View archived Amazon EBS snapshots - Amazon EBS

View archived Amazon EBS snapshots

You can view storage tier information for snapshots using one of the following methods.

To view storage tier information for a snapshot

Open the Amazon EC2 console at

  1. In the navigation pane, choose Snapshots.

  2. In the list of snapshots, select the snapshot and choose the Storage tier tab.

    The tab provides the following information:

    • Last tier change started on — The date and time when the last archive or restore was started.

    • Tier change progress — The progress of the last archive or restore action, as a percentage.

    • Storage tier — The storage tier for the snapshot. Always archive for archived snapshots, and standard for snapshots stored on the standard tier, including temporarily restored snapshots.

    • Tiering status — The status of the last archive or restore action.

    • Archive completed on — The date and time when the archive completed.

    • Temporary restore expires on — The date and time when a temporarily restored snapshot is set to expire.

To view archival information about an archived snapshot

Use the describe-snapshot-tier-status AWS CLI command. Specify the snapshot-id filter, and for the filter value, specify the snapshot ID. Alternatively, to view all archived snapshots, omit the filter.

$ aws ec2 describe-snapshot-tier-status --filters "Name=snapshot-id, Values=snapshot_id"

The output includes the following response parameters:

  • Status — The status of the snapshot. Always completed for archived snapshots. Only snapshots that are in the completed state can be archived.

  • LastTieringStartTime — The date and time that the archival process started, in UTC time format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ).

  • LastTieringOperationState — The current state of the archival process. Possible states include: archival-in-progress | archival-completed | archival-failed | permanent-restore-in-progress | permanent-restore-completed | permanent-restore-failed | temporary-restore-in-progress | temporary-restore-completed | temporary-restore-failed

  • LastTieringProgress — The progress of the snapshot archival process, as a percentage.

  • StorageTier — The storage tier for the snapshot. Always archive for archived snapshots, and standard for snapshots stored on the standard tier, including temporarily restored snapshots.

  • ArchivalCompleteTime — The date and time that the archival process completed, in UTC time format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ).


The following command displays information about snapshot snap-01234567890abcedf.

$ aws ec2 describe-snapshot-tier-status --filters "Name=snapshot-id, Values=snap-01234567890abcedf"

The following is the command output.

{ "SnapshotTierStatuses": [ { "Status": "completed", "ArchivalCompleteTime": "2021-09-15T17:33:16.147Z", "LastTieringProgress": 100, "Tags": [], "VolumeId": "vol-01234567890abcedf", "LastTieringOperationState": "archival-completed", "StorageTier": "archive", "OwnerId": "123456789012", "SnapshotId": "snap-01234567890abcedf", "LastTieringStartTime": "2021-09-15T16:44:37.574Z" } ] }
To view archived and standard tier snapshots

Use the describe-snapshots AWS CLI command. For --snapshot-ids, specify the ID of the snapshot view.

$ aws ec2 describe-snapshots --snapshot-ids snapshot_id

For example, the following command displays information about snapshot snap-01234567890abcedf.

$ aws ec2 describe-snapshots --snapshot-ids snap-01234567890abcedf

The following is the command output. The StorageTier response parameter indicates whether the snapshot is currently archived. archive indicates that the snapshot is currently archived and stored in the archive tier, and standard indicates that the snapshot is currently not archived and that it is stored in the standard tier.

In the following example output, only Snap A is archived. Snap B and Snap C are not archived.

Additionally, the RestoreExpiryTime response parameter is returned only for snapshots that are temporarily restored from the archive. It indicates when temporarily restored snapshots are to be automatically removed from the standard tier. It is not returned for snapshots that are permanently restored.

In the following example output, Snap C is temporarily restored, and it will be automatically removed from the standard tier at 2021-09-19T21:00:00.000Z (September 19, 2021 at 21:00 UTC).

{ "Snapshots": [ { "Description": "Snap A", "Encrypted": false, "VolumeId": "vol-01234567890aaaaaa", "State": "completed", "VolumeSize": 8, "StartTime": "2021-09-07T21:00:00.000Z", "Progress": "100%", "OwnerId": "123456789012", "SnapshotId": "snap-01234567890aaaaaa", "StorageTier": "archive", "Tags": [] }, { "Description": "Snap B", "Encrypted": false, "VolumeId": "vol-09876543210bbbbbb", "State": "completed", "VolumeSize": 10, "StartTime": "2021-09-14T21:00:00.000Z", "Progress": "100%", "OwnerId": "123456789012", "SnapshotId": "snap-09876543210bbbbbb", "StorageTier": "standard", "RestoreExpiryTime": "2019-09-19T21:00:00.000Z", "Tags": [] }, { "Description": "Snap C", "Encrypted": false, "VolumeId": "vol-054321543210cccccc", "State": "completed", "VolumeSize": 12, "StartTime": "2021-08-01T21:00:00.000Z", "Progress": "100%", "OwnerId": "123456789012", "SnapshotId": "snap-054321543210cccccc", "StorageTier": "standard", "Tags": [] } ] }
To view only snapshots that are stored in the archive tier or the standard tier

Use the describe-snapshots AWS CLI command. Include the --filter option, for the filter name, specify storage-tier, and for the filter value specify either archive or standard.

aws ec2 describe-snapshots --filters "Name=storage-tier,Values=archive|standard"

For example, the following command displays only archived snapshots.

aws ec2 describe-snapshots --filters "Name=storage-tier,Values=archive"