Customer::new) .addAttribute(String.class, a ->"name") a.getter(Customer::getName) a.setter(Customer::setName)) .attributeConverterProviders(converterProvider1, converterProvider2) .build();

Override the mapping of a single attribute

To override the way a single attribute is mapped, supply an AttributeConverter for the attribute. This addition overrides any converters provided by AttributeConverterProviders in the table schema. This adds a custom converter for only that attribute. Other attributes, even those of the same type, won't use that converter unless it is explicitly specified for those other attributes.

The @DynamoDbConvertedBy annotation is used to specify the custom AttributeConverter class as shown in the following snippet.

@DynamoDbBean public class Customer { private String name; @DynamoDbConvertedBy(CustomAttributeConverter.class) public String getName() { return; } public void setName(String name) { = name;} }

The builders for static schemas have an equivalent attribute builder attributeConverter() method. This method takes an instance of an AttributeConverter as the following shows.

private static final StaticTableSchema<Customer> CUSTOMER_TABLE_SCHEMA = StaticTableSchema.builder(Customer.class) .newItemSupplier(Customer::new) .addAttribute(String.class, a ->"name") a.getter(Customer::getName) a.setter(Customer::setName) a.attributeConverter(customAttributeConverter)) .build();


This example shows an AttributeConverterProvider implementation that provides an attribute converter for objects.

The following SimpleUser class contains an attribute named lastUsedCookie that is an instance of HttpCookie.

The parameter to the @DynamoDbBean annotations lists the two AttributeConverterProvider classes that provide converters.

Class with annotations
@DynamoDbBean(converterProviders = {CookieConverterProvider.class, DefaultAttributeConverterProvider.class}) public static final class SimpleUser { private String name; private HttpCookie lastUsedCookie; @DynamoDbPartitionKey public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public HttpCookie getLastUsedCookie() { return lastUsedCookie; } public void setLastUsedCookie(HttpCookie lastUsedCookie) { this.lastUsedCookie = lastUsedCookie; }
Static table schema
private static final TableSchema<SimpleUser> SIMPLE_USER_TABLE_SCHEMA = TableSchema.builder(SimpleUser.class) .newItemSupplier(SimpleUser::new) .attributeConverterProviders(CookieConverterProvider.create(), AttributeConverterProvider.defaultProvider()) .addAttribute(String.class, a ->"name") .setter(SimpleUser::setName) .getter(SimpleUser::getName) .tags(StaticAttributeTags.primaryPartitionKey())) .addAttribute(HttpCookie.class, a ->"lastUsedCookie") .setter(SimpleUser::setLastUsedCookie) .getter(SimpleUser::getLastUsedCookie)) .build();

The CookieConverterProvider in the following example provides an instance of an HttpCookeConverter.

public static final class CookieConverterProvider implements AttributeConverterProvider { private final Map<EnhancedType<?>, AttributeConverter<?>> converterCache = ImmutableMap.of( // 1. Add HttpCookieConverter to the internal cache. EnhancedType.of(HttpCookie.class), new HttpCookieConverter()); public static CookieConverterProvider create() { return new CookieConverterProvider(); } // The SDK calls this method to find out if the provider contains a AttributeConverter instance // for the EnhancedType<T> argument. @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public <T> AttributeConverter<T> converterFor(EnhancedType<T> enhancedType) { return (AttributeConverter<T>) converterCache.get(enhancedType); } }

Conversion code

In the transformFrom() method of the following HttpCookieConverter class, the code receives an HttpCookie instance and transforms it into a DynamoDB map that is stored as an attribute.

The transformTo() method receives a DynamoDB map parameter, then invokes the HttpCookie constructor that requires a name and a value.

public static final class HttpCookieConverter implements AttributeConverter<HttpCookie> { @Override public AttributeValue transformFrom(HttpCookie httpCookie) { return AttributeValue.fromM( Map.of ("cookieName", AttributeValue.fromS(httpCookie.getName()), "cookieValue", AttributeValue.fromS(httpCookie.getValue())) ); } @Override public HttpCookie transformTo(AttributeValue attributeValue) { Map<String, AttributeValue> map = attributeValue.m(); return new HttpCookie( map.get("cookieName").s(), map.get("cookieValue").s()); } @Override public EnhancedType<HttpCookie> type() { return EnhancedType.of(HttpCookie.class); } @Override public AttributeValueType attributeValueType() { return AttributeValueType.M; } }