Amazon Connect endpoints and quotas - AWS General Reference

Amazon Connect endpoints and quotas

To connect programmatically to an AWS service, you use an endpoint. AWS services offer the following endpoint types in some or all of the AWS Regions that the service supports: IPv4 endpoints, dual-stack endpoints, and FIPS endpoints. Some services provide global endpoints. For more information, see AWS service endpoints.

Service quotas, also referred to as limits, are the maximum number of service resources or operations for your AWS account. For more information, see AWS service quotas.

The following are the service endpoints and service quotas for this service.

Service endpoints

Region Name Region Endpoint Protocol
US East (N. Virginia) us-east-1



US West (Oregon) us-west-2



Africa (Cape Town) af-south-1 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Seoul) ap-northeast-2 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Singapore) ap-southeast-1 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Sydney) ap-southeast-2 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Tokyo) ap-northeast-1 HTTPS
Canada (Central) ca-central-1



Europe (Frankfurt) eu-central-1 HTTPS
Europe (London) eu-west-2 HTTPS
AWS GovCloud (US-West) us-gov-west-1 HTTPS

Amazon Connect Contact Lens endpoints

The Amazon Connect Contact Lens service has the following endpoints.

Region Name Region Endpoint Protocol
US East (N. Virginia) us-east-1 HTTPS
US West (Oregon) us-west-2 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Mumbai) ap-south-1 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Seoul) ap-northeast-2 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Singapore) ap-southeast-1 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Sydney) ap-southeast-2 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Tokyo) ap-northeast-1 HTTPS
Canada (Central) ca-central-1 HTTPS
Europe (Frankfurt) eu-central-1 HTTPS
Europe (London) eu-west-2 HTTPS

Amazon Connect Participant Service endpoints

The Amazon Connect Participant Service has the following endpoints.

Region Name Region Endpoint Protocol
US East (N. Virginia) us-east-1



US West (Oregon) us-west-2



Africa (Cape Town) af-south-1 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Seoul) ap-northeast-2 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Singapore) ap-southeast-1 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Sydney) ap-southeast-2 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Tokyo) ap-northeast-1 HTTPS
Canada (Central) ca-central-1 HTTPS
Europe (Frankfurt) eu-central-1 HTTPS
Europe (London) eu-west-2 HTTPS
AWS GovCloud (US-West) us-gov-west-1 HTTPS

Amazon Connect Customer Profiles endpoints

The Amazon Connect Customer Profiles service has the following endpoints.

Region Name Region Endpoint Protocol
US East (N. Virginia) us-east-1



US West (Oregon) us-west-2



Africa (Cape Town) af-south-1 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Seoul) ap-northeast-2 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Singapore) ap-southeast-1 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Sydney) ap-southeast-2 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Tokyo) ap-northeast-1 HTTPS
Canada (Central) ca-central-1



Europe (Frankfurt) eu-central-1 HTTPS
Europe (London) eu-west-2 HTTPS

AppIntegrations Service endpoints

The AppIntegrations Service has the following endpoints.

Region Name Region Endpoint Protocol
US East (N. Virginia) us-east-1



US West (Oregon) us-west-2



Africa (Cape Town) af-south-1 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Seoul) ap-northeast-2 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Singapore) ap-southeast-1 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Sydney) ap-southeast-2 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Tokyo) ap-northeast-1 HTTPS
Canada (Central) ca-central-1



Europe (Frankfurt) eu-central-1 HTTPS
Europe (London) eu-west-2 HTTPS

Amazon Connect Cases endpoints

Amazon Connect Cases has the following endpoints.

Region Name Region Endpoint Protocol
US East (N. Virginia) us-east-1



US West (Oregon) us-west-2



Asia Pacific (Seoul) ap-northeast-2 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Singapore) ap-southeast-1 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Sydney) ap-southeast-2 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Tokyo) ap-northeast-1 HTTPS
Canada (Central) ca-central-1 HTTPS
Europe (Frankfurt) eu-central-1 HTTPS
Europe (London) eu-west-2 HTTPS

Amazon Connect Voice ID endpoints

Amazon Connect Voice ID has the following endpoints.

Region Name Region Endpoint Protocol
US East (N. Virginia) us-east-1



US West (Oregon) us-west-2



Asia Pacific (Singapore) ap-southeast-1 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Sydney) ap-southeast-2 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Tokyo) ap-northeast-1 HTTPS
Canada (Central) ca-central-1



Europe (Frankfurt) eu-central-1 HTTPS
Europe (London) eu-west-2 HTTPS

Amazon Q in Connect endpoints

Amazon Q in Connect has the following endpoints.

Region Name Region Endpoint Protocol
US East (N. Virginia) us-east-1




US West (Oregon) us-west-2




Asia Pacific (Seoul) ap-northeast-2



Asia Pacific (Singapore) ap-southeast-1



Asia Pacific (Sydney) ap-southeast-2



Asia Pacific (Tokyo) ap-northeast-1



Canada (Central) ca-central-1




Europe (Frankfurt) eu-central-1



Europe (London) eu-west-2



Service quotas

Name Default Adjustable Description
AWS Lambda functions per instance Each supported Region: 50 Yes The maximum number of AWS Lambda functions you can create in this instance in the current Region.
Agent status per instance Each supported Region: 50 No The maximum number of agent statuses you can create in this instance in the current Region. This limit cannot be increased.
Agents per schedule Each supported Region: 800 No The maximum number of agents per schedule in the current region.
Agents per staffing group Each supported Region: 80 No The maximum number of agents per staffing group in the current region.
Amazon Connect instance count Each supported Region: 2 Yes The maximum number of Amazon Connect instances you can create in this account in the current Region.
Amazon Lex V2 bot aliases per instance Each supported Region: 100 Yes The maximum number of Amazon Lex V2 bot aliases you can use in this instance
Amazon Lex bots per instance Each supported Region: 70 Yes The maximum number of Amazon Lex bots you can use in this instance in the current Region.
Amazon Pinpoint application integration associations per instance Each supported Region: 1 No The maximum number of Amazon Pinpoint application integration associations you can create in this instance in the current Region.
Amazon Q in Connect assistant integration associations per instance Each supported Region: 1 No The maximum number of Amazon Q in Connect assistant integration associations you can create in this instance in the current Region.
Amazon Q in Connect knowledge base integration associations per instance Each supported Region: 10 No The maximum number of Amazon Q in Connect knowledge base integration associations you can create in this instance in the current Region.
Amazon Q in Connect message templates integration associations per instance Each supported Region: 1 No The maximum number of Amazon Q in Connect message templates integration associations you can create in this instance in the current Region.
Amazon Q in Connect quick responses integration associations per instance Each supported Region: 1 No The maximum number of Amazon Q in Connect quick responses integration associations you can create in this instance in the current Region.
Application integration associations per instance Each supported Region: 25 Yes The maximum number of application integration associations you can create in this instance in the current Region.
Capacity plan override uploads per instance Each supported Region: 5,000 No The maximum number of capacity plan override uploads per instance in the current region.
Capacity plan user data uploads per instance Each supported Region: 500 No The maximum number of capacity plan user data uploads per instance in the current region.
Capacity planning scenarios per instance Each supported Region: 500 No The maximum number of capacity planning scenarios you can create in this instance in the current region.
Capacity plans per instance Each supported Region: 500 No The maximum number of capacity plans you can create in this instance in the current region.
Cases domain integration associations per instance Each supported Region: 1 No The maximum number of Cases domain integration associations you can create in this instance in the current Region.
Concurrent active calls per instance Each supported Region: 10 Yes The maximum number of concurrent active calls you can have in this instance in the current Region. If this is exceeded, contacts will get a fast busy tone, which indicates the transmission path to the called number is not available.
Concurrent active chats per instance Each supported Region: 500 Yes The maximum number of concurrent active chats you can have in this instance in the current Region. If this is exceeded, additional chat sessions cannot be initiated.
Concurrent active emails per instance Each supported Region: 1,000 No The maximum number of concurrent active emails you can have in this instance in the current Region. If this is exceeded, additional emails cannot be created.
Concurrent active tasks per instance Each supported Region: 2,500 Yes The maximum number of concurrent active tasks you can have in this instance in the current Region. If this is exceeded, additional tasks cannot be created.
Concurrent campaign active calls per instance Each supported Region: 0 Yes The maximum number of concurrent campaign active calls you can have in this instance in the current Region. If this is exceeded, contacts will get a fast busy tone, which indicates the transmission path to the called number is not available.
Concurrent uploads per instance Each supported Region: 20 No The maximum number of uploads able to be processed at a time for an instance in the current region.
Contact Lens connectors per account Each supported Region: 0 Yes The maximum number of Contact Lens connectors that can be created in this AWS account in the current Region.
Contact flows per instance Each supported Region: 100 Yes The maximum number of contact flows you can create in this instance in the current Region.
Event integration associations per instance Each supported Region: 10 Yes The maximum number of event integration associations you can create in this instance in the current Region.
External voice transfer connectors per account Each supported Region: 0 Yes The maximum number of external voice transfer connectors that can be created in this AWS account in the current Region.
File scanner integration associations per instance Each supported Region: 1 No The maximum number of file scanner integration associations you can create in this instance in the current Region.
File size per upload of capacity plan overrides Each supported Region: 250 No The maximum number of megabytes a capacity plan override file upload can be for an instance in the current region.
File size per upload of capacity plan user data Each supported Region: 1,000 No The maximum number of megabytes a capacity plan user data file upload can be for an instance in the current region.
File size per upload of forecast overrides Each supported Region: 250 No The maximum number of megabytes a forecast override file upload can be for an instance in the current region.
File size per upload of historical actuals Each supported Region: 1,000 No The maximum number of megabytes a historical actuals upload can be for an instance in the current region.
Flow modules per instance Each supported Region: 200 Yes The maximum number of flow modules you can create per instance in the current Region.
Forecast groups per instance Each supported Region: 500 No The maximum number of forecast groups you can create in this instance in the current region.
Forecast override uploads per instance Each supported Region: 500 No The maximum number of forecast override uploads per instance in the current region.
Historical actuals uploads per instance Each supported Region: 50 No The maximum number of historical actuals uploads per instance in the current region.
Hours of operation per instance Each supported Region: 100 Yes The maximum number of hours of operation you can create in this instance in the current Region.
Maximum active recording sessions from external voice systems per instance Each supported Region: 10 Yes The maximum number of active recording sessions from external voice systems you can have per Amazon Connect instance in the current Region. If this is exceeded, additional analytics sessions cannot be started.
Phone numbers per instance Each supported Region: 5 Yes The maximum number of phone numbers you can claim for this instance in the current Region.
Predefined Attributes Each supported Region: 25 Yes The maximum number of predefined attributes you can create per instance in the current Region.
Proficiencies per agent Each supported Region: 20 Yes The maximum number of proficiencies you can associate with an agent in the current Region.
Prompts per instance Each supported Region: 500 Yes The maximum number of prompts you can create in this instance in the current Region.
Queues per forecast group Each supported Region: 200 No The maximum number of queues you can have in a given forecast group.
Queues per instance Each supported Region: 100 Yes The maximum number of queues you can create in this instance in the current Region.
Queues per routing profile per instance Each supported Region: 50 Yes The maximum number of queues you can create per routing profile in this instance in the current region.
Quick connects per instance Each supported Region: 100 Yes The maximum number of quick connects/transfer destinations you can create in this instance in the current Region.
Rate of AssociateApprovedOrigin API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of AssociateApprovedOrigin API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of AssociateBot API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of AssociateBot API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of AssociateDefaultVocabulary API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of AssociateDefaultVocabulary API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of AssociateInstanceStorageConfig API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of AssociateInstanceStorageConfig API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of AssociateLambdaFunction API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of AssociateLambdaFunction API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of AssociateLexBot API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of AssociateLexBot API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of AssociatePhoneNumberContactFlow API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of AssociatePhoneNumberContactFlow API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of AssociateQueueQuickConnects API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of AssociateQueueQuickConnects API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of AssociateRoutingProfileQueues API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of AssociateRoutingProfileQueues API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of AssociateSecurityKey API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of AssociateSecurityKey API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of AssociateUserProficiencies API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of AssociateUserProficiencies API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of BatchPutContact API requests Each supported Region: 10 per second Yes The maximum number of BatchPutContact API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of ClaimPhoneNumber API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of ClaimPhoneNumber API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of CreateAgentStatus API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of CreateAgentStatus API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of CreateContactFlow API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of CreateContactFlow API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of CreateContactFlowModule API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of CreateContactFlowModule API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of CreateHoursOfOperation API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of CreateHoursOfOperation API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of CreateHoursOfOperationOverride API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of CreateHoursOfOperationOverride API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of CreateInstance API requests Each supported Region: 0.1 per second Yes The maximum number of CreateInstance API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of CreateIntegrationAssociation API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of CreateIntegrationAssociation API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of CreateParticipant API requests Each supported Region: 5 per second Yes The maximum number of CreateParticipant API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of CreatePredefinedAttribute API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of CreatePredefinedAttribute API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of CreatePushNotificationRegistration API requests Each supported Region: 5 per second Yes The maximum number of CreatePushNotificationRegistration API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of CreateQueue API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of CreateQueue API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of CreateQuickConnect API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of CreateQuickConnect API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of CreateRoutingProfile API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of CreateRoutingProfile API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of CreateRule API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of CreateRule API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of CreateSecurityProfile API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of CreateSecurityProfile API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of CreateTaskTemplate API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of CreateTaskTemplate API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of CreateTrafficDistributionGroup API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of CreateTrafficDistributionGroup API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of CreateUseCase API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of CreateUseCase API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of CreateUser API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of CreateUser API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of CreateUserHierarchyGroup API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of CreateUserHierarchyGroup API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of CreateVocabulary API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of CreateVocabulary API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of DeleteContactFlow API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of DeleteContactFlow API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of DeleteContactFlowModule API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of DeleteContactFlowModule API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of DeleteHoursOfOperation API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of DeleteHoursOfOperation API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of