This topic helps you start to use the Flink Kubernetes operator on Amazon EKS by preparing a Flink deployment.
Install the Kubernetes operator
Use the following steps to install the Kubernetes operator for Apache Flink.
If you haven't already, complete the steps in Setting up the Flink Kubernetes operator for Amazon EMR on EKS.
Install the
(once per Amazon EKS cluster) to enable adding the webhook component.kubectl apply -f
Install the Helm chart.
export VERSION=7.7.0 # The Amazon EMR release version export NAMESPACE=
The Kubernetes namespace to deploy the operator
helm install flink-kubernetes-operator \ oci:// \ --version $VERSION \ --namespace $NAMESPACEExample output:
NAME: flink-kubernetes-operator LAST DEPLOYED: Tue May 31 17:38:56 2022 NAMESPACE: $NAMESPACE STATUS: deployed REVISION: 1 TEST SUITE: None
Wait for the deployment to be complete and verify the chart installation.
kubectl wait deployment flink-kubernetes-operator --namespace $NAMESPACE --for condition=Available=True --timeout=30s
You should see the following message when deployment is complete.
deployment.apps/flink-kubernetes-operator condition met
Use the following command to see the deployed operator.
helm list --namespace $NAMESPACE
The following shows example output, where the app version
would correspond with the Flink operator version for your Amazon EMR on EKS release. For more information, see Supported releases for Amazon EMR on EKS with Apache Flink.NAME NAMESPACE REVISION UPDATED STATUS CHART APP VERSION flink-kubernetes-operator $NAMESPACE 1 2023-02-22 16:43:45.24148 -0500 EST deployed flink-kubernetes-operator-emr-7.7.0 x.y.z-amzn-n