Using custom wizards to run interactive commands in the AWS CLI - AWS Command Line Interface

Using custom wizards to run interactive commands in the AWS CLI

The AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) provides the ability to use a wizard for some commands. To contribute or view the full list of available AWS CLI wizards, see the AWS CLI wizards folder on GitHub.

How it works

Similar to the AWS console, the AWS CLI has a UI wizard that guides you through managing your AWS resources. To use the wizard, you call the wizard subcommand and the wizard name after the service name in a command. The command structure is as follows:


$ aws <command> wizard <wizardName>

The following example is calling the wizard to create a new dynamodb table.

$ aws dynamodb wizard new-table

aws configure is the only wizard that does not have a wizard name. When running the wizard, run the aws configure wizard command as the following example demonstrates:

$ aws configure wizard

After calling a wizard, a form in the shell is displayed. For each parameter, you are either provided a list of options to select from or prompted to enter in a string. To select from a list, use your up and down arrow keys and press ENTER. To view details on an option, press the right arrow key. When you've finished filling out a parameter, press ENTER.

$ aws configure wizard What would you like to configure > Static Credentials Assume Role Process Provider Additional CLI configuration Enter the name of the profile: Enter your Access Key Id: Enter your Secret Access Key:

To edit previous prompts, use SHIFT + TAB. For some wizards, after filling in all prompts, you can preview an AWS CloudFormation template or the AWS CLI command filled with your information. This preview mode is useful to learn the AWS CLI, service APIs, and creating templates for scripts.

Press ENTER after previewing or the last prompt to run the final command.

$ aws configure wizard What would you like to configure Enter the name of the profile: testWizard Enter your Access Key Id: AB1C2D3EF4GH5I678J90K Enter your Secret Access Key: ab1c2def34gh5i67j8k90l1mnop2qr3s45tu678v90 <ENTER>