Tutoriel : Vérification des données à l'aide d'un AWS SDK - Base de données Amazon Quantum Ledger (AmazonQLDB)

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Tutoriel : Vérification des données à l'aide d'un AWS SDK


Avis de fin de support : les clients existants pourront utiliser Amazon QLDB jusqu'à la fin du support le 31 juillet 2025. Pour plus de détails, consultez Migrer un Amazon QLDB Ledger vers Amazon Aurora SQL Postgre.

Dans ce didacticiel, vous allez vérifier un hachage de révision de document et un hachage de bloc de journal dans un QLDB registre Amazon en utilisant le QLDB API hachage via un. AWS SDK Vous utilisez également le QLDB pilote pour demander la révision du document.

Prenons l'exemple d'une révision de document contenant des données relatives à un véhicule dont le numéro d'identification du véhicule (VIN) estKM8SRDHF6EU074761. La révision du document se trouve dans une VehicleRegistration table figurant dans un registre nommévehicle-registration. Supposons que vous souhaitiez vérifier l'intégrité de la révision du document pour ce véhicule et du bloc de journal qui contient la révision.


Pour consulter un article de AWS blog détaillé qui traite de la valeur de la vérification cryptographique dans le contexte d'un cas d'utilisation réaliste, voir Vérification cryptographique dans le monde réel avec Amazon. QLDB


Avant de commencer, assurez-vous d'effectuer les opérations suivantes :

  1. Configurez le QLDB pilote pour la langue de votre choix en remplissant les conditions Commencer à utiliser le QLDB pilote Amazon requises ci-dessous. Cela inclut l'inscription AWS, l'octroi d'un accès programmatique pour le développement et la configuration de votre environnement de développement.

  2. Suivez les étapes 1 et 2 ci-dessous Commencer à utiliser la QLDB console Amazon pour créer un registre nommé vehicle-registration et le charger avec des exemples de données prédéfinis.

Passez ensuite en revue les étapes suivantes pour savoir comment fonctionne la vérification, puis exécutez l'exemple de code complet du début à la fin.

Étape 1 : demander un résumé

Avant de pouvoir vérifier les données, vous devez d'abord demander un résumé à partir de votre registre vehicle-registration pour une utilisation ultérieure.

// Get a digest GetDigestRequest digestRequest = new GetDigestRequest().withName(ledgerName); GetDigestResult digestResult = client.getDigest(digestRequest); java.nio.ByteBuffer digest = digestResult.getDigest(); // expectedDigest is the buffer we will use later to compare against our calculated digest byte[] expectedDigest = new byte[digest.remaining()]; digest.get(expectedDigest);
// Get a digest GetDigestRequest getDigestRequest = new GetDigestRequest { Name = ledgerName }; GetDigestResponse getDigestResponse = client.GetDigestAsync(getDigestRequest).Result; // expectedDigest is the buffer we will use later to compare against our calculated digest MemoryStream digest = getDigestResponse.Digest; byte[] expectedDigest = digest.ToArray();
// Get a digest currentLedgerName := ledgerName input := qldb.GetDigestInput{Name: &currentLedgerName} digestOutput, err := client.GetDigest(&input) if err != nil { panic(err) } // expectedDigest is the buffer we will later use to compare against our calculated digest expectedDigest := digestOutput.Digest
// Get a digest const getDigestRequest: GetDigestRequest = { Name: ledgerName }; const getDigestResponse: GetDigestResponse = await qldbClient.getDigest(getDigestRequest).promise(); // expectedDigest is the buffer we will later use to compare against our calculated digest const expectedDigest: Uint8Array = <Uint8Array>getDigestResponse.Digest;
# Get a digest get_digest_response = qldb_client.get_digest(Name=ledger_name) # expected_digest is the buffer we will later use to compare against our calculated digest expected_digest = get_digest_response.get('Digest') digest_tip_address = get_digest_response.get('DigestTipAddress')

Étape 2 : demander la révision du document

Utilisez le QLDB pilote pour interroger les adresses de bloc, les hachages et IDs le document associés VIN KM8SRDHF6EU074761 à.

// Retrieve info for the given vin's document revisions Result result = driver.execute(txn -> { final String query = String.format("SELECT blockAddress, hash, metadata.id FROM _ql_committed_%s WHERE data.VIN = '%s'", tableName, vin); return txn.execute(query); });
// Retrieve info for the given vin's document revisions var result = driver.Execute(txn => { string query = $"SELECT blockAddress, hash, metadata.id FROM _ql_committed_{tableName} WHERE data.VIN = '{vin}'"; return txn.Execute(query); });
// Retrieve info for the given vin's document revisions result, err := driver.Execute(context.Background(), func(txn qldbdriver.Transaction) (interface{}, error) { statement := fmt.Sprintf( "SELECT blockAddress, hash, metadata.id FROM _ql_committed_%s WHERE data.VIN = '%s'", tableName, vin) result, err := txn.Execute(statement) if err != nil { return nil, err } results := make([]map[string]interface{}, 0) // Convert the result set into a map for result.Next(txn) { var doc map[string]interface{} err := ion.Unmarshal(result.GetCurrentData(), &doc) if err != nil { return nil, err } results = append(results, doc) } return results, nil }) if err != nil { panic(err) } resultSlice := result.([]map[string]interface{})
const result: dom.Value[] = await driver.executeLambda(async (txn: TransactionExecutor): Promise<dom.Value[]> => { const query: string = `SELECT blockAddress, hash, metadata.id FROM _ql_committed_${tableName} WHERE data.VIN = '${vin}'`; const queryResult: Result = await txn.execute(query); return queryResult.getResultList(); });
def query_doc_revision(txn): query = "SELECT blockAddress, hash, metadata.id FROM _ql_committed_{} WHERE data.VIN = '{}'".format(table_name, vin) return txn.execute_statement(query) # Retrieve info for the given vin's document revisions result = qldb_driver.execute_lambda(query_doc_revision)

Étape 3 : demander une preuve pour la révision

Parcourez les résultats de la requête et utilisez chaque adresse de bloc et chaque identifiant de document ainsi que le nom du grand livre pour soumettre une GetRevision demande. Pour obtenir une preuve de la révision, vous devez également fournir l'adresse du pourboire figurant dans le résumé enregistré précédemment. Cette API opération renvoie un objet qui inclut la révision du document et la preuve de la révision.

