The following are RFC parameters that you are required to submit, and parameters that are commonly used in RFCs:
Change type information: ChangeTypeId and ChangeTypeVersion. Ror a list of change type IDs and version numbers, see Change Type Reference.
in the CLI with thequery
argument to narrow the results. For example, narrow results to change types that contain "Access" in theItem amscm list-change-type-classification-summaries --query "ChangeTypeClassificationSummaries [?contains (Item, 'access')].[Category,Subcategory,Item,Operation,ChangeTypeId]" --output table
and specify the change type ID. The following command gets the CT version for amscm get-change-type-version --change-type-id ct-2tylseo8rxfsc
Title: A name for the RFC; this becomes the Subject of the RFC in the AMS console RFC list and you can search on it with the
command and a filter onTitle
Scheduling: If you want a scheduled RFC, you must include the
parameters, or use the Schedule this change console option. For an ASAP RFC (that runs as soon as it's approved), when using the CLI, leaveRequestedStartTime
null. When using the console, accept the ASAP option.If the
is missed, the RFC is rejected.Provisioning CTs: The execution parameters, or
are the specific settings that are required to provision the resource. They vary widely depending on the CT.Non-provisioning CTs: CTs that do not provision a resource, such as access CTs or Other | Other, or delete stack, have minimal execution parameters and no
block.Some RFCs also require that you specify a
, or how many minutes are allowed for the creation of the stack before the RFC is failed. Valid values are 60 (minutes) up to 360, for long-running UserData. If the execution can't be completed before theTimeoutInMinutes
is exceeded, the RFC fails. However, this setting doesn't delay the execution of the RFC.RFCs that create instances, such as an S3 bucket or an ELB, generally provide a schema that allows you to add up to seven tags (key/value pairs). You can add more tags to your S3 bucket by submitting a service request or a Management | Other | Other | Update CT. EC2, EFS, RDS, and the multi-tiered (HA Two-Tiered and HA One-Tiered) schemas allow up to fifty tags. Tags are specified in the
part of the schema. Providing tags can be of great value. For more information, see Tagging Your Amazon EC2 Resources.When using the AMS console, you must open the Additional configuration area in order to add tags.
Many CT schemas have a
field near the top of the schema. Those fields are used to name the stack or stack component, they don't name the resource you're creating. Some schemas offer a parameter to name the resource you're creating, and some do not. For example, the CT schema for Create EC2 stack doesn't offer a parameter to name the EC2 instance. In order to do so, you must create a tag with the key "Name" and the value of what you want the name to be. If you do not create such a tag, your EC2 instance displays in the EC2 console without a name attribute.
Use the RFC AWS Region option
The AMS API and CLI (amscm
and amsskms
) endpoints are in us-east-1
. If you federate with Security
Assertion Markup Language (SAML), then scripts are provided to you at onboarding that set your AWS Region to us-east-1. If you use SAML, then you
don't need to specify the --region
option when you issue a command. If your SAML is configured to use us-east-1 but your account isn't in that AWS Region, then you must specify your account-onboarded Region when you
issue other AWS commands (for example, aws s3
Most of the command examples provided in this guide don't include the --region