Learn the basics of the DynamoDB Enhanced Client API
This topic discusses the basic features of the DynamoDB Enhanced Client API and compares it to the standard DynamoDB client API
If you are new to the DynamoDB Enhanced Client API, we recommend that you go through the introductory tutorial to familiarize yourself with fundamental classes.
DynamoDB items in Java
DynamoDB tables store items. Depending on your use case, items on the Java side can take the form of statically structured data or structures created dynamically.
If your use case calls for items with a consistent set of attributes, use annotated classes or use a builder to generate the appropriate
statically-typed TableSchema
Alternatively, if you need to store items that consist of varying structures, create a
. DocumentTableSchema
is part of the Enhanced Document API and requires only a statically-typed primary
key and works with EnhancedDocument
instances to hold the data elements. The
Enhanced Document API is covered in another topic.
Attribute types for data model classes
Although DynamoDB supports a small number of attribute types compared to the rich type system of Java, the DynamoDB Enhanced Client API provides mechanisms to convert members of a Java class to and from DynamoDB attribute types.
The attribute types (properties) of your Java data classes should be objects types, not
primitives. For example, always use Long
and Integer
object data
types, not long
and int
By default, the DynamoDB Enhanced Client API supports attribute converters for a large number of types,
such as Integer
To store the data for an attribute type that isn't supported by default or doesn't conform
to the JavaBean convention, you can write a custom AttributeConverter
implementation to do the conversion. See the attribute conversion section for an example.
To store the data for an attribute type whose class conforms to the Java beans specification (or an immutable data class), you can take two approaches.
If you have access to the source file, you can annotate the class with
). The section that discusses nested attributes shows examples of using annotated classes.
If do not have access to the source file of the JavaBean data class for the attribute (or you don't want to annotate the source file of a class that you do have access to), then you can use the builder approach. This creates a table schema without defining the keys. Then, you can nest this table schema inside another table schema to perform the mapping. The nested attribute section has an example showing use of nested schemas.
Null values
When you use the putItem
method, the enhanced client does not include
null-valued attributes of a mapped data object in the request to DynamoDB.
The SDK's default behavior for updateItem
requests removes attributes from
the item in DynamoDB that are set to null in the object that you submit in the
method. If you intend to update some attribute values and keep the
others unchanged, you have two options.
Retrieve the item (by using
) before you make changes to values. By using this approach, the SDK submits all updated and old values to DynamoDB. -
Use either the
when you build the request to update the item. Both modes ignore null-valued properties in the object that represent scalar attributes in DynamoDB. The Update items that contain complex types topic in this guide contains more information about theIgnoreNullsMode
values and how to work with complex types.
The following example demonstrates ignoreNullsMode()
for the
public static void updateItemNullsExample() {
Customer customer = new Customer();
logger.info("Original customer: {}", customer);
// Put item with values for all attributes.
try {
} catch (RuntimeException rte) {
logger.error("A exception occurred during putItem: {}", rte.getCause().getMessage(), rte);
// Create a Customer instance with the same 'id' and 'email' values, but a different 'name' value.
// Do not set the 'registrationDate' attribute.
Customer customerForUpdate = new Customer();
// Update item without setting the 'registrationDate' property and set IgnoreNullsMode to SCALAR_ONLY.
try {
Customer updatedWithNullsIgnored = customerAsyncDynamoDbTable.updateItem(b -> b
logger.info("Customer updated with nulls ignored: {}", updatedWithNullsIgnored.toString());
} catch (RuntimeException rte) {
logger.error("An exception occurred during updateItem: {}", rte.getCause().getMessage(), rte);
// Update item without setting the registrationDate attribute and not setting ignoreNulls to true.
try {
Customer updatedWithNullsUsed = customerAsyncDynamoDbTable.updateItem(customerForUpdate)
logger.info("Customer updated with nulls used: {}", updatedWithNullsUsed.toString());
} catch (RuntimeException rte) {
logger.error("An exception occurred during updateItem: {}", rte.getCause().getMessage(), rte);
// Logged lines.
Original customer: Customer [id=1, name=CustomerName, email=email, regDate=2024-10-11T14:12:30.222858Z]
Customer updated with nulls ignored: Customer [id=1, name=NewName, email=email, regDate=2024-10-11T14:12:30.222858Z]
Customer updated with nulls used: Customer [id=1, name=NewName, email=email, regDate=null]
DynamoDB Enhanced Client basic methods
Basic methods of the enhanced client map to the DynamoDB service operations that they're named after. The following examples show the simplest variation of each method. You can customize each method by passing in an enhanced request object. Enhanced request objects offer most of the features available in the standard DynamoDB client. They are fully documented in the AWS SDK for Java 2.x API Reference.
The example uses the Customer class shown previously.
// CreateTable
// GetItem
Customer customer = customerTable.getItem(Key.builder().partitionValue("a123").build());
// UpdateItem
Customer updatedCustomer = customerTable.updateItem(customer);
// PutItem
// DeleteItem
Customer deletedCustomer = customerTable.deleteItem(Key.builder().partitionValue("a123").sortValue(456).build());
// Query
PageIterable<Customer> customers = customerTable.query(keyEqualTo(k -> k.partitionValue("a123")));
// Scan
PageIterable<Customer> customers = customerTable.scan();
// BatchGetItem
BatchGetResultPageIterable batchResults =
enhancedClient.batchGetItem(r -> r.addReadBatch(ReadBatch.builder(Customer.class)
// BatchWriteItem
batchResults = enhancedClient.batchWriteItem(r -> r.addWriteBatch(WriteBatch.builder(Customer.class)
// TransactGetItems
transactResults = enhancedClient.transactGetItems(r -> r.addGetItem(customerTable, key1)
.addGetItem(customerTable, key2));
// TransactWriteItems
enhancedClient.transactWriteItems(r -> r.addConditionCheck(customerTable,
i -> i.key(orderKey)
.addUpdateItem(customerTable, customer)
.addDeleteItem(customerTable, key));
Compare DynamoDB Enhanced Client to standard DynamoDB client
Both DynamoDB client APIs—standard
While both client APIs support data-level operations, the standard DynamoDB client also supports resource-level operations. Resource-level operations manage the database, such as creating backups, listing tables, and updating tables. The enhanced client API supports a select number of resource-level operations such as creating, describing, and deleting tables.
To illustrate the different approaches used by the two client APIs, the following code
examples show the creation of the same ProductCatalog
table using the standard
client and the enhanced client.
Compare: Create a table using the standard DynamoDB client
DependencyFactory.dynamoDbClient().createTable(builder -> builder
b -> b.attributeName("id").attributeType(ScalarAttributeType.N),
b -> b.attributeName("title").attributeType(ScalarAttributeType.S),
b -> b.attributeName("isbn").attributeType(ScalarAttributeType.S)
builder1 -> builder1.attributeName("id").keyType(KeyType.HASH),
builder2 -> builder2.attributeName("title").keyType(KeyType.RANGE)
.globalSecondaryIndexes(builder3 -> builder3
.keySchema(builder2 -> builder2
.projection(builder2 -> builder2
.nonKeyAttributes("price", "authors"))
.provisionedThroughput(builder4 -> builder4
.provisionedThroughput(builder1 -> builder1
Compare: Create a table using the DynamoDB Enhanced Client
DynamoDbEnhancedClient enhancedClient = DependencyFactory.enhancedClient();
productCatalog = enhancedClient.table(TABLE_NAME, TableSchema.fromImmutableClass(ProductCatalog.class));
productCatalog.createTable(b -> b
.provisionedThroughput(b1 -> b1.readCapacityUnits(5L).writeCapacityUnits(5L))
.globalSecondaryIndices(b2 -> b2.indexName("products_by_isbn")
.projection(b4 -> b4
.nonKeyAttributes("price", "authors"))
.provisionedThroughput(b3 -> b3.writeCapacityUnits(5L).readCapacityUnits(5L))
The enhanced client uses the following annotated data class. The DynamoDB Enhanced Client maps Java data
types to DynamoDB data types for less verbose code that is easier to follow.
is an example of using an immutable class with the DynamoDB Enhanced Client.
The use of Immutable classes for mapped data classes is discussed later in this topic.
