Link or unlink a Git-based repository - Amazon EMR

Link or unlink a Git-based repository


EMR Notebooks are available as EMR Studio Workspaces in the console. The Create Workspace button in the console lets you create new notebooks. To access or create Workspaces, EMR Notebooks users need additional IAM role permissions. For more information, see Amazon EMR Notebooks are Amazon EMR Studio Workspaces in the console and Amazon EMR console.

Use the following steps to link or unlink a Git-based repository to an EMR notebook in the old console, or to an EMR Studio Workspace in the new console.

New console

Because EMR Notebooks are EMR Studio Workspaces in the new console, you can you can refer to Link Git-based repositories to an EMR Studio Workspace for more information on working with Git repositories in your Workspace. But at this time, you can't delete Git repositories from Workspaces.

Old console
To link a Git-based repository to an EMR notebook

The repository can be linked to a notebook once the notebook is Ready.

  1. From the Notebooks list, choose the notebook you want to update.

  2. In the Git repositories section on the Notebook page, choose Link new repository.

  3. In the repository list of the Link Git repository to notebook window, select one or more repositories that you want to link to your notebook, and then choose Link repository.


  1. On the Git repositories page, choose the repository you want to link to your notebook.

  2. In the list of EMR notebooks, choose Link new notebook to link this repository to an existing notebook.

To unlink a Git repository from an EMR notebook
  1. From the Notebooks list, choose the notebook you want to update.

  2. In the list of Git repositories, select the repository that you want to unlink from your notebook, and then choose Unlink repository.


  1. On the Git repositories page, choose the repository you want to make updates to.

  2. In the list of EMR notebooks, select the notebook that you want to unlink from the repository, and then choose Unlink notebook.


Linking a Git repository to a notebook clones the remote repository to your local Jupyter notebook. Unlinking the Git repository from a notebook only disconnects the notebook from the remote repository but does not delete the local Git repository.

Understanding repository status

A Git repository may have any of the following status in the repository list. For more information about linking EMR notebooks with Git repositories, see Link or unlink a Git-based repository.

Status Meaning


The Git repository is being linked to the notebook. While the repository is Linking, you cannot stop the notebook.


The Git repository is linked to the notebook. While the repository has a Linked status, it is connected to the remote repository.

Link Failed

The Git repository failed to link to the notebook. You can try again to link it.


The Git repository is being unlinked from the notebook. While the repository is Unlinking, you cannot stop the notebook. Unlinking a Git repository from a notebook only disconnects it from the remote repository; it doesn't delete any code from the notebook.

Unlink Failed

The Git repository failed to unlink from the notebook. You can try again to unlink it.