Pour plus d'informations sur la structure de révision et son contenu, consultezInterrogation des métadonnées d'un document.

for (IonValue ionValue : result) { IonStruct ionStruct = (IonStruct)ionValue; // Get the requested fields IonValue blockAddress = ionStruct.get("blockAddress"); IonBlob hash = (IonBlob)ionStruct.get("hash"); String metadataId = ((IonString)ionStruct.get("id")).stringValue(); System.out.printf("Verifying document revision for id '%s'%n", metadataId); String blockAddressText = blockAddress.toString(); // Submit a request for the revision GetRevisionRequest revisionRequest = new GetRevisionRequest() .withName(ledgerName) .withBlockAddress(new ValueHolder().withIonText(blockAddressText)) .withDocumentId(metadataId) .withDigestTipAddress(digestResult.getDigestTipAddress()); // Get a result back GetRevisionResult revisionResult = client.getRevision(revisionRequest); ... }
foreach (IIonValue ionValue in result) { IIonStruct ionStruct = ionValue; // Get the requested fields IIonValue blockAddress = ionStruct.GetField("blockAddress"); IIonBlob hash = ionStruct.GetField("hash"); String metadataId = ionStruct.GetField("id").StringValue; Console.WriteLine($"Verifying document revision for id '{metadataId}'"); // Use an Ion Reader to convert block address to text IIonReader reader = IonReaderBuilder.Build(blockAddress); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); IIonWriter textWriter = IonTextWriterBuilder.Build(sw); textWriter.WriteValues(reader); string blockAddressText = sw.ToString(); // Submit a request for the revision GetRevisionRequest revisionRequest = new GetRevisionRequest { Name = ledgerName, BlockAddress = new ValueHolder { IonText = blockAddressText }, DocumentId = metadataId, DigestTipAddress = getDigestResponse.DigestTipAddress }; // Get a response back GetRevisionResponse revisionResponse = client.GetRevisionAsync(revisionRequest).Result; ... }
for _, value := range resultSlice { // Get the requested fields ionBlockAddress, err := ion.MarshalText(value["blockAddress"]) if err != nil { panic(err) } blockAddress := string(ionBlockAddress) metadataId := value["id"].(string) documentHash := value["hash"].([]byte) fmt.Printf("Verifying document revision for id '%s'\n", metadataId) // Submit a request for the revision revisionInput := qldb.GetRevisionInput{ BlockAddress: &qldb.ValueHolder{IonText: &blockAddress}, DigestTipAddress: digestOutput.DigestTipAddress, DocumentId: &metadataId, Name: &currentLedgerName, } // Get a result back revisionOutput, err := client.GetRevision(&revisionInput) if err != nil { panic(err) } ... }
for (let value of result) { // Get the requested fields const blockAddress: dom.Value = value.get("blockAddress"); const hash: dom.Value = value.get("hash"); const metadataId: string = value.get("id").stringValue(); console.log(`Verifying document revision for id '${metadataId}'`); // Submit a request for the revision const revisionRequest: GetRevisionRequest = { Name: ledgerName, BlockAddress: { IonText: dumpText(blockAddress) }, DocumentId: metadataId, DigestTipAddress: getDigestResponse.DigestTipAddress }; // Get a response back const revisionResponse: GetRevisionResponse = await qldbClient.getRevision(revisionRequest).promise(); ... }
for value in result: # Get the requested fields block_address = value['blockAddress'] document_hash = value['hash'] metadata_id = value['id'] print("Verifying document revision for id '{}'".format(metadata_id)) # Submit a request for the revision and get a result back proof_response = qldb_client.get_revision(Name=ledger_name, BlockAddress=block_address_to_dictionary(block_address), DocumentId=metadata_id, DigestTipAddress=digest_tip_address)

Ensuite, récupérez la preuve de la révision demandée.

QLDBAPIRenvoie la preuve sous forme de chaîne de la liste ordonnée des hachages de nœuds. Pour convertir cette chaîne en une liste de la représentation binaire des hachages de nœuds, vous pouvez utiliser un lecteur Ion de la bibliothèque Amazon Ion. Pour plus d'informations sur l'utilisation de la bibliothèque Ion, consultez le livre de recettes Amazon Ion.


Dans cet exemple, vous utilisez IonReader pour effectuer la conversion binaire.

String proofText = revisionResult.getProof().getIonText(); // Take the proof and convert it to a list of byte arrays List<byte[]> internalHashes = new ArrayList<>(); IonReader reader = SYSTEM.newReader(proofText); reader.next(); reader.stepIn(); while (reader.next() != null) { internalHashes.add(reader.newBytes()); }

Dans cet exemple, vous l'utilisez IonLoader pour charger la preuve dans un datagramme ionique.

string proofText = revisionResponse.Proof.IonText; IIonDatagram proofValue = IonLoader.Default.Load(proofText);

Dans cet exemple, vous utilisez un lecteur Ion pour convertir la preuve en binaire et pour parcourir la liste des hachages de nœuds de la preuve.

proofText := revisionOutput.Proof.IonText // Use ion.Reader to iterate over the proof's node hashes reader := ion.NewReaderString(*proofText) // Enter the struct containing node hashes reader.Next() if err := reader.StepIn(); err != nil { panic(err) }

Dans cet exemple, vous utilisez la load fonction pour effectuer la conversion binaire.

let proofValue: dom.Value = load(revisionResponse.Proof.IonText);

Dans cet exemple, vous utilisez la loads fonction pour effectuer la conversion binaire.

proof_text = proof_response.get('Proof').get('IonText') proof_hashes = loads(proof_text)

Étape 4 : Recalculer le résumé à partir de la révision

Utilisez la liste des hachages de la preuve pour recalculer le résumé, en commençant par le hachage de révision. Tant que le résumé précédemment enregistré est connu et fiable à l'extérieurQLDB, l'intégrité de la révision du document est prouvée si le hachage du résumé recalculé correspond au hachage du résumé enregistré.

// Calculate digest byte[] calculatedDigest = internalHashes.stream().reduce(hash.getBytes(), BlockHashVerification::dot); boolean verified = Arrays.equals(expectedDigest, calculatedDigest); if (verified) { System.out.printf("Successfully verified document revision for id '%s'!%n", metadataId); } else { System.out.printf("Document revision for id '%s' verification failed!%n", metadataId); return; }
byte[] documentHash = hash.Bytes().ToArray(); foreach (IIonValue proofHash in proofValue.GetElementAt(0)) { // Calculate the digest documentHash = Dot(documentHash, proofHash.Bytes().ToArray()); } bool verified = expectedDigest.SequenceEqual(documentHash); if (verified) { Console.WriteLine($"Successfully verified document revision for id '{metadataId}'!"); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Document revision for id '{metadataId}' verification failed!"); return; }
// Going through nodes and calculate digest for reader.Next() { val, _ := reader.ByteValue() documentHash, err = dot(documentHash, val) } // Compare documentHash with the expected digest verified := reflect.DeepEqual(documentHash, expectedDigest) if verified { fmt.Printf("Successfully verified document revision for id '%s'!\n", metadataId) } else { fmt.Printf("Document revision for id '%s' verification failed!\n", metadataId) return }
let documentHash: Uint8Array = hash.uInt8ArrayValue(); proofValue.elements().forEach((proofHash: dom.Value) => { // Calculate the digest documentHash = dot(documentHash, proofHash.uInt8ArrayValue()); }); let verified: boolean = isEqual(expectedDigest, documentHash); if (verified) { console.log(`Successfully verified document revision for id '${metadataId}'!`); } else { console.log(`Document revision for id '${metadataId}' verification failed!`); return; }
# Calculate digest calculated_digest = reduce(dot, proof_hashes, document_hash) verified = calculated_digest == expected_digest if verified: print("Successfully verified document revision for id '{}'!".format(metadata_id)) else: print("Document revision for id '{}' verification failed!".format(metadata_id))

Étape 5 : Demandez une preuve pour le bloc de journal

Ensuite, vous devez vérifier le bloc de journal qui contient la révision du document.

Utilisez l'adresse de blocage et l'adresse du pourboire figurant dans le résumé que vous avez enregistré à l'étape 1 pour soumettre une GetBlock demande. Comme pour la GetRevision demande de l'étape 2, vous devez à nouveau fournir l'adresse du pourboire figurant dans le résumé enregistré pour obtenir une preuve du blocage. Cette API opération renvoie un objet qui inclut le bloc et la preuve du bloc.

Pour plus d'informations sur la structure des blocs du journal et son contenu, consultezContenu du journal sur Amazon QLDB.

// Submit a request for the block GetBlockRequest getBlockRequest = new GetBlockRequest() .withName(ledgerName) .withBlockAddress(new ValueHolder().withIonText(blockAddressText)) .withDigestTipAddress(digestResult.getDigestTipAddress()); // Get a result back GetBlockResult getBlockResult = client.getBlock(getBlockRequest);
// Submit a request for the block GetBlockRequest getBlockRequest = new GetBlockRequest { Name = ledgerName, BlockAddress = new ValueHolder { IonText = blockAddressText }, DigestTipAddress = getDigestResponse.DigestTipAddress }; // Get a response back GetBlockResponse getBlockResponse = client.GetBlockAsync(getBlockRequest).Result;
// Submit a request for the block blockInput := qldb.GetBlockInput{ Name: &currentLedgerName, BlockAddress: &qldb.ValueHolder{IonText: &blockAddress}, DigestTipAddress: digestOutput.DigestTipAddress, } // Get a result back blockOutput, err := client.GetBlock(&blockInput) if err != nil { panic(err) }
// Submit a request for the block const getBlockRequest: GetBlockRequest = { Name: ledgerName, BlockAddress: { IonText: dumpText(blockAddress) }, DigestTipAddress: getDigestResponse.DigestTipAddress }; // Get a response back const getBlockResponse: GetBlockResponse = await qldbClient.getBlock(getBlockRequest).promise();
def block_address_to_dictionary(ion_dict): """ Convert a block address from IonPyDict into a dictionary. Shape of the dictionary must be: {'IonText': "{strandId: <"strandId">, sequenceNo: <sequenceNo>}"} :type ion_dict: :py:class:`amazon.ion.simple_types.IonPyDict`/str :param ion_dict: The block address value to convert. :rtype: dict :return: The converted dict. """ block_address = {'IonText': {}} if not isinstance(ion_dict, str): py_dict = '{{strandId: "{}", sequenceNo:{}}}'.format(ion_dict['strandId'], ion_dict['sequenceNo']) ion_dict = py_dict block_address['IonText'] = ion_dict return block_address # Submit a request for the block and get a result back block_response = qldb_client.get_block(Name=ledger_name, BlockAddress=block_address_to_dictionary(block_address), DigestTipAddress=digest_tip_address)

Ensuite, récupérez le hachage du bloc et la preuve à partir du résultat.


Dans cet exemple, vous l'utilisez IonLoader pour charger l'objet du bloc dans un IonDatagram conteneur.

String blockText = getBlockResult.getBlock().getIonText(); IonDatagram datagram = SYSTEM.getLoader().load(blockText); ionStruct = (IonStruct)datagram.get(0); final byte[] blockHash = ((IonBlob)ionStruct.get("blockHash")).getBytes();

Vous pouvez également IonLoader charger la preuve dans unIonDatagram.

proofText = getBlockResult.getProof().getIonText(); // Take the proof and create a list of hash binary data datagram = SYSTEM.getLoader().load(proofText); ListIterator<IonValue> listIter = ((IonList)datagram.iterator().next()).listIterator(); internalHashes.clear(); while (listIter.hasNext()) { internalHashes.add(((IonBlob)listIter.next()).getBytes()); }

Dans cet exemple, vous pouvez IonLoader charger le bloc et la preuve dans un datagramme ionique pour chacun d'eux.

string blockText = getBlockResponse.Block.IonText; IIonDatagram blockValue = IonLoader.Default.Load(blockText); // blockValue is a IonDatagram, and the first value is an IonStruct containing the blockHash byte[] blockHash = blockValue.GetElementAt(0).GetField("blockHash").Bytes().ToArray(); proofText = getBlockResponse.Proof.IonText; proofValue = IonLoader.Default.Load(proofText);

Dans cet exemple, vous utilisez un lecteur Ion pour convertir la preuve en binaire et pour parcourir la liste des hachages de nœuds de la preuve.

proofText = blockOutput.Proof.IonText block := new(map[string]interface{}) err = ion.UnmarshalString(*blockOutput.Block.IonText, block) if err != nil { panic(err) } blockHash := (*block)["blockHash"].([]byte) // Use ion.Reader to iterate over the proof's node hashes reader = ion.NewReaderString(*proofText) // Enter the struct containing node hashes reader.Next() if err := reader.StepIn(); err != nil { panic(err) }

Dans cet exemple, vous utilisez la load fonction pour convertir le bloc et la preuve en binaire.

const blockValue: dom.Value = load(getBlockResponse.Block.IonText) let blockHash: Uint8Array = blockValue.get("blockHash").uInt8ArrayValue(); proofValue = load(getBlockResponse.Proof.IonText);

Dans cet exemple, vous utilisez la loads fonction pour convertir le bloc et la preuve en binaire.

block_text = block_response.get('Block').get('IonText') block = loads(block_text) block_hash = block.get('blockHash') proof_text = block_response.get('Proof').get('IonText') proof_hashes = loads(proof_text)

Étape 6 : Recalculer le condensé à partir du bloc

Utilisez la liste des hachages de la preuve pour recalculer le condensé, en commençant par le hachage du bloc. Tant que le condensé précédemment enregistré est connu et fiable à l'extérieurQLDB, l'intégrité du bloc est prouvée si le hachage du condensé recalculé correspond au hachage du condensé enregistré.

