The structure holding all the information returned by AnalyzeExpense
- Blocks
This is a block object, the same as reported when DetectDocumentText is run on a document. It provides word level recognition of text.
Type: Array of Block objects
Required: No
- ExpenseIndex
Denotes which invoice or receipt in the document the information is coming from. First document will be 1, the second 2, and so on.
Type: Integer
Valid Range: Minimum value of 0.
Required: No
- LineItemGroups
Information detected on each table of a document, seperated into
.Type: Array of LineItemGroup objects
Required: No
- SummaryFields
Any information found outside of a table by Amazon Textract.
Type: Array of ExpenseField objects
Required: No
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: