Create Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager default policies - Amazon EBS

Create Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager default policies

To create periodic EBS-backed AMIs from instances, use the default policy for EBS-backed AMIs. To create snapshots of all volumes regardless of their attachment state, or if you want to exclude specific volumes, use the default policy for EBS snapshots.

This section explains how to create default policies.

Considerations for default policies

Keep the following in mind when working with default policies:

  • Default policies do not back up target resources (instances or volumes) that have recent backups (snapshots or AMIs). The creation frequency determines which resources are backed up. A volume or instance is backed up only if its last snapshot or AMI is older than the policy's creation frequency. For example, if you specify a creation frequency of 3 days, the default policy for EBS snapshots will create a snapshot of a volume only if its last snapshot is older than 3 days.

  • By default, default policies target all instances or volumes in the Region, unless exclusion parameters are specified.

  • Default policies will create a minimum set of unique snapshots. For example, if you enable the EBS-backed AMI policy and the EBS snapshot policy, the snapshot policy will not duplicate snapshots of volumes that were already backed up by the EBS-backed AMI policy.

  • Default policies will only start targeting resources that are at least 24 hours old.

  • If you delete a volume or terminate an instance targeted by a default policy, Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager will continue to delete the previously created backups (snapshots or AMIs) according to the retention period up to, but not including, the last backup. You must manually delete this backup if it is not required.

    If you want Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager to delete the last backup, you can enable extend deletion.

  • If a default policy is deleted or enters the error or disabled state, Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager stops deleting the previously created backups (snapshots or AMIs). If you want Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager to continue deleting backups, including the last one, you must enable extend deletion before deleting the policy or before the policy's state changes to disabled or deleted.

  • When you create and enable a default policy, Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager randomly assigns targeted resources to a four-hour time window. Targeted resources are backed up during their assigned window at the specified creation frequency. For example, if a policy has a creation frequency of 3 days, and a target resource is assigned to the 12:00 - 16:00 window, that resource will be backed up between 12:00 - 16:00 every 3 days.

Create default policy for Amazon EBS snapshots

The following procedure shows you how to create a default policy for EBS snapshots.

To create a default policy for EBS snapshots
  1. Open the Amazon EC2 console at

  2. In the navigation panel, choose Lifecycle Manager and then choose Create lifecycle policy.

  3. For Policy type, choose Default policy and then choose EBS snapshot policy.

  4. For Description, enter a brief description for the policy.

  5. For IAM role, choose the IAM role that has permissions to manage snapshots.

    We recommend that you choose Default to use the default IAM role provided by Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager. However, you can also use a custom IAM role that you previously created.

  6. For Creation frequency, specify how often you want the policy to run and create snapshots of your volumes.

    The frequency that you specify also determines which volumes are backed up. The policy will only back up volumes that have not been backed up by any other means within the specified frequency. For example, if you specify a creation frequency of 3 days, the policy will only create snapshots of volumes that have not been backed up within the last 3 days.

  7. For Retention period, specify how long you want the policy to retain the snapshots that it creates. When a snapshot reaches the retention threshold, it is automatically deleted. The retention period must be greater than or equal to the creation frequency.

  8. (Optional) Configure the Exclusion parameters to exclude specific volumes from the scheduled backups. Excluded volumes will not be backed up when the policy runs.

    1. To exclude boot volumes, select Exclude boot volumes. If you exclude boot volumes, only data (non-boot) volumes will be backed up by the policy. In other words, it will not create snapshots of volumes that are attached to instances as a boot volume.

    2. To exclude specific volume types, choose Exclude specific volume types, and then select the volume types to exclude. Only volumes of the remaining types will be backed up by the policy.

    3. To exclude volumes that have specific tags, choose Add tag, and then specify the tag keys and values. The policy will not create snapshots of volumes that have any of the specified tags.

  9. (Optional) In the Advanced settings, specify additional actions that the policy should perform.