package org.example.tests.model;
import software.amazon.awssdk.enhanced.dynamodb.mapper.annotations.DynamoDbIgnore;
import software.amazon.awssdk.enhanced.dynamodb.mapper.annotations.DynamoDbImmutable;
import software.amazon.awssdk.enhanced.dynamodb.mapper.annotations.DynamoDbPartitionKey;
import software.amazon.awssdk.enhanced.dynamodb.mapper.annotations.DynamoDbSecondaryPartitionKey;
import software.amazon.awssdk.enhanced.dynamodb.mapper.annotations.DynamoDbSortKey;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
@DynamoDbImmutable(builder = ProductCatalog.Builder.class)
public class ProductCatalog implements Comparable<ProductCatalog> {
private Integer id;
private String title;
private String isbn;
private Set<String> authors;
private BigDecimal price;
private ProductCatalog(Builder builder){
this.authors = builder.authors;
this.id = builder.id;
this.isbn = builder.isbn;
this.price = builder.price;
this.title = builder.title;
public static Builder builder(){ return new Builder(); }
public Integer id() { return id; }
public String title() { return title; }
@DynamoDbSecondaryPartitionKey(indexNames = "products_by_isbn")
public String isbn() { return isbn; }
public Set<String> authors() { return authors; }
public BigDecimal price() { return price; }
public static final class Builder {
private Integer id;
private String title;
private String isbn;
private Set<String> authors;
private BigDecimal price;
private Builder(){}
public Builder id(Integer id) { this.id = id; return this; }
public Builder title(String title) { this.title = title; return this; }
public Builder isbn(String ISBN) { this.isbn = ISBN; return this; }
public Builder authors(Set<String> authors) { this.authors = authors; return this; }
public Builder price(BigDecimal price) { this.price = price; return this; }
public ProductCatalog build() { return new ProductCatalog(this); }
public String toString() {
final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("ProductCatalog{");
sb.append(", title='").append(title).append('\'');
sb.append(", isbn='").append(isbn).append('\'');
sb.append(", authors=").append(authors);
sb.append(", price=").append(price);
return sb.toString();
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
ProductCatalog that = (ProductCatalog) o;
return id.equals(that.id) && title.equals(that.title) && Objects.equals(isbn, that.isbn) && Objects.equals(authors, that.authors) && Objects.equals(price, that.price);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(id, title, isbn, authors, price);
public int compareTo(ProductCatalog other) {
if (this.id.compareTo(other.id) != 0){
return this.id.compareTo(other.id);
} else {
return this.title.compareTo(other.title);
The following two code examples of a batch write illustrate the verboseness and lack of type safety when using the standard client as opposed to the enhanced client.
public static void batchWriteStandard(DynamoDbClient dynamoDbClient, String tableName) {
Map<String, AttributeValue> catalogItem = Map.of(
"authors", AttributeValue.builder().ss("a", "b").build(),
"id", AttributeValue.builder().n("1").build(),
"isbn", AttributeValue.builder().s("1-565-85698").build(),
"title", AttributeValue.builder().s("Title 1").build(),
"price", AttributeValue.builder().n("52.13").build());
Map<String, AttributeValue> catalogItem2 = Map.of(
"authors", AttributeValue.builder().ss("a", "b", "c").build(),
"id", AttributeValue.builder().n("2").build(),
"isbn", AttributeValue.builder().s("1-208-98073").build(),
"title", AttributeValue.builder().s("Title 2").build(),
"price", AttributeValue.builder().n("21.99").build());
Map<String, AttributeValue> catalogItem3 = Map.of(
"authors", AttributeValue.builder().ss("g", "k", "c").build(),
"id", AttributeValue.builder().n("3").build(),
"isbn", AttributeValue.builder().s("7-236-98618").build(),
"title", AttributeValue.builder().s("Title 3").build(),
"price", AttributeValue.builder().n("42.00").build());
Set<WriteRequest> writeRequests = Set.of(
WriteRequest.builder().putRequest(b -> b.item(catalogItem)).build(),
WriteRequest.builder().putRequest(b -> b.item(catalogItem2)).build(),
WriteRequest.builder().putRequest(b -> b.item(catalogItem3)).build());
Map<String, Set<WriteRequest>> productCatalogItems = Map.of(
"ProductCatalog", writeRequests);
BatchWriteItemResponse response = dynamoDbClient.batchWriteItem(b -> b.requestItems(productCatalogItems));
logger.info("Unprocessed items: " + response.unprocessedItems().size());
public static void batchWriteEnhanced(DynamoDbTable<ProductCatalog> productCatalog) {
ProductCatalog prod = ProductCatalog.builder()
.authors(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("a", "b")))
.title("Title 1")
ProductCatalog prod2 = ProductCatalog.builder()
.authors(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c")))
.title("Title 2")
ProductCatalog prod3 = ProductCatalog.builder()
.authors(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("g", "k", "c")))
.title("Title 3")
BatchWriteResult batchWriteResult = DependencyFactory.enhancedClient()
.batchWriteItem(b -> b.writeBatches(
logger.info("Unprocessed items: " + batchWriteResult.unprocessedPutItemsForTable(productCatalog).size());