DeleteHoursOfOperationOverride API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of DeleteHoursOfOperationOverride API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of DeleteInstance API requests Each supported Region: 0.1 per second Yes The maximum number of DeleteInstance API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of DeleteIntegrationAssociation API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of DeleteIntegrationAssociation API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of DeletePredefinedAttribute API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of DeletePredefinedAttribute API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of DeletePushNotificationRegistration API requests Each supported Region: 5 per second Yes The maximum number of DeletePushNotificationRegistration API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of DeleteQuickConnect API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of DeleteQuickConnect API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of DeleteRule API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of DeleteRule API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of DeleteSecurityProfile API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of DeleteSecurityProfile API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of DeleteTaskTemplate API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of DeleteTaskTemplate API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of DeleteTrafficDistributionGroup API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of DeleteTrafficDistributionGroup API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of DeleteUseCase API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of DeleteUseCase API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of DeleteUser API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of DeleteUser API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of DeleteUserHierarchyGroup API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of DeleteUserHierarchyGroup API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of DeleteVocabulary API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of DeleteVocabulary API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of DescribeAgentStatus API requests Each supported Region: 10 per second Yes The maximum number of DescribeAgentStatus API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of DescribeContact API requests Each supported Region: 10 per second Yes The maximum number of DescribeContact API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of DescribeContactFlow API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of DescribeContactFlow API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of DescribeContactFlowModule API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of DescribeContactFlowModule API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of DescribeHoursOfOperation API requests Each supported Region: 10 per second Yes The maximum number of DescribeHoursOfOperation API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of DescribeHoursOfOperationOverride API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of DescribeHoursOfOperationOverride API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of DescribeInstance API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of DescribeInstance API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of DescribeInstanceAttribute API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of DescribeInstanceAttribute API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of DescribeInstanceStorageConfig API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of DescribeInstanceStorageConfig API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of DescribePhoneNumber API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of DescribePhoneNumber API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of DescribePredefinedAttribute API requests Each supported Region: 10 per second Yes The maximum number of DescribePredefinedAttribute API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of DescribePrompt API requests Each supported Region: 10 per second Yes The maximum number of DescribePrompt API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of DescribeQueue API requests Each supported Region: 10 per second Yes The maximum number of DescribeQueue API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of DescribeQuickConnect API requests Each supported Region: 10 per second Yes The maximum number of DescribeQuickConnect API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of DescribeRoutingProfile API requests Each supported Region: 10 per second Yes The maximum number of DescribeRoutingProfile API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of DescribeRule API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of DescribeRule API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of DescribeSecurityProfile API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of DescribeSecurityProfile API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of DescribeTrafficDistributionGroup API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of DescribeTrafficDistributionGroup API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of DescribeUser API requests Each supported Region: 10 per second Yes The maximum number of DescribeUser API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of DescribeUserHierarchyGroup API requests Each supported Region: 10 per second Yes The maximum number of DescribeUserHierarchyGroup API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of DescribeUserHierarchyStructure API requests Each supported Region: 10 per second Yes The maximum number of DescribeUserHierarchyStructure API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of DescribeVocabulary API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of DescribeVocabulary API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of DisassociateApprovedOrigin API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of DisassociateApprovedOrigin API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of DisassociateBot API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of DisassociateBot API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of DisassociateInstanceStorageConfig API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of DisassociateInstanceStorageConfig API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of DisassociateLambdaFunction API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of DisassociateLambdaFunction API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of DisassociateLexBot API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of DisassociateLexBot API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of DisassociatePhoneNumberContactFlow API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of DisassociatePhoneNumberContactFlow API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of DisassociateQueueQuickConnects API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of DisassociateQueueQuickConnects API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of DisassociateRoutingProfileQueues API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of DisassociateRoutingProfileQueues API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of DisassociateSecurityKey API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of DisassociateSecurityKey API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of DisassociateUserProficiencies API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of DisassociateUserProficiencies API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of