Configuring event notifications using object key name filtering - Amazon Simple Storage Service

Configuring event notifications using object key name filtering

When configuring an Amazon S3 event notification, you must specify which supported Amazon S3 event types cause Amazon S3 to send the notification. If an event type that you didn't specify occurs in your S3 bucket, Amazon S3 doesn't send the notification.

You can configure notifications to be filtered by the prefix and suffix of the key name of objects. For example, you can set up a configuration where you're sent a notification only when image files with a ".jpg" file name extension are added to a bucket. Or, you can have a configuration that delivers a notification to an Amazon SNS topic when an object with the prefix "images/" is added to the bucket, while having notifications for objects with a "logs/" prefix in the same bucket delivered to an AWS Lambda function.


A wildcard character ("*") can't be used in filters as a prefix or suffix. If your prefix or suffix contains a space, you must replace it with the "+" character. If you use any other special characters in the value of the prefix or suffix, you must enter them in URL-encoded (percent-encoded) format. For a complete list of special characters that must be converted to URL-encoded format when used in a prefix or suffix for event notifications, see Safe characters.

You can set up notification configurations that use object key name filtering in the Amazon S3 console. You can do so by using Amazon S3 APIs through the AWS SDKs or the REST APIs directly. For information about using the console UI to set a notification configuration on a bucket, see Enabling and configuring event notifications using the Amazon S3 console.

Amazon S3 stores the notification configuration as XML in the notification subresource associated with a bucket as described in Using Amazon SQS, Amazon SNS, and Lambda. You use the Filter XML structure to define the rules for notifications to be filtered by the prefix or suffix of an object key name. For information about the Filter XML structure, see PUT Bucket notification in the Amazon Simple Storage Service API Reference.

Notification configurations that use Filter cannot define filtering rules with overlapping prefixes, overlapping suffixes, or prefix and suffix overlapping. The following sections have examples of valid notification configurations with object key name filtering. They also contain examples of notification configurations that are not valid because of prefix and suffix overlapping.

Examples of valid notification configurations with object key name filtering

The following notification configuration contains a queue configuration identifying an Amazon SQS queue for Amazon S3 to publish events to of the s3:ObjectCreated:Put type. The events are published whenever an object that has a prefix of images/ and a jpg suffix is PUT to a bucket.

<NotificationConfiguration> <QueueConfiguration> <Id>1</Id> <Filter> <S3Key> <FilterRule> <Name>prefix</Name> <Value>images/</Value> </FilterRule> <FilterRule> <Name>suffix</Name> <Value>jpg</Value> </FilterRule> </S3Key> </Filter> <Queue>arn:aws:sqs:us-west-2:444455556666:s3notificationqueue</Queue> <Event>s3:ObjectCreated:Put</Event> </QueueConfiguration> </NotificationConfiguration>

The following notification configuration has multiple non-overlapping prefixes. The configuration defines that notifications for PUT requests in the images/ folder go to queue-A, while notifications for PUT requests in the logs/ folder go to queue-B.

<NotificationConfiguration> <QueueConfiguration> <Id>1</Id> <Filter> <S3Key> <FilterRule> <Name>prefix</Name> <Value>images/</Value> </FilterRule> </S3Key> </Filter> <Queue>arn:aws:sqs:us-west-2:444455556666:sqs-queue-A</Queue> <Event>s3:ObjectCreated:Put</Event> </QueueConfiguration> <QueueConfiguration> <Id>2</Id> <Filter> <S3Key> <FilterRule> <Name>prefix</Name> <Value>logs/</Value> </FilterRule> </S3Key> </Filter> <Queue>arn:aws:sqs:us-west-2:444455556666:sqs-queue-B</Queue> <Event>s3:ObjectCreated:Put</Event> </QueueConfiguration> </NotificationConfiguration>

The following notification configuration has multiple non-overlapping suffixes. The configuration defines that all .jpg images newly added to the bucket are processed by Lambda cloud-function-A, and all newly added .png images are processed by cloud-function-B. The .png and .jpg suffixes aren't overlapping even though they have the same last letter. If a given string can end with both suffixes, the two suffixes are considered overlapping. A string can't end with both .png and .jpg, so the suffixes in the example configuration aren't overlapping suffixes.

<NotificationConfiguration> <CloudFunctionConfiguration> <Id>1</Id> <Filter> <S3Key> <FilterRule> <Name>suffix</Name> <Value>.jpg</Value> </FilterRule> </S3Key> </Filter> <CloudFunction>arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:444455556666:cloud-function-A</CloudFunction> <Event>s3:ObjectCreated:Put</Event> </CloudFunctionConfiguration> <CloudFunctionConfiguration> <Id>2</Id> <Filter> <S3Key> <FilterRule> <Name>suffix</Name> <Value>.png</Value> </FilterRule> </S3Key> </Filter> <CloudFunction>arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:444455556666:cloud-function-B</CloudFunction> <Event>s3:ObjectCreated:Put</Event> </CloudFunctionConfiguration> </NotificationConfiguration>

Your notification configurations that use Filter can't define filtering rules with overlapping prefixes for the same event types. They can only do so, if the overlapping prefixes that are used with suffixes that don't overlap. The following example configuration shows how objects created with a common prefix but non-overlapping suffixes can be delivered to different destinations.

