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使用 CloudHSM CLI 列出用户的密钥

使用 CloudHSM CLI 列出用户的密钥 - AWS CloudHSM



使用 CloudHSM CLI 中的key list命令查找集群中当前 AWS CloudHSM 用户的所有密钥。输出包含用户拥有和共享的密钥,以及 CloudHSM 集群中的所有公有密钥。



  • 管理员 () COs

  • 加密用户 (CUs)


aws-cloudhsm > help key list List the keys the current user owns, shares, and all public keys in the HSM cluster Usage: key list [OPTIONS] Options: --cluster-id <CLUSTER_ID> Unique Id to choose which of the clusters in the config file to run the operation against. If not provided, will fall back to the value provided when interactive mode was started, or error --filter [<FILTER>...] Key reference (e.g. key-reference=0xabc) or space separated list of key attributes in the form of attr.KEY_ATTRIBUTE_NAME=KEY_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE to select matching key(s) to list --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> The total number of items to return in the command's output. If the total number of items available is more than the value specified, a next-token is provided in the command's output. To resume pagination, provide the next-token value in the starting-token argument of a subsequent command [default: 10] --starting-token <STARTING_TOKEN> A token to specify where to start paginating. This is the next-token from a previously truncated response -v, --verbose If included, prints all attributes and key information for each matched key. By default each matched key only displays its key-reference and label attribute. This flag when used by Admins has no effect -h, --help Print help


以下示例显示运行 key list 命令的不同方式。以下示例显示了作为加密用户的输出。

例 示例:查找所有密钥-默认

此命令列出了 AWS CloudHSM 集群中已登录用户的密钥。


默认情况下,仅显示当前登录用户的 10 个按键,并且输出中仅显示 key-referencelabel。使用适当的分页选项将更多或更少的密钥显示为输出。

aws-cloudhsm > key list { "error_code": 0, "data": { "matched_keys": [ { "key-reference": "0x00000000000003d5", "attributes": { "label": "test_label_1" } }, { "key-reference": "0x0000000000000626", "attributes": { "label": "test_label_2" } },. ...8 keys later... ], "total_key_count": 56, "returned_key_count": 10, "next_token": "10" } }
例 示例:查找所有按键 — verbose

输出包括用户拥有和共享的密钥,以及中的所有公钥 HSMs。


注意:默认情况下,仅显示当前登录用户的 10 个密钥。使用适当的分页选项将更多或更少的密钥显示为输出。

aws-cloudhsm > key list --verbose { "error_code": 0, "data": { "matched_keys": [ { "key-reference": "0x000000000012000c", "key-info": { "key-owners": [ { "username": "cu1", "key-coverage": "full" } ], "shared-users": [], "key-quorum-values": { "manage-key-quorum-value": 0, "use-key-quorum-value": 0 }, "cluster-coverage": "full" }, "attributes": { "key-type": "ec", "label": "ec-test-private-key", "id": "", "check-value": "0x2a737d", "class": "private-key", "encrypt": false, "decrypt": false, "token": true, "always-sensitive": true, "derive": false, "destroyable": true, "extractable": true, "local": true, "modifiable": true, "never-extractable": false, "private": true, "sensitive": true, "sign": false, "trusted": false, "unwrap": false, "verify": false, "wrap": false, "wrap-with-trusted": false, "key-length-bytes": 122, "ec-point": "0x0442d53274a6c0ec1a23c165dcb9ccdd72c64e98ae1a9594bb5284e752c746280667e11f1e983493c1c605e0a8071ede47ca280f94c6b2aa33", "curve": "secp224r1" } }, { "key-reference": "0x000000000012000d", "key-info": { "key-owners": [ { "username": "cu1", "key-coverage": "full" } ], "shared-users": [], "key-quorum-values": { "manage-key-quorum-value": 0, "use-key-quorum-value": 0 }, "cluster-coverage": "full" }, "attributes": { "key-type": "ec", "label": "ec-test-public-key", "id": "", "check-value": "0x2a737d", "class": "public-key", "encrypt": false, "decrypt": false, "token": true, "always-sensitive": false, "derive": false, "destroyable": true, "extractable": true, "local": true, "modifiable": true, "never-extractable": false, "private": true, "sensitive": false, "sign": false, "trusted": false, "unwrap": false, "verify": false, "wrap": false, "wrap-with-trusted": false, "key-length-bytes": 57, "ec-point": "0x0442d53274a6c0ec1a23c165dcb9ccdd72c64e98ae1a9594bb5284e752c746280667e11f1e983493c1c605e0a8071ede47ca280f94c6b2aa33", "curve": "secp224r1" } } ], ...8 keys later... "total_key_count": 1580, "returned_key_count": 10 } }
例 示例:Paginated return