DismissUserContact API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of DismissUserContact API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of GetContactAttributes API requests Each supported Region: 10 per second Yes The maximum number of GetContactAttributes API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of GetCurrentMetricData API requests Each supported Region: 5 per second Yes The maximum number of GetCurrentMetricData API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of GetCurrentUserData API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of GetCurrentUserData API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of GetEffectiveHoursOfOperations API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of GetEffectiveHoursOfOperations API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of GetFederationToken API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of GetFederationToken API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of GetMetricData API requests Each supported Region: 5 per second Yes The maximum number of GetMetricData API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of GetMetricDataV2 API requests Each supported Region: 10 per second Yes The maximum number of GetMetricDataV2 API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of GetTaskTemplate API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of GetTaskTemplate API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of GetTrafficDistribution API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of GetTrafficDistribution API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of ListAgentStatuses API requests Each supported Region: 10 per second Yes The maximum number of ListAgentStatuses API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of ListApprovedOrigins API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of ListApprovedOrigins API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of ListBots API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of ListBots API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of ListContactFlowModules API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of ListContactFlowModules API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of ListContactFlows API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of ListContactFlows API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of ListContactReferences API requests Each supported Region: 10 per second Yes The maximum number of ListContactReferences API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of ListDefaultVocabularies API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of ListDefaultVocabularies API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of ListHoursOfOperationOverrides API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of ListHoursOfOperationOverrides API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of ListHoursOfOperations API requests Each supported Region: 10 per second Yes The maximum number of ListHoursOfOperations API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of ListInstanceAttributes API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of ListInstanceAttributes API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of ListInstanceStorageConfigs API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of ListInstanceStorageConfigs API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of ListInstances API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of ListInstances API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of ListIntegrationAssociations API requests Each supported Region: 50 per second Yes The maximum number of ListIntegrationAssociations API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of ListLambdaFunctions API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of ListLambdaFunctions API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of ListLexBots API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of ListLexBots API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of ListPhoneNumbers API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of ListPhoneNumbers API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of ListPhoneNumbersV2 API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of ListPhoneNumbersV2 API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of ListPredefinedAttributes API requests Each supported Region: 10 per second Yes The maximum number of ListPredefinedAttributes API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of ListPrompts API requests Each supported Region: 10 per second Yes The maximum number of ListPrompts API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of ListQueueQuickConnects API requests Each supported Region: 10 per second Yes The maximum number of ListQueueQuickConnects API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of ListQueues API requests Each supported Region: 10 per second Yes The maximum number of ListQueues API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of ListQuickConnects API requests Each supported Region: 10 per second Yes The maximum number of ListQuickConnects API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of ListRoutingProfileQueues API requests Each supported Region: 10 per second Yes The maximum number of ListRoutingProfileQueues API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of ListRoutingProfiles API requests Each supported Region: 10 per second Yes The maximum number of ListRoutingProfiles API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of ListRules API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of ListRules API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of ListSecurityKeys API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of ListSecurityKeys API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of ListSecurityProfilePermissions API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of ListSecurityProfilePermissions API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of ListSecurityProfiles API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of ListSecurityProfiles API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of ListTagsForResource API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of ListTagsForResource API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of ListTaskTemplates API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of ListTaskTemplates API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of ListTrafficDistributionGroups API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of ListTrafficDistributionGroups API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of ListUseCases API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of ListUseCases API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of ListUserHierarchyGroups API requests Each supported Region: 10 per second Yes The maximum number of list user hierarchy groups requests that can be processed per second, in this account in the current Region.
