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Finding VPC IDs in AMS

Finding VPC IDs in AMS - AMS Advanced User Guide
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A virtual private cloud (VPC) has one or more subnets. In AMS your VPC is in an AWS Region and you have private and public subnets.

See also Finding subnet IDs in AMS.

Some CTs require the VpcId. To find a VPC ID, you can use either the AMS console or API/CLI.

AMS Console:

In the navigation pane, select VPCs and the relevant VPC. The VPC details page for the selected VPC opens with information including the VPC ID.

AMS SKMS API ListVpcSummaries or CLI:


The AMS CLI must be installed for these commands to work. To install the AMS API or CLI, go to the AMS console Developers Resources page. For reference material on the AMS CM API or AMS SKMS API, see the AMS Information Resources section in the User Guide. You may need to add a --profile option for authentication; for example, aws amsskms ams-cli-command --profile SAML. You may also need to add the --region option as all AMS commands run out of us-east-1; for example aws amscm ams-cli-command --region=us-east-1.


The AMS API/CLI (amscm and amsskms) endpoints are in the AWS N. Virginia Region, us-east-1. Depending on how your authentication is set, and what AWS Region your account and resources are in, you may need to add --region us-east-1 when issuing commands. You may also need to add --profile saml, if that is your authentication method.

  1. In the following examples, the first command requests a list of summaries for all VPCs in the account. The second command requests the list of VPCs, with a query filter to list only those VPCs created in 2016, and output the CreatedTime, VpcId, and Name.


    You can obtain the AMS SKMS CLI through the Developer's Resources page in the AMS console.

    aws amsskms list-vpc-summaries --output table
    ----------------------------------------------------- | ListVPCSummaries | +---------------------------------------------------+ | VPCSummaries | |+------------------+-------------------------------| | CreatedTime | 2016-01-15T18:50:11Z | | VpcId | vpc-01234567890abcdef | | LastModifiedTime| 2016-01-15T18:50:11Z | | Name | 952444781316-initial-vpc | |+------------------+-------------------------------| | Visibility | |+------------------+-------------------------------| | Id | PrivateAndPublic | | Name | PrivateAndPublic | |+------------------+-------------------------------|
  2. This time with a query:

    aws amsskms list-VPC-summaries --query "VPCSummaries[?starts_with(@.CreatedTime,to_string(`2016`))].[CreatedTime, VpcId, Name]" --output table
    ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ListVPCSummaries | +---------------------+-----------------------+--------------------------+ |2016-01-15T18:50:11Z | vpc-01234567890abcdef | 952444781316-initial-VPC | +---------------------+-----------------------+--------------------------+
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