// Calculate digest calculatedDigest = internalHashes.stream().reduce(blockHash, BlockHashVerification::dot); verified = Arrays.equals(expectedDigest, calculatedDigest); if (verified) { System.out.printf("Block address '%s' successfully verified!%n", blockAddressText); } else { System.out.printf("Block address '%s' verification failed!%n", blockAddressText); }
foreach (IIonValue proofHash in proofValue.GetElementAt(0)) { // Calculate the digest blockHash = Dot(blockHash, proofHash.Bytes().ToArray()); } verified = expectedDigest.SequenceEqual(blockHash); if (verified) { Console.WriteLine($"Block address '{blockAddressText}' successfully verified!"); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Block address '{blockAddressText}' verification failed!"); }
// Going through nodes and calculate digest for reader.Next() { val, err := reader.ByteValue() if err != nil { panic(err) } blockHash, err = dot(blockHash, val) } // Compare blockHash with the expected digest verified = reflect.DeepEqual(blockHash, expectedDigest) if verified { fmt.Printf("Block address '%s' successfully verified!\n", blockAddress) } else { fmt.Printf("Block address '%s' verification failed!\n", blockAddress) return }
proofValue.elements().forEach((proofHash: dom.Value) => { // Calculate the digest blockHash = dot(blockHash, proofHash.uInt8ArrayValue()); }); verified = isEqual(expectedDigest, blockHash); if (verified) { console.log(`Block address '${dumpText(blockAddress)}' successfully verified!`); } else { console.log(`Block address '${dumpText(blockAddress)}' verification failed!`); }
# Calculate digest calculated_digest = reduce(dot, proof_hashes, block_hash) verified = calculated_digest == expected_digest if verified: print("Block address '{}' successfully verified!".format(dumps(block_address, binary=False, omit_version_marker=True))) else: print("Block address '{}' verification failed!".format(block_address))

Les exemples de code précédents utilisent la dot fonction suivante lors du recalcul du condensé. Cette fonction prend une entrée de deux hachages, les trie, les concatène, puis renvoie le hachage du tableau concaténé.

/** * Takes two hashes, sorts them, concatenates them, and then returns the * hash of the concatenated array. * * @param h1 * Byte array containing one of the hashes to compare. * @param h2 * Byte array containing one of the hashes to compare. * @return the concatenated array of hashes. */ public static byte[] dot(final byte[] h1, final byte[] h2) { if (h1.length != HASH_LENGTH || h2.length != HASH_LENGTH) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid hash."); } int byteEqual = 0; for (int i = h1.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { byteEqual = Byte.compare(h1[i], h2[i]); if (byteEqual != 0) { break; } } byte[] concatenated = new byte[h1.length + h2.length]; if (byteEqual < 0) { System.arraycopy(h1, 0, concatenated, 0, h1.length); System.arraycopy(h2, 0, concatenated, h1.length, h2.length); } else { System.arraycopy(h2, 0, concatenated, 0, h2.length); System.arraycopy(h1, 0, concatenated, h2.length, h1.length); } MessageDigest messageDigest; try { messageDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256"); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("SHA-256 message digest is unavailable", e); } messageDigest.update(concatenated); return messageDigest.digest(); }
/// <summary> /// Takes two hashes, sorts them, concatenates them, and then returns the /// hash of the concatenated array. /// </summary> /// <param name="h1">Byte array containing one of the hashes to compare.</param> /// <param name="h2">Byte array containing one of the hashes to compare.</param> /// <returns>The concatenated array of hashes.</returns> private static byte[] Dot(byte[] h1, byte[] h2) { if (h1.Length == 0) { return h2; } if (h2.Length == 0) { return h1; } HashAlgorithm hashAlgorithm = HashAlgorithm.Create("SHA256"); HashComparer comparer = new HashComparer(); if (comparer.Compare(h1, h2) < 0) { return hashAlgorithm.ComputeHash(h1.Concat(h2).ToArray()); } else { return hashAlgorithm.ComputeHash(h2.Concat(h1).ToArray()); } } private class HashComparer : IComparer<byte[]> { private static readonly int HASH_LENGTH = 32; public int Compare(byte[] h1, byte[] h2) { if (h1.Length != HASH_LENGTH || h2.Length != HASH_LENGTH) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid hash"); } for (var i = h1.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var byteEqual = (sbyte)h1[i] - (sbyte)h2[i]; if (byteEqual != 0) { return byteEqual; } } return 0; } }
// Takes two hashes, sorts them, concatenates them, and then returns the hash of the concatenated array. func dot(h1, h2 []byte) ([]byte, error) { compare, err := hashComparator(h1, h2) if err != nil { return nil, err } var concatenated []byte if compare < 0 { concatenated = append(h1, h2...) } else { concatenated = append(h2, h1...) } newHash := sha256.Sum256(concatenated) return newHash[:], nil } func hashComparator(h1 []byte, h2 []byte) (int16, error) { if len(h1) != hashLength || len(h2) != hashLength { return 0, errors.New("invalid hash") } for i := range h1 { // Reverse index for little endianness index := hashLength - 1 - i // Handle byte being unsigned and overflow h1Int := int16(h1[index]) h2Int := int16(h2[index]) if h1Int > 127 { h1Int = 0 - (256 - h1Int) } if h2Int > 127 { h2Int = 0 - (256 - h2Int) } difference := h1Int - h2Int if difference != 0 { return difference, nil } } return 0, nil }
/** * Takes two hashes, sorts them, concatenates them, and calculates a digest based on the concatenated hash. * @param h1 Byte array containing one of the hashes to compare. * @param h2 Byte array containing one of the hashes to compare. * @returns The digest calculated from the concatenated hash values. */ function dot(h1: Uint8Array, h2: Uint8Array): Uint8Array { if (h1.length === 0) { return h2; } if (h2.length === 0) { return h1; } const newHashLib = createHash("sha256"); let concatenated: Uint8Array; if (hashComparator(h1, h2) < 0) { concatenated = concatenate(h1, h2); } else { concatenated = concatenate(h2, h1); } newHashLib.update(concatenated); return newHashLib.digest(); } /** * Compares two hashes by their **signed** byte values in little-endian order. * @param hash1 The hash value to compare. * @param hash2 The hash value to compare. * @returns Zero if the hash values are equal, otherwise return the difference of the first pair of non-matching * bytes. * @throws RangeError When the hash is not the correct hash size. */ function hashComparator(hash1: Uint8Array, hash2: Uint8Array): number { if (hash1.length !== HASH_SIZE || hash2.length !== HASH_SIZE) { throw new RangeError("Invalid hash."); } for (let i = hash1.length-1; i >= 0; i--) { const difference: number = (hash1[i]<<24 >>24) - (hash2[i]<<24 >>24); if (difference !== 0) { return difference; } } return 0; } /** * Helper method that concatenates two Uint8Array. * @param arrays List of arrays to concatenate, in the order provided. * @returns The concatenated array. */ function concatenate(...arrays: Uint8Array[]): Uint8Array { let totalLength = 0; for (const arr of arrays) { totalLength += arr.length; } const result = new Uint8Array(totalLength); let offset = 0; for (const arr of arrays) { result.set(arr, offset); offset += arr.length; } return result; } /** * Helper method that checks for equality between two Uint8Array. * @param expected Byte array containing one of the hashes to compare. * @param actual Byte array containing one of the hashes to compare. * @returns Boolean indicating equality between the two Uint8Array. */ function isEqual(expected: Uint8Array, actual: Uint8Array): boolean { if (expected === actual) return true; if (expected == null || actual == null) return false; if (expected.length !== actual.length) return false; for (let i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) { if (expected[i] !== actual[i]) { return false; } } return true; }
def dot(hash1, hash2): """ Takes two hashes, sorts them, concatenates them, and then returns the hash of the concatenated array. :type hash1: bytes :param hash1: The hash value to compare. :type hash2: bytes :param hash2: The hash value to compare. :rtype: bytes :return: The new hash value generated from concatenated hash values. """ if len(hash1) != hash_length or len(hash2) != hash_length: raise ValueError('Illegal hash.') hash_array1 = array('b', hash1) hash_array2 = array('b', hash2) difference = 0 for i in range(len(hash_array1) - 1, -1, -1): difference = hash_array1[i] - hash_array2[i] if difference != 0: break if difference < 0: concatenated = hash1 + hash2 else: concatenated = hash2 + hash1 new_hash_lib = sha256() new_hash_lib.update(concatenated) new_digest = new_hash_lib.digest() return new_digest

