Amazon Comprehend Medical endpoints and quotas
To connect programmatically to an AWS service, you use an endpoint. AWS services offer the following endpoint types in some or all of the AWS Regions that the service supports: IPv4 endpoints, dual-stack endpoints, and FIPS endpoints. Some services provide global endpoints. For more information, see AWS service endpoints.
Service quotas, also referred to as limits, are the maximum number of service resources or operations for your AWS account. For more information, see AWS service quotas.
The following are the service endpoints and service quotas for this service.
Service endpoints
Region Name | Region | Endpoint | Protocol |
US East (Ohio) | us-east-2 | |
US East (N. Virginia) | us-east-1 | |
US West (Oregon) | us-west-2 | |
Asia Pacific (Sydney) | ap-southeast-2 | | HTTPS |
Canada (Central) | ca-central-1 | |
Europe (Ireland) | eu-west-1 | | HTTPS |
Europe (London) | eu-west-2 | | HTTPS |
AWS GovCloud (US-West) | us-gov-west-1 | |
Service quotas
Name | Default | Adjustable | Description |
Characters per second (CPS) for the DetectEntities operation | Each supported Region: 40,000 |
Yes |
The maximum characters per second (CPS) for the DetectEntities operation. |
Characters per second (CPS) for the DetectEntities-v2 operation | Each supported Region: 40,000 |
Yes |
The maximum characters per second (CPS) for the DetectEntities-v2 operation. |
Characters per second (CPS) for the DetectPHI operation | Each supported Region: 40,000 |
Yes |
The maximum characters per second (CPS) for the DetectPHI operation. |
Characters per second (CPS) for the InferICD10CM operation | Each supported Region: 40,000 |
Yes |
The maximum characters per second (CPS) for the InferICD10CM operation. |
Characters per second (CPS) for the InferRxNorm operation | Each supported Region: 40,000 |
Yes |
The maximum characters per second (CPS) for the InferRxNorm operation. |
Characters per second (CPS) for the InferSNOMEDCT operation | Each supported Region: 5,000 |
Yes |
The maximum characters per second (CPS) for the InferSNOMEDCT operation. |
Maximum batch job size (sum total for all the files submitted in a batch job). | Each supported Region: 1 Gigabytes | No | The maximum batch job size (sum total for all the files submitted in a batch job). |
Maximum document size (UTF-8 characters) for InferSNOMEDCT | Each supported Region: 5 Kilobytes | No | The maximum document size (UTF-8 characters) for InferSNOMEDCT. |
Maximum document size (UTF-8 characters) for the DetectEntities operation | Each supported Region: 20,000 Kilobytes | No | The maximum document size (UTF-8 characters) for the DetectEntities operation. |
Maximum document size (UTF-8 characters) for the DetectEntities-v2 operation | Each supported Region: 20,000 Kilobytes | No | The maximum document size (UTF-8 characters) for the DetectEntities-v2 operation. |
Maximum document size (UTF-8 characters) for the DetectPHI operation | Each supported Region: 20,000 Kilobytes | No | The maximum document size (UTF-8 characters) for the DetectPHI operation. |
Maximum document size (UTF-8 characters) for the InferICD10CM operation | Each supported Region: 10,000 Kilobytes | No | The maximum document size (UTF-8 characters) for the InferICD10CM operation. |
Maximum document size (UTF-8 characters) for the InferRxNorm operation | Each supported Region: 10,000 Kilobytes | No | The maximum document size (UTF-8 characters) for the InferRxNorm operation. |
Maximum individual file size for InferSNOMEDCT batch jobs | Each supported Region: 5 Kilobytes | No | The maximum individual file size for InferSNOMEDCT batch jobs. |
Maximum individual file size for batch jobs | Each supported Region: 40 Kilobytes | No | The maximum individual file size for batch jobs. |
Minimum size of batch jobs (all files) | Each supported Region: 1 Bytes | No | The minimum size of batch jobs (all files). |
Ontology (ICD10, RxNNorm, SNOMEDCT) Linking maximum batch job size (sum total for all the files submitted in a batch job). | Each supported Region: 1 Gigabytes | No | Ontology (ICD10, RxNNorm, SNOMEDCT) Linking maximum batch job size (sum total for all the files submitted in a batch job). |
Transactions per second (TPS) for the DescribeEntitiesDetectionV2Job operation | Each supported Region: 10 |
Yes |
The maximum transactions per second (TPS) for the DescribeEntitiesDetectionV2Job operation. |
