Getting ready
To get ready for watermarks
Determine if you should insert NAES II or CBET watermarks. NAES II are used in the United States. CBET are used in Canada. You can insert one or both types in the same audio encode.
Obtain the following information from your contact at The Nielsen Company:
For Critical Band Encoding Technology (CBET) encoding:
CBET Source Identification (CSID) code.
CBET check digit code.
For NAES II encoding:
Source Identification Code (SID).
NAES check digit code.
You must obtain separate sets of values for each Elemental Live event.
If you are setting up CBET watermarks, decide how you want to handle watermarks that are already in the source audio. The options are the following:
Remove all the existing watermarks and replace them with new ones.
Keep the existing watermarks. Elemental Live will insert new marks only in portions of the audio stream where there are no watermarks.