Exécutez l'exemple de code complet

Exécutez l'exemple de code complet comme suit pour effectuer toutes les étapes précédentes du début à la fin.

import com.amazon.ion.IonBlob; import com.amazon.ion.IonDatagram; import com.amazon.ion.IonList; import com.amazon.ion.IonReader; import com.amazon.ion.IonString; import com.amazon.ion.IonStruct; import com.amazon.ion.IonSystem; import com.amazon.ion.IonValue; import com.amazon.ion.system.IonSystemBuilder; import com.amazonaws.services.qldb.AmazonQLDB; import com.amazonaws.services.qldb.AmazonQLDBClientBuilder; import com.amazonaws.services.qldb.model.GetBlockRequest; import com.amazonaws.services.qldb.model.GetBlockResult; import com.amazonaws.services.qldb.model.GetDigestRequest; import com.amazonaws.services.qldb.model.GetDigestResult; import com.amazonaws.services.qldb.model.GetRevisionRequest; import com.amazonaws.services.qldb.model.GetRevisionResult; import com.amazonaws.services.qldb.model.ValueHolder; import java.security.MessageDigest; import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import software.amazon.awssdk.regions.Region; import software.amazon.awssdk.services.qldbsession.QldbSessionClient; import software.amazon.awssdk.services.qldbsession.QldbSessionClientBuilder; import software.amazon.qldb.QldbDriver; import software.amazon.qldb.Result; public class BlockHashVerification { private static final IonSystem SYSTEM = IonSystemBuilder.standard().build(); private static final QldbDriver driver = createQldbDriver(); private static final AmazonQLDB client = AmazonQLDBClientBuilder.standard().build(); private static final String region = "us-east-1"; private static final String ledgerName = "vehicle-registration"; private static final String tableName = "VehicleRegistration"; private static final String vin = "KM8SRDHF6EU074761"; private static final int HASH_LENGTH = 32; /** * Create a pooled driver for creating sessions. * * @return The pooled driver for creating sessions. */ public static QldbDriver createQldbDriver() { QldbSessionClientBuilder sessionClientBuilder = QldbSessionClient.builder(); sessionClientBuilder.region(Region.of(region)); return QldbDriver.builder() .ledger(ledgerName) .sessionClientBuilder(sessionClientBuilder) .build(); } /** * Takes two hashes, sorts them, concatenates them, and then returns the * hash of the concatenated array. * * @param h1 * Byte array containing one of the hashes to compare. * @param h2 * Byte array containing one of the hashes to compare. * @return the concatenated array of hashes. */ public static byte[] dot(final byte[] h1, final byte[] h2) { if (h1.length != HASH_LENGTH || h2.length != HASH_LENGTH) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid hash."); } int byteEqual = 0; for (int i = h1.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { byteEqual = Byte.compare(h1[i], h2[i]); if (byteEqual != 0) { break; } } byte[] concatenated = new byte[h1.length + h2.length]; if (byteEqual < 0) { System.arraycopy(h1, 0, concatenated, 0, h1.length); System.arraycopy(h2, 0, concatenated, h1.length, h2.length); } else { System.arraycopy(h2, 0, concatenated, 0, h2.length); System.arraycopy(h1, 0, concatenated, h2.length, h1.length); } MessageDigest messageDigest; try { messageDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256"); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("SHA-256 message digest is unavailable", e); } messageDigest.update(concatenated); return messageDigest.digest(); } public static void main(String[] args) { // Get a digest GetDigestRequest digestRequest = new GetDigestRequest().withName(ledgerName); GetDigestResult digestResult = client.getDigest(digestRequest); java.nio.ByteBuffer digest = digestResult.getDigest(); // expectedDigest is the buffer we will use later to compare against our calculated digest byte[] expectedDigest = new byte[digest.remaining()]; digest.get(expectedDigest); // Retrieve info for the given vin's document revisions Result result = driver.execute(txn -> { final String query = String.format("SELECT blockAddress, hash, metadata.id FROM _ql_committed_%s WHERE data.VIN = '%s'", tableName, vin); return txn.execute(query); }); System.out.printf("Verifying document revisions for vin '%s' in table '%s' in ledger '%s'%n", vin, tableName, ledgerName); for (IonValue ionValue : result) { IonStruct ionStruct = (IonStruct)ionValue; // Get the requested fields IonValue blockAddress = ionStruct.get("blockAddress"); IonBlob hash = (IonBlob)ionStruct.get("hash"); String metadataId = ((IonString)ionStruct.get("id")).stringValue(); System.out.printf("Verifying document revision for id '%s'%n", metadataId); String blockAddressText = blockAddress.toString(); // Submit a request for the revision GetRevisionRequest revisionRequest = new GetRevisionRequest() .withName(ledgerName) .withBlockAddress(new ValueHolder().withIonText(blockAddressText)) .withDocumentId(metadataId) .withDigestTipAddress(digestResult.getDigestTipAddress()); // Get a result back GetRevisionResult revisionResult = client.getRevision(revisionRequest); String proofText = revisionResult.getProof().getIonText(); // Take the proof and convert it to a list of byte arrays List<byte[]> internalHashes = new ArrayList<>(); IonReader reader = SYSTEM.newReader(proofText); reader.next(); reader.stepIn(); while (reader.next() != null) { internalHashes.add(reader.newBytes()); } // Calculate digest byte[] calculatedDigest = internalHashes.stream().reduce(hash.getBytes(), BlockHashVerification::dot); boolean verified = Arrays.equals(expectedDigest, calculatedDigest); if (verified) { System.out.printf("Successfully verified document revision for id '%s'!%n", metadataId); } else { System.out.printf("Document revision for id '%s' verification failed!%n", metadataId); return; } // Submit a request for the block GetBlockRequest getBlockRequest = new GetBlockRequest() .withName(ledgerName) .withBlockAddress(new ValueHolder().withIonText(blockAddressText)) .withDigestTipAddress(digestResult.getDigestTipAddress()); // Get a result back GetBlockResult getBlockResult = client.getBlock(getBlockRequest); String blockText = getBlockResult.getBlock().getIonText(); IonDatagram datagram = SYSTEM.getLoader().load(blockText); ionStruct = (IonStruct)datagram.get(0); final byte[] blockHash = ((IonBlob)ionStruct.get("blockHash")).getBytes(); proofText = getBlockResult.getProof().getIonText(); // Take the proof and create a list of hash binary data datagram = SYSTEM.getLoader().load(proofText); ListIterator<IonValue> listIter = ((IonList)datagram.iterator().next()).listIterator(); internalHashes.clear(); while (listIter.hasNext()) { internalHashes.add(((IonBlob)listIter.next()).getBytes()); } // Calculate digest calculatedDigest = internalHashes.stream().reduce(blockHash, BlockHashVerification::dot); verified = Arrays.equals(expectedDigest, calculatedDigest); if (verified) { System.out.printf("Block address '%s' successfully verified!%n", blockAddressText); } else { System.out.printf("Block address '%s' verification failed!%n", blockAddressText); } } } }