Rate of ListUserProficiencies API requests Each supported Region: 10 per second Yes The maximum number of ListUserProficiencies API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of ListUsers API requests Each supported Region: 10 per second Yes The maximum number of ListUsers API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of MonitorContact API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of MonitorContact API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of PauseContact API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of PauseContact API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of PutUserStatus API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of PutUserStatus API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of ReleasePhoneNumber API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of ReleasePhoneNumber API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of ReplicateInstance API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of ReplicateInstance API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of ResumeContact API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of ResumeContact API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of ResumeContactRecording API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of ResumeContactRecording API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of SearchAgentStatuses API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of SearchAgentStatuses API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of SearchAvailablePhoneNumbers API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of SearchAvailablePhoneNumbers API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of SearchHoursOfOperationOverrides API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of SearchHoursOfOperationOverrides API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of SearchHoursOfOperations API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of SearchHoursOfOperations API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of SearchPredefinedAttributes API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of SearchPredefinedAttributes API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of SearchPrompts API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of SearchPrompts API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of SearchQueues API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of SearchQueues API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of SearchQuickConnects API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of SearchQuickConnects API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of SearchResourceTags API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of SearchResourceTags API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of SearchRoutingProfiles API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of SearchRoutingProfiles API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of SearchSecurityProfiles API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of SearchSecurityProfiles API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of SearchUserHierarchyGroups API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of SearchUserHierarchyGroups API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of SearchUsers API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of SearchUsers API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of SearchVocabularies API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of SearchVocabularies API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of SendIntegrationEvent API requests Each supported Region: 10 per second Yes The maximum number of SendIntegrationEvent API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of StartChatContact API requests Each supported Region: 5 per second Yes The maximum number of StartChatContact API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of StartContactRecording API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of StartContactRecording API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of StartContactStreaming API requests Each supported Region: 5 per second Yes The maximum number of StartContactStreaming API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of StartOutboundChatContact API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of StartOutboundChatContact API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of StartOutboundVoiceContact API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of StartOutboundVoiceContact API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of StartScreenSharing API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of StartScreenSharing API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of StartTaskContact API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of StartTaskContact API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of StartWebRTCContact API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of StartWebRTCContact API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of StopContact API requests Each supported Region: 10 per second Yes The maximum number of StopContact API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of StopContactRecording API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of StopContactRecording API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of StopContactStreaming API requests Each supported Region: 5 per second Yes The maximum number of StopContactStreaming API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of SuspendContactRecording API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of SuspendContactRecording API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of TagContact API requests Each supported Region: 20 per second Yes The maximum number of TagContact API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of TagResource API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of TagResource API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of TransferContact API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of TransferContact API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of UntagContact API requests Each supported Region: 20 per second Yes The maximum number of UntagContact API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of UntagResource API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of UntagResource API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of UpdateAgentStatus API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of UpdateAgentStatus API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of UpdateContact API requests Each supported Region: 10 per second Yes The maximum number of UpdateContact API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of UpdateContactAttributes API requests Each supported Region: 10 per second Yes The maximum number of UpdateContactAttributes API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of UpdateContactFlowContent API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of UpdateContactFlowContent API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of UpdateContactFlowMetadata API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of UpdateContactFlowMetadata API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of UpdateContactFlowModuleContent API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of UpdateContactFlowModuleContent API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of UpdateContactFlowModuleMetadata API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of UpdateContactFlowModuleMetadata API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of UpdateContactFlowName API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of UpdateContactFlowName API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of UpdateContactSchedule API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of UpdateContactSchedule API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of UpdateHoursOfOperation API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of UpdateHoursOfOperation API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of UpdateHoursOfOperationOverride API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of UpdateHoursOfOperationOverride API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of UpdateInstanceAttribute API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of