    1. To copy assigned tags from the source volumes to their snapshots, select Copy tags from volumes.

    2. With Extend deletion disabled:

      • If a source volume is deleted, Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager continues to delete previously created snapshots up to, but not including, the last one based on the retention period. If you want Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager to delete all snapshots, including the last one, select Extend deletion.

      • If a policy is deleted or enters the error or disabled state, Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager stops deleting snapshots. If you want Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager to continue deleting snapshots, including the last one, select Extend deletion.


      If you enable extend deletion, you override both behaviors described above simultaneously.

    3. To copy snapshots created by the policy to other Regions, select Create cross-Region copy and then select up to 3 destination Regions.

      • If the source snapshot is encrypted, or if encryption by default is enabled for the destination Region, the copied snapshots are encrypted using the default KMS key for EBS encryption in the destination Region.

      • If the source snapshot is unencrypted and encryption by default is disabled for the destination Region, the copied snapshots are unencrypted.

  10. (Optional) To add a tag to the policy, choose Add tag and then specify the tag key and value pair.

  11. Choose Create default policy.


    If you get the Role with name AWSDataLifecycleManagerDefaultRole already exists error, see Troubleshoot Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager issues for more information.

To create a default policy for EBS snapshots

Use the create-lifecycle-policy command. You can specify the request parameters in one of two methods, depending on your use case or preferences:

  • Method 1

    $ aws dlm create-lifecycle-policy \ --state ENABLED | DISABLED \ --description "policy_description" \ --execution-role-arn role_arn \ --default-policy VOLUME \ --create-interval creation_frequency_in_days (1-7) \ --retain-interval retention_period_in_days (2-14) \ --copy-tags | --no-copy-tags \ --extend-deletion | --no-extend-deletion \ --cross-region-copy-targets TargetRegion=destination_region_code \ --exclusions ExcludeBootVolumes=true | false, ExcludeTags=[{Key=tag_key,Value=tag_value}], ExcludeVolumeTypes="standard | gp2 | gp3 | io1 | io2 | st1 | sc1"

    For example, to create a default policy for EBS snapshots that targets all volumes in the Region, uses the default IAM role, runs daily (default), and retains snapshots for 7 days (default), you need to specify the following parameters:

    $ aws dlm create-lifecycle-policy \ --state ENABLED \ --description "Daily default snapshot policy" \ --execution-role-arn arn:aws:iam::account_id:role/AWSDataLifecycleManagerDefaultRole \ --default-policy VOLUME
  • Method 2

    $ aws dlm create-lifecycle-policy \ --state ENABLED | DISABLED \ --description "policy_description" \ --execution-role-arn role_arn \ --default-policy VOLUME \ --policy-details file://policyDetails.json

    Where policyDetails.json includes the following:

    { "PolicyLanguage": "SIMPLIFIED", "PolicyType": "EBS_SNAPSHOT_MANAGEMENT", "ResourceType": "VOLUME", "CopyTags": true | false, "CreateInterval": creation_frequency_in_days (1-7), "RetainInterval": retention_period_in_days (2-14), "ExtendDeletion": true | false, "CrossRegionCopyTargets": [{"TargetRegion":"destination_region_code"}], "Exclusions": { "ExcludeBootVolume": true | false, "ExcludeVolumeTypes": ["standard | gp2 | gp3 | io1 | io2 | st1 | sc1"], "ExcludeTags": [{ "Key": "exclusion_tag_key", "Value": "exclusion_tag_value" }] } }

Create default policy for EBS-backed AMIs

The following procedure shows you how to create a default policy for EBS-backed AMIs.

To create a default policy for EBS-backed AMIs
  1. Open the Amazon EC2 console at

  2. In the navigation panel, choose Lifecycle Manager and then choose Create lifecycle policy.

  3. For Policy type, choose Default policy and then choose EBS-backed AMI policy.

  4. For Description, enter a brief description for the policy.

  5. For IAM role, choose the IAM role that has permissions to manage AMIs.

    We recommend that you choose Default to use the default IAM role provided by Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager. However, you can also use a custom IAM role that you previously created.