using Amazon.IonDotnet; using Amazon.IonDotnet.Builders; using Amazon.IonDotnet.Tree; using Amazon.QLDB; using Amazon.QLDB.Driver; using Amazon.QLDB.Model; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Security.Cryptography; namespace BlockHashVerification { class BlockHashVerification { private static readonly string ledgerName = "vehicle-registration"; private static readonly string tableName = "VehicleRegistration"; private static readonly string vin = "KM8SRDHF6EU074761"; private static readonly IQldbDriver driver = QldbDriver.Builder().WithLedger(ledgerName).Build(); private static readonly IAmazonQLDB client = new AmazonQLDBClient(); /// <summary> /// Takes two hashes, sorts them, concatenates them, and then returns the /// hash of the concatenated array. /// </summary> /// <param name="h1">Byte array containing one of the hashes to compare.</param> /// <param name="h2">Byte array containing one of the hashes to compare.</param> /// <returns>The concatenated array of hashes.</returns> private static byte[] Dot(byte[] h1, byte[] h2) { if (h1.Length == 0) { return h2; } if (h2.Length == 0) { return h1; } HashAlgorithm hashAlgorithm = HashAlgorithm.Create("SHA256"); HashComparer comparer = new HashComparer(); if (comparer.Compare(h1, h2) < 0) { return hashAlgorithm.ComputeHash(h1.Concat(h2).ToArray()); } else { return hashAlgorithm.ComputeHash(h2.Concat(h1).ToArray()); } } private class HashComparer : IComparer<byte[]> { private static readonly int HASH_LENGTH = 32; public int Compare(byte[] h1, byte[] h2) { if (h1.Length != HASH_LENGTH || h2.Length != HASH_LENGTH) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid hash"); } for (var i = h1.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var byteEqual = (sbyte)h1[i] - (sbyte)h2[i]; if (byteEqual != 0) { return byteEqual; } } return 0; } } static void Main() { // Get a digest GetDigestRequest getDigestRequest = new GetDigestRequest { Name = ledgerName }; GetDigestResponse getDigestResponse = client.GetDigestAsync(getDigestRequest).Result; // expectedDigest is the buffer we will use later to compare against our calculated digest MemoryStream digest = getDigestResponse.Digest; byte[] expectedDigest = digest.ToArray(); // Retrieve info for the given vin's document revisions var result = driver.Execute(txn => { string query = $"SELECT blockAddress, hash, metadata.id FROM _ql_committed_{tableName} WHERE data.VIN = '{vin}'"; return txn.Execute(query); }); Console.WriteLine($"Verifying document revisions for vin '{vin}' in table '{tableName}' in ledger '{ledgerName}'"); foreach (IIonValue ionValue in result) { IIonStruct ionStruct = ionValue; // Get the requested fields IIonValue blockAddress = ionStruct.GetField("blockAddress"); IIonBlob hash = ionStruct.GetField("hash"); String metadataId = ionStruct.GetField("id").StringValue; Console.WriteLine($"Verifying document revision for id '{metadataId}'"); // Use an Ion Reader to convert block address to text IIonReader reader = IonReaderBuilder.Build(blockAddress); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); IIonWriter textWriter = IonTextWriterBuilder.Build(sw); textWriter.WriteValues(reader); string blockAddressText = sw.ToString(); // Submit a request for the revision GetRevisionRequest revisionRequest = new GetRevisionRequest { Name = ledgerName, BlockAddress = new ValueHolder { IonText = blockAddressText }, DocumentId = metadataId, DigestTipAddress = getDigestResponse.DigestTipAddress }; // Get a response back GetRevisionResponse revisionResponse = client.GetRevisionAsync(revisionRequest).Result; string proofText = revisionResponse.Proof.IonText; IIonDatagram proofValue = IonLoader.Default.Load(proofText); byte[] documentHash = hash.Bytes().ToArray(); foreach (IIonValue proofHash in proofValue.GetElementAt(0)) { // Calculate the digest documentHash = Dot(documentHash, proofHash.Bytes().ToArray()); } bool verified = expectedDigest.SequenceEqual(documentHash); if (verified) { Console.WriteLine($"Successfully verified document revision for id '{metadataId}'!"); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Document revision for id '{metadataId}' verification failed!"); return; } // Submit a request for the block GetBlockRequest getBlockRequest = new GetBlockRequest { Name = ledgerName, BlockAddress = new ValueHolder { IonText = blockAddressText }, DigestTipAddress = getDigestResponse.DigestTipAddress }; // Get a response back GetBlockResponse getBlockResponse = client.GetBlockAsync(getBlockRequest).Result; string blockText = getBlockResponse.Block.IonText; IIonDatagram blockValue = IonLoader.Default.Load(blockText); // blockValue is a IonDatagram, and the first value is an IonStruct containing the blockHash byte[] blockHash = blockValue.GetElementAt(0).GetField("blockHash").Bytes().ToArray(); proofText = getBlockResponse.Proof.IonText; proofValue = IonLoader.Default.Load(proofText); foreach (IIonValue proofHash in proofValue.GetElementAt(0)) { // Calculate the digest blockHash = Dot(blockHash, proofHash.Bytes().ToArray()); } verified = expectedDigest.SequenceEqual(blockHash); if (verified) { Console.WriteLine($"Block address '{blockAddressText}' successfully verified!"); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Block address '{blockAddressText}' verification failed!"); } } } } }
package main import ( "context" "crypto/sha256" "errors" "fmt" "reflect" "github.com/amzn/ion-go/ion" "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws" AWSSession "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/session" "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/qldb" "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/qldbsession" "github.com/awslabs/amazon-qldb-driver-go/qldbdriver" ) const ( hashLength = 32 ledgerName = "vehicle-registration" tableName = "VehicleRegistration" vin = "KM8SRDHF6EU074761" ) // Takes two hashes, sorts them, concatenates them, and then returns the hash of the concatenated array. func dot(h1, h2 []byte) ([]byte, error) { compare, err := hashComparator(h1, h2) if err != nil { return nil, err } var concatenated []byte if compare < 0 { concatenated = append(h1, h2...) } else { concatenated = append(h2, h1...) } newHash := sha256.Sum256(concatenated) return newHash[:], nil } func hashComparator(h1 []byte, h2 []byte) (int16, error) { if len(h1) != hashLength || len(h2) != hashLength { return 0, errors.New("invalid hash") } for i := range h1 { // Reverse index for little endianness index := hashLength - 1 - i // Handle byte being unsigned and overflow h1Int := int16(h1[index]) h2Int := int16(h2[index]) if h1Int > 127 { h1Int = 0 - (256 - h1Int) } if h2Int > 127 { h2Int = 0 - (256 - h2Int) } difference := h1Int - h2Int if difference != 0 { return difference, nil } } return 0, nil } func main() { driverSession := AWSSession.Must(AWSSession.NewSession(aws.NewConfig())) qldbSession := qldbsession.New(driverSession) driver, err := qldbdriver.New(ledgerName, qldbSession, func(options *qldbdriver.DriverOptions) {}) if err != nil { panic(err) } client := qldb.New(driverSession) // Get a digest currentLedgerName := ledgerName input := qldb.GetDigestInput{Name: &currentLedgerName} digestOutput, err := client.GetDigest(&input) if err != nil { panic(err) } // expectedDigest is the buffer we will later use to compare against our calculated digest expectedDigest := digestOutput.Digest // Retrieve info for the given vin's document revisions result, err := driver.Execute(context.Background(), func(txn qldbdriver.Transaction) (interface{}, error) { statement := fmt.Sprintf( "SELECT blockAddress, hash, metadata.id FROM _ql_committed_%s WHERE data.VIN = '%s'", tableName, vin) result, err := txn.Execute(statement) if err != nil { return nil, err } results := make([]map[string]interface{}, 0) // Convert the result set into a map for result.Next(txn) { var doc map[string]interface{} err := ion.Unmarshal(result.GetCurrentData(), &doc) if err != nil { return nil, err } results = append(results, doc) } return results, nil }) if err != nil { panic(err) } resultSlice := result.([]map[string]interface{}) fmt.Printf("Verifying document revisions for vin '%s' in table '%s' in ledger '%s'\n", vin, tableName, ledgerName) for _, value := range resultSlice { // Get the requested fields ionBlockAddress, err := ion.MarshalText(value["blockAddress"]) if err != nil { panic(err) } blockAddress := string(ionBlockAddress) metadataId := value["id"].(string) documentHash := value["hash"].([]byte) fmt.Printf("Verifying document revision for id '%s'\n", metadataId) // Submit a request for the revision revisionInput := qldb.GetRevisionInput{ BlockAddress: &qldb.ValueHolder{IonText: &blockAddress}, DigestTipAddress: digestOutput.DigestTipAddress, DocumentId: &metadataId, Name: &currentLedgerName, } // Get a result back revisionOutput, err := client.GetRevision(&revisionInput) if err != nil { panic(err) } proofText := revisionOutput.Proof.IonText // Use ion.Reader to iterate over the proof's node hashes reader := ion.NewReaderString(*proofText) // Enter the struct containing node hashes reader.Next() if err := reader.StepIn(); err != nil { panic(err) } // Going through nodes and calculate digest for reader.Next() { val, _ := reader.ByteValue() documentHash, err = dot(documentHash, val) } // Compare documentHash with the expected digest verified := reflect.DeepEqual(documentHash, expectedDigest) if verified { fmt.Printf("Successfully verified document revision for id '%s'!\n", metadataId) } else { fmt.Printf("Document revision for id '%s' verification failed!\n", metadataId) return } // Submit a request for the block blockInput := qldb.GetBlockInput{ Name: &currentLedgerName, BlockAddress: &qldb.ValueHolder{IonText: &blockAddress}, DigestTipAddress: digestOutput.DigestTipAddress, } // Get a result back blockOutput, err := client.GetBlock(&blockInput) if err != nil { panic(err) } proofText = blockOutput.Proof.IonText block := new(map[string]interface{}) err = ion.UnmarshalString(*blockOutput.Block.IonText, block) if err != nil { panic(err) } blockHash := (*block)["blockHash"].([]byte) // Use ion.Reader to iterate over the proof's node hashes reader = ion.NewReaderString(*proofText) // Enter the struct containing node hashes reader.Next() if err := reader.StepIn(); err != nil { panic(err) } // Going through nodes and calculate digest for reader.Next() { val, err := reader.ByteValue() if err != nil { panic(err) } blockHash, err = dot(blockHash, val) } // Compare blockHash with the expected digest verified = reflect.DeepEqual(blockHash, expectedDigest) if verified { fmt.Printf("Block address '%s' successfully verified!\n", blockAddress) } else { fmt.Printf("Block address '%s' verification failed!\n", blockAddress) return } } }
import { QldbDriver, Result, TransactionExecutor} from "amazon-qldb-driver-nodejs"; import { QLDB } from "aws-sdk" import { GetBlockRequest, GetBlockResponse, GetDigestRequest, GetDigestResponse, GetRevisionRequest, GetRevisionResponse } from "aws-sdk/clients/qldb"; import { createHash } from "crypto"; import { dom, dumpText, load } from "ion-js" const ledgerName: string = "vehicle-registration"; const tableName: string = "VehicleRegistration"; const vin: string = "KM8SRDHF6EU074761"; const driver: QldbDriver = new QldbDriver(ledgerName); const qldbClient: QLDB = new QLDB(); const HASH_SIZE = 32; /** * Takes two hashes, sorts them, concatenates them, and calculates a digest based on the concatenated hash. * @param h1 Byte array containing one of the hashes to compare. * @param h2 Byte array containing one of the hashes to compare. * @returns The digest calculated from the concatenated hash values. */ function dot(h1: Uint8Array, h2: Uint8Array): Uint8Array { if (h1.length === 0) { return h2; } if (h2.length === 0) { return h1; } const newHashLib = createHash("sha256"); let concatenated: Uint8Array; if (hashComparator(h1, h2) < 0) { concatenated = concatenate(h1, h2); } else { concatenated = concatenate(h2, h1); } newHashLib.update(concatenated); return newHashLib.digest(); } /** * Compares two hashes by their **signed** byte values in little-endian order. * @param hash1 The hash value to compare. * @param hash2 The hash value to compare. * @returns Zero if the hash values are equal, otherwise return the difference of the first pair of non-matching * bytes. * @throws RangeError When the hash is not the correct hash size. */ function hashComparator(hash1: Uint8Array, hash2: Uint8Array): number { if (hash1.length !== HASH_SIZE || hash2.length !== HASH_SIZE) { throw new RangeError("Invalid hash."); } for (let i = hash1.length-1; i >= 0; i--) { const difference: number = (hash1[i]<<24 >>24) - (hash2[i]<<24 >>24); if (difference !== 0) { return difference; } } return 0; } /** * Helper method that concatenates two Uint8Array. * @param arrays List of arrays to concatenate, in the order provided. * @returns The concatenated array. */ function concatenate(...arrays: Uint8Array[]): Uint8Array { let totalLength = 0; for (const arr of arrays) { totalLength += arr.length; } const result = new Uint8Array(totalLength); let offset = 0; for (const arr of arrays) { result.set(arr, offset); offset += arr.length; } return result; } /** * Helper method that checks for equality between two Uint8Array. * @param expected Byte array containing one of the hashes to compare. * @param actual Byte array containing one of the hashes to compare. * @returns Boolean indicating equality between the two Uint8Array. */ function isEqual(expected: Uint8Array, actual: Uint8Array): boolean { if (expected === actual) return true; if (expected == null || actual == null) return false; if (expected.length !== actual.length) return false; for (let i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) { if (expected[i] !