aws-cloudhsm > key list --verbose --max-items 2 { "error_code": 0, "data": { "matched_keys": [ { "key-reference": "0x0000000000000030", "key-info": { "key-owners": [ { "username": "cu1", "key-coverage": "full" } ], "shared-users": [], "key-quorum-values": { "manage-key-quorum-value": 0, "use-key-quorum-value": 0 }, "cluster-coverage": "full" }, "attributes": { "key-type": "aes", "label": "98a6688d1d964ed7b45b9cec5c4b1909", "id": "", "check-value": "0xb28a46", "class": "secret-key", "encrypt": false, "decrypt": false, "token": true, "always-sensitive": true, "derive": false, "destroyable": true, "extractable": true, "local": true, "modifiable": true, "never-extractable": false, "private": true, "sensitive": true, "sign": true, "trusted": false, "unwrap": false, "verify": true, "wrap": false, "wrap-with-trusted": false, "key-length-bytes": 32 } }, { "key-reference": "0x0000000000000042", "key-info": { "key-owners": [ { "username": "cu1", "key-coverage": "full" } ], "shared-users": [], "key-quorum-values": { "manage-key-quorum-value": 0, "use-key-quorum-value": 0 }, "cluster-coverage": "full" }, "attributes": { "key-type": "aes", "label": "4ad6cdcbc02044e09fa954143efde233", "id": "", "check-value": "0xc98104", "class": "secret-key", "encrypt": true, "decrypt": true, "token": true, "always-sensitive": true, "derive": false, "destroyable": true, "extractable": true, "local": true, "modifiable": true, "never-extractable": false, "private": true, "sensitive": true, "sign": true, "trusted": false, "unwrap": true, "verify": true, "wrap": true, "wrap-with-trusted": false, "key-length-bytes": 16 } } ], "total_key_count": 1580, "returned_key_count": 2, "next_token": "2" } }

要显示接下来的 2 个密钥,可以进行后续调用:

aws-cloudhsm > key list --verbose --max-items 2 --starting-token 2 { "error_code": 0, "data": { "matched_keys": [ { "key-reference": "0x0000000000000081", "key-info": { "key-owners": [ { "username": "cu1", "key-coverage": "full" } ], "shared-users": [], "key-quorum-values": { "manage-key-quorum-value": 0, "use-key-quorum-value": 0 }, "cluster-coverage": "full" }, "attributes": { "key-type": "aes", "label": "6793b8439d044046982e5b895791e47f", "id": "", "check-value": "0x3f986f", "class": "secret-key", "encrypt": false, "decrypt": false, "token": true, "always-sensitive": true, "derive": false, "destroyable": true, "extractable": true, "local": true, "modifiable": true, "never-extractable": false, "private": true, "sensitive": true, "sign": true, "trusted": false, "unwrap": false, "verify": true, "wrap": false, "wrap-with-trusted": false, "key-length-bytes": 32 } }, { "key-reference": "0x0000000000000089", "key-info": { "key-owners": [ { "username": "cu1", "key-coverage": "full" } ], "shared-users": [], "key-quorum-values": { "manage-key-quorum-value": 0, "use-key-quorum-value": 0 }, "cluster-coverage": "full" }, "attributes": { "key-type": "aes", "label": "56b30fa05c6741faab8f606d3b7fe105", "id": "", "check-value": "0xe9201a", "class": "secret-key", "encrypt": false, "decrypt": false, "token": true, "always-sensitive": true, "derive": false, "destroyable": true, "extractable": true, "local": true, "modifiable": true, "never-extractable": false, "private": true, "sensitive": true, "sign": true, "trusted": false, "unwrap": false, "verify": true, "wrap": false, "wrap-with-trusted": false, "key-length-bytes": 32 } } ], "total_key_count": 1580, "returned_key_count": 2, "next_token": "4" } }

有关演示 CloudHSM CLI 中密钥过滤机制的工作原理的更多示例,请参阅 使用 CloudHSM CLI 筛选密钥



要运行此操作的集群的 ID。



密钥引用(例如 key-reference=0xabc)或空格分隔的密钥属性列表,采用 attr.KEY_ATTRIBUTE_NAME=KEY_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE 形式,可选择要列出的匹配密钥。

有关支持的 CloudHSM CLI key 密钥属性列表,请参阅 CloudHSM CLI 的密钥属性



命令的输出中要返回的项目总数。如果可用的总项目数超过指定的值,则会在命令的输出中提供 next-token。要恢复分页,请在后续命令的 starting-token 参数中提供 next-token 值。



指定从何处开始分页的令牌。这是先前截断的响应中的 next-token。





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