Pages - Amazon Textract


A document consists of one or more pages. A Block object of type PAGE exists for each page of the document. A PAGE block object contains a list of the child IDs for the lines of text, key-value pairs, tables, Queries, and Query Results that are detected on the document page.

Document structure diagram showing Page containing Line, Table, Key-Value Set, Query, and Queries Result components.

The JSON for a PAGE block looks similar to the following.

{ "Geometry": .... "Relationships": [ { "Type": "CHILD", "Ids": [ "2602b0a6-20e3-4e6e-9e46-3be57fd0844b", // Line - Hello, world. "82aedd57-187f-43dd-9eb1-4f312ca30042", // Line - How are you? "52be1777-53f7-42f6-a7cf-6d09bdc15a30", "7ca7caa6-00ef-4cda-b1aa-5571dfed1a7c" ] } ], "BlockType": "PAGE", "Id": "8136b2dc-37c1-4300-a9da-6ed8b276ea97" // Page identifier },

If you're using asynchronous operations with a multipage document that's in PDF format, you can determine the page that a block is located on by inspecting the Page field of the Block object. A scanned image (an image in JPEG, PNG, PDF, or TIFF format) is considered to be a single-page document, even if there's more than one document page on the image. Asynchronous operations always return a Page value of 1 for scanned images.

The total number of pages is returned in the Pages field of DocumentMetadata. DocumentMetadata is returned with each list of Block objects returned by an Amazon Textract operation.