== actual[i]) { return false; } } return true; } const main = async function (): Promise<void> { // Get a digest const getDigestRequest: GetDigestRequest = { Name: ledgerName }; const getDigestResponse: GetDigestResponse = await qldbClient.getDigest(getDigestRequest).promise(); // expectedDigest is the buffer we will later use to compare against our calculated digest const expectedDigest: Uint8Array = <Uint8Array>getDigestResponse.Digest; const result: dom.Value[] = await driver.executeLambda(async (txn: TransactionExecutor): Promise<dom.Value[]> => { const query: string = `SELECT blockAddress, hash, metadata.id FROM _ql_committed_${tableName} WHERE data.VIN = '${vin}'`; const queryResult: Result = await txn.execute(query); return queryResult.getResultList(); }); console.log(`Verifying document revisions for vin '${vin}' in table '${tableName}' in ledger '${ledgerName}'`); for (let value of result) { // Get the requested fields const blockAddress: dom.Value = value.get("blockAddress"); const hash: dom.Value = value.get("hash"); const metadataId: string = value.get("id").stringValue(); console.log(`Verifying document revision for id '${metadataId}'`); // Submit a request for the revision const revisionRequest: GetRevisionRequest = { Name: ledgerName, BlockAddress: { IonText: dumpText(blockAddress) }, DocumentId: metadataId, DigestTipAddress: getDigestResponse.DigestTipAddress }; // Get a response back const revisionResponse: GetRevisionResponse = await qldbClient.getRevision(revisionRequest).promise(); let proofValue: dom.Value = load(revisionResponse.Proof.IonText); let documentHash: Uint8Array = hash.uInt8ArrayValue(); proofValue.elements().forEach((proofHash: dom.Value) => { // Calculate the digest documentHash = dot(documentHash, proofHash.uInt8ArrayValue()); }); let verified: boolean = isEqual(expectedDigest, documentHash); if (verified) { console.log(`Successfully verified document revision for id '${metadataId}'!`); } else { console.log(`Document revision for id '${metadataId}' verification failed!`); return; } // Submit a request for the block const getBlockRequest: GetBlockRequest = { Name: ledgerName, BlockAddress: { IonText: dumpText(blockAddress) }, DigestTipAddress: getDigestResponse.DigestTipAddress }; // Get a response back const getBlockResponse: GetBlockResponse = await qldbClient.getBlock(getBlockRequest).promise(); const blockValue: dom.Value = load(getBlockResponse.Block.IonText) let blockHash: Uint8Array = blockValue.get("blockHash").uInt8ArrayValue(); proofValue = load(getBlockResponse.Proof.IonText); proofValue.elements().forEach((proofHash: dom.Value) => { // Calculate the digest blockHash = dot(blockHash, proofHash.uInt8ArrayValue()); }); verified = isEqual(expectedDigest, blockHash); if (verified) { console.log(`Block address '${dumpText(blockAddress)}' successfully verified!`); } else { console.log(`Block address '${dumpText(blockAddress)}' verification failed!`); } } }; if (require.main === module) { main(); }
from amazon.ion.simpleion import dumps, loads from array import array from boto3 import client from functools import reduce from hashlib import sha256 from pyqldb.driver.qldb_driver import QldbDriver ledger_name = 'vehicle-registration' table_name = 'VehicleRegistration' vin = 'KM8SRDHF6EU074761' qldb_client = client('qldb') hash_length = 32 def query_doc_revision(txn): query = "SELECT blockAddress, hash, metadata.id FROM _ql_committed_{} WHERE data.VIN = '{}'".format(table_name, vin) return txn.execute_statement(query) def block_address_to_dictionary(ion_dict): """ Convert a block address from IonPyDict into a dictionary. Shape of the dictionary must be: {'IonText': "{strandId: <"strandId">, sequenceNo: <sequenceNo>}"} :type ion_dict: :py:class:`amazon.ion.simple_types.IonPyDict`/str :param ion_dict: The block address value to convert. :rtype: dict :return: The converted dict. """ block_address = {'IonText': {}} if not isinstance(ion_dict, str): py_dict = '{{strandId: "{}", sequenceNo:{}}}'.format(ion_dict['strandId'], ion_dict['sequenceNo']) ion_dict = py_dict block_address['IonText'] = ion_dict return block_address def dot(hash1, hash2): """ Takes two hashes, sorts them, concatenates them, and then returns the hash of the concatenated array. :type hash1: bytes :param hash1: The hash value to compare. :type hash2: bytes :param hash2: The hash value to compare. :rtype: bytes :return: The new hash value generated from concatenated hash values. """ if len(hash1) != hash_length or len(hash2) != hash_length: raise ValueError('Illegal hash.') hash_array1 = array('b', hash1) hash_array2 = array('b', hash2) difference = 0 for i in range(len(hash_array1) - 1, -1, -1): difference = hash_array1[i] - hash_array2[i] if difference != 0: break if difference < 0: concatenated = hash1 + hash2 else: concatenated = hash2 + hash1 new_hash_lib = sha256() new_hash_lib.update(concatenated) new_digest = new_hash_lib.digest() return new_digest # Get a digest get_digest_response = qldb_client.get_digest(Name=ledger_name) # expected_digest is the buffer we will later use to compare against our calculated digest expected_digest = get_digest_response.get('Digest') digest_tip_address = get_digest_response.get('DigestTipAddress') qldb_driver = QldbDriver(ledger_name=ledger_name) # Retrieve info for the given vin's document revisions result = qldb_driver.execute_lambda(query_doc_revision) print("Verifying document revisions for vin '{}' in table '{}' in ledger '{}'".format(vin, table_name, ledger_name)) for value in result: # Get the requested fields block_address = value['blockAddress'] document_hash = value['hash'] metadata_id = value['id'] print("Verifying document revision for id '{}'".format(metadata_id)) # Submit a request for the revision and get a result back proof_response = qldb_client.get_revision(Name=ledger_name, BlockAddress=block_address_to_dictionary(block_address), DocumentId=metadata_id, DigestTipAddress=digest_tip_address) proof_text = proof_response.get('Proof').get('IonText') proof_hashes = loads(proof_text) # Calculate digest calculated_digest = reduce(dot, proof_hashes, document_hash) verified = calculated_digest == expected_digest if verified: print("Successfully verified document revision for id '{}'!".format(metadata_id)) else: print("Document revision for id '{}' verification failed!".format(metadata_id)) # Submit a request for the block and get a result back block_response = qldb_client.get_block(Name=ledger_name, BlockAddress=block_address_to_dictionary(block_address), DigestTipAddress=digest_tip_address) block_text = block_response.get('Block').get('IonText') block = loads(block_text) block_hash = block.get('blockHash') proof_text = block_response.get('Proof').get('IonText') proof_hashes = loads(proof_text) # Calculate digest calculated_digest = reduce(dot, proof_hashes, block_hash) verified = calculated_digest == expected_digest if verified: print("Block address '{}' successfully verified!".format(dumps(block_address, binary=False, omit_version_marker=True))) else: print("Block address '{}' verification failed!".format(block_address))