Modify Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager policies
Keep the following in mind when modifying Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager policies:
If you modify an AMI or snapshot policy by removing its target tags, the volumes or instances with those tags are no longer managed by the policy.
If you modify a schedule name, the snapshots or AMIs created under the old schedule name are no longer managed by the policy.
If you modify an age-based retention schedule to use a new time interval, the new interval is used only for new snapshots or AMIs created after the change. The new schedule does not affect the retention schedule of snapshots or AMIs created before the change.
You cannot change the retention schedule of a policy from count-based to age-based after creation. To make this change, you must create a new policy.
If you disable a policy with an age-based retention schedule, the snapshots or AMIs that are set to expire while the policy is disabled are retained indefinitely. You must delete the snapshots or deregister the AMIs manually. When you re-enable the policy, Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager resumes deleting snapshots or deregistering AMIs as their retention periods expire.
If you disable a policy with a count-based retention schedule, the policy stops creating and deleting snapshots or AMIs. When you re-enable the policy, Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager resumes creating snapshots and AMIs, and it resumes deleting snapshots or AMIs as the retention threshold is met.
If you disable a policy that has a snapshot archiving-enabled policy, snapshots that are in the archive tier at the time of disabling the policy are no longer managed by Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager. You must manually delete the snapshot if they are no longer needed.
If you enable snapshot archiving on a count-based schedule, the archiving rule applies to all new snapshots that are created and archived by the schedule, and also applies to existing snapshots that were previously created and archived by the schedule.
If you enable snapshot archiving on an age-based schedule, the archiving rule applies only to new snapshots created after enabling snapshot archiving. Existing snapshots created before enabling snapshot archiving continue to be deleted from their respective storage tiers, according to the schedule set when those snapshots were originally created and archived.
If you disable snapshot archiving for a count-based schedule, the schedule immediately stops archiving snapshots. Snapshots that were previously archived by the schedule remain in the archive tier and they will not be deleted by Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager.
If you disable snapshot archiving for an age-based schedule, the snapshots created by the policy and that are scheduled to be archived are permanently deleted at the scheduled archive date and time, as indicated by the
system tag. -
If you disable snapshot archiving for a schedule, the schedule immediately stops archiving snapshots. Snapshots that were previously archived by the schedule remain in the archive tier and they will not be deleted by Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager.
If you modify the archive retention count for a count-based schedule, the new retention count includes existing snapshots that were previously archived by the schedule.
If you modify the archive retention period for an age-based schedule, the new retention period applies only to snapshots that are archived after modifying the retention rule.
Use one of the following procedures to modify a lifecycle policy.