<NotificationConfiguration> <CloudFunctionConfiguration> <Id>1</Id> <Filter> <S3Key> <FilterRule> <Name>prefix</Name> <Value>images</Value> </FilterRule> <FilterRule> <Name>suffix</Name> <Value>.jpg</Value> </FilterRule> </S3Key> </Filter> <CloudFunction>arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:444455556666:cloud-function-A</CloudFunction> <Event>s3:ObjectCreated:Put</Event> </CloudFunctionConfiguration> <CloudFunctionConfiguration> <Id>2</Id> <Filter> <S3Key> <FilterRule> <Name>prefix</Name> <Value>images</Value> </FilterRule> <FilterRule> <Name>suffix</Name> <Value>.png</Value> </FilterRule> </S3Key> </Filter> <CloudFunction>arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:444455556666:cloud-function-B</CloudFunction> <Event>s3:ObjectCreated:Put</Event> </CloudFunctionConfiguration> </NotificationConfiguration>

Examples of notification configurations with invalid prefix and suffix overlapping

For the most part, your notification configurations that use Filter can't define filtering rules with overlapping prefixes, overlapping suffixes, or overlapping combinations of prefixes and suffixes for the same event types. You can have overlapping prefixes as long as the suffixes don't overlap. For an example, see Configuring event notifications using object key name filtering.

You can use overlapping object key name filters with different event types. For example, you can create a notification configuration that uses the prefix image/ for the ObjectCreated:Put event type and the prefix image/ for the ObjectRemoved:* event type.

You get an error if you try to save a notification configuration that has invalid overlapping name filters for the same event types when using the Amazon S3 console or API. This section shows examples of notification configurations that aren't valid because of overlapping name filters.

Any existing notification configuration rule is assumed to have a default prefix and suffix that match any other prefix and suffix, respectively. The following notification configuration isn't valid because it has overlapping prefixes. Specifically, the root prefix overlaps with any other prefix. The same thing is true if you use a suffix instead of a prefix in this example. The root suffix overlaps with any other suffix.

<NotificationConfiguration> <TopicConfiguration> <Topic>arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:444455556666:sns-notification-one</Topic> <Event>s3:ObjectCreated:*</Event> </TopicConfiguration> <TopicConfiguration> <Topic>arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:444455556666:sns-notification-two</Topic> <Event>s3:ObjectCreated:*</Event> <Filter> <S3Key> <FilterRule> <Name>prefix</Name> <Value>images</Value> </FilterRule> </S3Key> </Filter> </TopicConfiguration> </NotificationConfiguration>

The following notification configuration isn't valid because it has overlapping suffixes. If a given string can end with both suffixes, the two suffixes are considered overlapping. A string can end with jpg and pg. So, the suffixes overlap. The same is true for prefixes. If a given string can begin with both prefixes, the two prefixes are considered overlapping.

<NotificationConfiguration> <TopicConfiguration> <Topic>arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:444455556666:sns-topic-one</Topic> <Event>s3:ObjectCreated:*</Event> <Filter> <S3Key> <FilterRule> <Name>suffix</Name> <Value>jpg</Value> </FilterRule> </S3Key> </Filter> </TopicConfiguration> <TopicConfiguration> <Topic>arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:444455556666:sns-topic-two</Topic> <Event>s3:ObjectCreated:Put</Event> <Filter> <S3Key> <FilterRule> <Name>suffix</Name> <Value>pg</Value> </FilterRule> </S3Key> </Filter> </TopicConfiguration> </NotificationConfiguration

The following notification configuration isn't valid because it has overlapping prefixes and suffixes.

<NotificationConfiguration> <TopicConfiguration> <Topic>arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:444455556666:sns-topic-one</Topic> <Event>s3:ObjectCreated:*</Event> <Filter> <S3Key> <FilterRule> <Name>prefix</Name> <Value>images</Value> </FilterRule> <FilterRule> <Name>suffix</Name> <Value>jpg</Value> </FilterRule> </S3Key> </Filter> </TopicConfiguration> <TopicConfiguration> <Topic>arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:444455556666:sns-topic-two</Topic> <Event>s3:ObjectCreated:Put</Event> <Filter> <S3Key> <FilterRule> <Name>suffix</Name> <Value>jpg</Value> </FilterRule> </S3Key> </Filter> </TopicConfiguration> </NotificationConfiguration>