Set up the HLS Manifest
(embedded captions)
This section applies when you set up the captions encode as described in Step 1: Identify the source captions that you want, if the output group is HLS and the output captions format is embedded. It describes how to include captions language information in the manifest.
To specify language information in the manifest
In the HLS output group, go to the output. Click Advanced.
Complete Caption Languages as desired:
Omit: To omit any CLOSED-CAPTION lines in the manifest.
None: To include one CLOSED-CAPTION=None line in the manifest.
Insert: To insert one or more lines in the manifest.
If you chose Insert, more fields appear. Complete on more sets of fields.
You should complete as many fields as there are languages in this output.
The order in which you enter the languages must match the order of the captions in the source. For example, if the captions are in the order English, then French, then Spanish, then Portuguese, then set up CC1 as English, CC2 as French, and so on. If you do not order them correctly, the captions will be tagged with the wrong languages.