  6. For Creation frequency, specify how often you want the policy to run and create AMIs from your instances.

    The frequency that you specify also determines which instances are backed up. The policy will only back up instances that have not been backed up by any other means within the specified frequency. For example, if you specify a creation frequency of 3 days, the policy will only create AMIs from instances that have not been backed up within the last 3 days.

  7. For Retention period, specify how long you want the policy to retain the AMIs that it creates. When an AMI reaches the retention threshold, it is automatically deregistered and its associated snapshots are deleted. The retention period must be greater than or equal to the creation frequency.

  8. (Optional) Configure the Exclusion parameters to exclude specific instances from the scheduled backups. Excluded instances will not be backed up when the policy runs.

    1. To exclude instances that have specific tags, choose Add tag, and then specify the tag keys and values. The policy will not create AMIs from instances that have any of the specified tags.

  9. (Optional) In the Advanced settings, specify additional actions that the policy should perform.

    1. To copy assigned tags from the source instances to their AMIs, select Copy tags from instances.

    2. With Extend deletion disabled:

      • If a source instance is terminated, Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager continues to deregister previously created AMIs up to, but not including, the last one based on the retention period. If you want Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager to deregister all AMIs, including the last one, select Extend deletion.

      • If a policy is deleted or enters the error or disabled state, Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager stops deregistering AMIs. If you want Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager to continue deregistering AMIs, including the last one, select Extend deletion.


      If you enable extended deletion, you override both behaviors described above simultaneously.

    3. To copy AMIs created by the policy to other Regions, select Create cross-Region copy and then select up to 3 destination Regions.

      • If the source AMI is encrypted, or if encryption by default is enabled for the destination Region, the copied AMIs are encrypted using the default KMS key for EBS encryption in the destination Region.

      • If the source AMI is unencrypted and encryption by default is disabled for the destination Region, the copied AMIs are unencrypted.

  10. (Optional) To add a tag to the policy, choose Add tag and then specify the tag key and value pair.

  11. Choose Create default policy.


    If you get the Role with name AWSDataLifecycleManagerDefaultRoleForAMIManagement already exists error, see Troubleshoot Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager issues for more information.

To create a default policy for EBS-backed AMIs

Use the create-lifecycle-policy command. You can specify the request parameters in one of two methods, depending on your use case or preferences:

  • Method 1

    $ aws dlm create-lifecycle-policy \ --state ENABLED | DISABLED \ --description "policy_description" \ --execution-role-arn role_arn \ --default-policy INSTANCE \ --create-interval creation_frequency_in_days (1-7) \ --retain-interval retention_period_in_days (2-14) \ --copy-tags | --no-copy-tags \ --extend-deletion | --no-extend-deletion \ --cross-region-copy-targets TargetRegion=destination_region_code \ --exclusions ExcludeTags=[{Key=tag_key,Value=tag_value}]

    For example, to create a default policy for EBS-backed AMIs that targets all instances in the Region, uses the default IAM role, runs daily (default), and retains AMIs for 7 days (default), you need to specify the following parameters:

    $ aws dlm create-lifecycle-policy \ --state ENABLED \ --description "Daily default AMI policy" \ --execution-role-arn arn:aws:iam::account_id:role/AWSDataLifecycleManagerDefaultRoleForAMIManagement \ --default-policy INSTANCE
  • Method 2

    $ aws dlm create-lifecycle-policy \ --state ENABLED | DISABLED \ --description "policy_description" \ --execution-role-arn role_arn \ --default-policy INSTANCE \ --policy-details file://policyDetails.json

    Where policyDetails.json includes the following:

    { "PolicyLanguage": "SIMPLIFIED", "PolicyType": "IMAGE_MANAGEMENT", "ResourceType": "INSTANCE", "CopyTags": true | false, "CreateInterval": creation_frequency_in_days (1-7), "RetainInterval": retention_period_in_days (2-14), "ExtendDeletion": true | false, "CrossRegionCopyTargets": [{"TargetRegion":"destination_region_code"}], "Exclusions": { "ExcludeTags": [{ "Key": "exclusion_tag_key", "Value": "exclusion_tag_value" }] } }