Transactions per second (TPS) for the DescribeICD10CMInferenceJob operation | Each supported Region: 10 |
Yes |
The maximum transactions per second (TPS) for the DescribeICD10CMInferenceJob operation. |
Transactions per second (TPS) for the DescribePHIDetectionJob operation | Each supported Region: 10 |
Yes |
The maximum transactions per second (TPS) for the DescribePHIDetectionJob operation. |
Transactions per second (TPS) for the DescribeRxNormInferenceJob operation | Each supported Region: 10 |
Yes |
The maximum transactions per second (TPS) for the DescribeRxNormInferenceJob operation. |
Transactions per second (TPS) for the DetectEntities operation | Each supported Region: 40 | No | The maximum transactions per second (TPS) for the DetectEntities operation. |
Transactions per second (TPS) for the DetectEntities-v2 operation | Each supported Region: 40 | No | The maximum transactions per second (TPS) for the DetectEntities-v2 operation. |
Transactions per second (TPS) for the DetectPHI operation | Each supported Region: 40 | No | The maximum transactions per second (TPS) for the DetectPHI operation. |
Transactions per second (TPS) for the InferICD10CM operation | Each supported Region: 40 | No | The maximum transactions per second (TPS) for the InferICD10CM operation. |
Transactions per second (TPS) for the InferRxNorm operation | Each supported Region: 40 | No | The maximum transactions per second (TPS) for the InferRxNorm operation. |
Transactions per second (TPS) for the InferSNOMEDCT operation | Each supported Region: 2 | No | The maximum transactions per second (TPS) for the InferSNOMEDCT operation. |
Transactions per second (TPS) for the ListEntitiesDetectionV2Jobs operation | Each supported Region: 10 |
Yes |
The maximum transactions per second (TPS) for the ListEntitiesDetectionV2Jobs operation. |
Transactions per second (TPS) for the ListICD10CMInferenceJobs operation | Each supported Region: 10 |
Yes |
The maximum transactions per second (TPS) for the ListICD10CMInferenceJobs operation. |
Transactions per second (TPS) for the ListPHIDetectionJobs operation | Each supported Region: 10 |
Yes |
The maximum transactions per second (TPS) for the ListPHIDetectionJobs operation. |
Transactions per second (TPS) for the ListRxNormInferenceJobs operation | Each supported Region: 10 |
Yes |
The maximum transactions per second (TPS) for the ListRxNormInferenceJobs operation. |
Transactions per second (TPS) for the StartEntitiesDetectionV2Job operation | Each supported Region: 5 |
Yes |
The maximum transactions per second (TPS) for the StartEntitiesDetectionV2Job operation. |
Transactions per second (TPS) for the StartICD10CMInferenceJob operation | Each supported Region: 5 |
Yes |
The maximum transactions per second (TPS) for the StartICD10CMInferenceJob operation. |
Transactions per second (TPS) for the StartPHIDetectionJob operation | Each supported Region: 5 |
Yes |
The maximum transactions per second (TPS) for the StartPHIDetectionJob operation. |
Transactions per second (TPS) for the StartRxNormInferenceJob operation | Each supported Region: 5 |
Yes |
The maximum transactions per second (TPS) for the StartRxNormInferenceJob operation. |
Transactions per second (TPS) for the StartSNOMEDCTInferenceJob operation | Each supported Region: 5 | No | The maximum transactions per second (TPS) for the StartSNOMEDCTInferenceJob operation. |
Transactions per second (TPS) for the StopEntitiesDetectionV2Job operation | Each supported Region: 5 |
Yes |
The maximum transactions per second (TPS) for the StopEntitiesDetectionV2Job operation. |
Transactions per second (TPS) for the StopICD10CMInferenceJob operation | Each supported Region: 5 |
Yes |
The maximum transactions per second (TPS) for the StopICD10CMInferenceJob operation. |
Transactions per second (TPS) for the StopPHIDetectionJob operation | Each supported Region: 5 |
Yes |
The maximum transactions per second (TPS) for the StopPHIDetectionJob operation. |
Transactions per second (TPS) for the StopRxNormInferenceJob operation | Each supported Region: 5 |
Yes |
The maximum transactions per second (TPS) for the StopRxNormInferenceJob operation. |
Transactions per second (TPS) for the StopSNOMEDCTInferenceJob operation | Each supported Region: 5 |
Yes |
The maximum transactions per second (TPS) for the StopSNOMEDCTInferenceJob operation. |