Example rule function in Amazon Connect Rule
Function language
The following example shows a simple rule that would be evaluated to true
if "refund" is mentioned by the customer who is in a specific queue.
To learn how to use conditions correctly, we recommend creating a new rule in the Amazon Connect console, and then calling the DescribeRule API for it.
"Version": "2022-11-25", // A string representing the version of the rule. Currently the only supported version is 2022-11-25.
"RuleFunction": { // RuleFunction object body
"Operator": "AND",
"Operands": [
"Operator": "CONTAINS_ANY",
"Operands": [
"ComparisonValue": "$.ContactLens.RealTimeCall.ExactMatch.Transcript",
"FilterClause": {
"LogicOperator": "AND",
"Filters": [
"Type": "ParticipantRole",
"Data": "CUSTOMER"
"Negate": false // If Negate were set to true, it would mean the word "refund" was NOT mentioned
"Operator": "CONTAINS_ANY",
"Operands": [
"11111111-1234-5678-9123-12345678012" // QueueId
"ComparisonValue": "$.ContactLens.RealTimeCall.Queue.QueueId",
"Negate": false