Configure HTTP proxies - AWS SDK for Java 2.x

Configure HTTP proxies

You can configure HTTP proxies by using code, by setting Java system properties, or by setting environment variables.

Configure in code

You configure proxies in code with a client-specific ProxyConfiguration builder when you build the service client. The following code shows an example proxy configuration for an Apache-based HTTP client that is used by an Amazon S3 service client.

SdkHttpClient httpClient1 = ApacheHttpClient.builder() .proxyConfiguration(ProxyConfiguration.builder() .endpoint(URI.create("")) .username("username") .password("password") .addNonProxyHost("localhost") .build()) .build(); S3Client s3Client = S3Client.builder() .httpClient(httpClient) .build();

The section for each HTTP client in this topic shows a proxy configuration example.

Configure HTTP proxies with external settings

Even if you don't explicitly use a ProxyConfiguration builder in code, the SDK looks for external settings to configure a default proxy configuration.

By default, the SDK first searches for JVM system properties. If even one property is found, the SDK uses the value and any other system property values. If no system properties are available, the SDK looks for proxy environment variables.

The SDK can use the following Java system properties and environment variables.

Java system properties
System property Description HTTP client support


Host name of the HTTP proxy server



Port number of the HTTP proxy server



Username for HTTP proxy authentication



Password for HTTP proxy authentication



List of hosts that should be reached directly, bypassing the proxy. This list is also valid when HTTPS is used.



Host name of the HTTPS proxy server

Netty, CRT


Port number of the HTTPS proxy server

Netty, CRT


Username for HTTPS proxy authentication

Netty, CRT
https.proxyPassword Password for HTTPS proxy authentication Netty, CRT
Environment variables
Environment variable Description HTTP client support

A valid URL with a scheme of HTTP



A valid URL with a scheme of HTTPS

Netty, CRT


List of hosts that should be reached directly, bypassing the proxy. The list is valid for both HTTP and HTTPS.


All - All HTTP clients offered by the SDK–UrlConnectionHttpClient, ApacheHttpClient, NettyNioAsyncHttpClient, AwsCrtAsyncHttpClient.

Netty - The Netty-based HTTP client (NettyNioAsyncHttpClient).

CRT - The AWS CRT-based HTTP clients, (AwsCrtHttpClient and AwsCrtAsyncHttpClient).

1The environment variable queried, whether HTTP_PROXY or HTTPS_PROXY, depends on the scheme setting in the client's ProxyConfiguration. The default scheme is HTTP. The following snippet shows how to change the scheme to HTTPS used for environment variable resolution.

SdkHttpClient httpClient = ApacheHttpClient.builder() .proxyConfiguration(ProxyConfiguration.builder() .scheme("https") .build()) .build();

2The NO_PROXY environment variable supports a mix of "|" and "," separators between host names. Host names may include the "*" wildcard.

Use a combination of settings

You can use a combination of HTTP proxy settings in code, system properties, and environment variables.

Example – configuration provided by a system property and by code
// Command line with the proxy password set as a system property. $ java -Dhttp.proxyPassword=SYS_PROP_password -cp ... App // Since the 'useSystemPropertyValues' setting is 'true' (the default), the SDK will supplement // the proxy configuration in code with the 'http.proxyPassword' value from the system property. SdkHttpClient apacheHttpClient = ApacheHttpClient.builder() .proxyConfiguration(ProxyConfiguration.builder() .endpoint(URI.create("http://localhost:1234")) .username("username") .build()) .build(); // Use the apache HTTP client with proxy configuration. DynamoDbClient dynamoDbClient = DynamoDbClient.builder() .httpClient(apacheHttpClient) .build();

The SDK resolves the following proxy settings.

Host = localhost Port = 1234 Password = SYS_PROP_password UserName = username Non ProxyHost = null
Example – both system properties and environment variables are available

Each HTTP client's ProxyConfiguration builder offers settings named useSystemPropertyValues and useEnvironmentVariablesValues. By default, both setting are true. When true, the SDK automatically uses values from system properties or environment variables for options that are not provided by the ProxyConfiguration builder.


System properties take precedence over environment variables. If an HTTP proxy system property is found, the SDK retrieves all values from system properties and none from environment variables. If you want to prioritize environment variables over system properties, set useSystemPropertyValues to false.

For this example, the following settings are available a runtime:

// System properties http.proxyPort=2222 http.password=SYS_PROP_PASSWORD http.user=SYS_PROP_USER // Environment variables HTTP_PROXY="http://EnvironmentUser:EnvironmentPassword@ENV_VAR_HOST:3333" NO_PROXY=","

The service client is created with one of the following statements. None of the statements explicitly set a proxy setting.

DynamoDbClient client = DynamoDbClient.create(); DynamoDbClient client = DynamoDbClient.builder().build(); DynamoDbClient client = DynamoDbClient.builder() .httpClient(ApacheHttpClient.builder() .proxyConfiguration(ProxyConfiguration.builder() .build()) .build()) .build();

The following proxy settings are resolved by the SDK:

Host = Port = 2222 Password = SYS_PROP_PASSWORD UserName = SYS_PROP_USER Non ProxyHost = null

Because the service client has default proxy settings, the SDK searches for system properties and then environment variables. Since system properties settings take precedence over environment variables, the SDK uses only system properties.

If the use of system properties is changed to false as shown in the following code, the SDK resolves only the environment variables.

DynamoDbClient client = DynamoDbClient.builder() .httpClient(ApacheHttpClient.builder() .proxyConfiguration(ProxyConfiguration.builder() .useSystemPropertyValues(Boolean.FALSE) .build()) .build()) .build();

The resolved proxy settings using HTTP are:

Host = ENV_VAR_HOST Port = 3333 Password = EnvironmentPassword UserName = EnvironmentUser Non ProxyHost =,