You can add email addresses to receive RFC state changes to an RFC that you create in the AMS console, or by using the AMS API/CLI.
In the AMS console, use the Email notifications option, on the second page of the Create RFC wizard:

In the AMS API/CLI, add a line like this to the RFC parameters section of your RFC (do not add the line to the run parameters section):
--notification "{\"Email\": {\"EmailRecipients\" : [\"\"]}}"
The behavior of the notifications varies depending the RFC scheduling type:
Scheduled RFCs receive email notifications on : Submitted, Scheduled, InProgress, Completed, Rejected, Canceled, Auto-Rejected, or Auto-Canceled.
ASAP RFCs receive email notification on: Submitted, InProgress, Completed, Rejected, Canceled, AutoRejected, or Auto-Canceled.
Email notifications are sent from this address:
.Special characters and URLs in your RFC title are redacted in the emails we send. This is a security measure.