UpdateInstanceAttribute API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of UpdateInstanceStorageConfig API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of UpdateInstanceStorageConfig API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of UpdateParticipantRoleConfig API requests Each supported Region: 5 per second Yes The maximum number of UpdateParticipantRoleConfig API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of UpdatePhoneNumber API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of UpdatePhoneNumber API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of UpdatePredefinedAttribute API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of UpdatePredefinedAttribute API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of UpdateQueueHoursOfOperation API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of UpdateQueueHoursOfOperation API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of UpdateQueueMaxContacts API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of UpdateQueueMaxContacts API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of UpdateQueueName API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of UpdateQueueName API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of UpdateQueueOutboundCallerConfig API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of UpdateQueueOutboundCallerConfig API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of UpdateQueueOutboundEmailConfig API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of UpdateQueueOutboundEmailConfig API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of UpdateQueueStatus API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of UpdateQueueStatus API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of UpdateQuickConnectConfig API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of UpdateQuickConnectConfig API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of UpdateQuickConnectName API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of UpdateQuickConnectName API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of UpdateRoutingProfileConcurrency API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of UpdateRoutingProfileConcurrency API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of UpdateRoutingProfileDefaultOutboundQueue API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of UpdateRoutingProfileDefaultOutboundQueue API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of UpdateRoutingProfileName API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of UpdateRoutingProfileName API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of UpdateRoutingProfileQueues API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of UpdateRoutingProfileQueues API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of UpdateRule API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of UpdateRule API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of UpdateSecurityProfile API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of UpdateSecurityProfile API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of UpdateTaskTemplate API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of UpdateTaskTemplate API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of UpdateTrafficDistribution API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of UpdateTrafficDistribution API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of UpdateUserHierarchy API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of UpdateUserHierarchy API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of UpdateUserHierarchyGroupName API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of UpdateUserHierarchyGroupName API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of UpdateUserHierarchyStructure API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of UpdateUserHierarchyStructure API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of UpdateUserIdentityInfo API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of UpdateUserIdentityInfo API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of UpdateUserPhoneConfig API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of UpdateUserPhoneConfig API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of UpdateUserProficiencies API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of UpdateUserProficiencies API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of UpdateUserRoutingProfile API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of update user routing profile requests that can be processed per second, in this account in the current Region.
Rate of UpdateUserSecurityProfiles API requests Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of UpdateUserSecurityProfiles API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Reports per instance Each supported Region: 2,000 Yes The maximum number of reports that you can create in this instance in the current Region. Personal saved reports count towards the limit. As a best practice, we recommend you implement appropriate retention policies so reports dont pile up.
Routing profiles per instance Each supported Region: 500 Yes The maximum number of routing profiles you can create in this instance in the current region.
Scheduled reports per instance Each supported Region: 50 Yes The maximum number of scheduled reports you can create in this instance in the current Region.
Schedules per instance Each supported Region: 600 No The maximum number of schedules per instance in the current region.
Security profiles per instance Each supported Region: 100 Yes The maximum number of security profiles you can create in this instance in the current Region.
Shift activities per instance Each supported Region: 300 No The maximum number of shift activities per instance in the current region.
Shift activities per shift profile Each supported Region: 10 No The maximum number of shift activities in a shift profile in the current region.
Shift profiles per instance Each supported Region: 1,300 No The maximum number of shift profiles per instance in the current region.
Shift rotation pattern steps per shift profile Each supported Region: 650 No The maximum number of shift rotation pattern steps associated per shift profile in the current Region.
Shift rotation patterns per instance Each supported Region: 650 No The maximum number of shift rotation patterns per instance in the current Region.
Staffing groups per Forecast group Each supported Region: 100 No The maximum number of staffing groups per forecast group in the current region.
Staffing groups per instance Each supported Region: 1,300 No The maximum number of staffing groups per instance in the current region.
Staffing groups per supervisor Each supported Region: 45 No The maximum number of staffing groups per supervisor in the current region.
Supervisors per staffing group Each supported Region: 40 No The maximum number of supervisors per staffing group in the current region.
User hierarchy groups per instance Each supported Region: 500 Yes The maximum number of user hierarchy groups you can create in this instance in the current Region.
Users per instance Each supported Region: 500 Yes The maximum number of users you can create in this instance in the current Region.
Voice ID integration associations per instance Each supported Region: 1 No The maximum number of Voice ID integration associations you can create in this instance in the current Region.

Amazon Connect Customer Profiles quotas

Amazon Connect Customer Profiles has the following quotas.

Name Default Adjustable Description
Amazon Connect Customer Profiles domain count Each supported Region: 100 Yes The maximum number of Amazon Connect Customer Profiles domains you can create in this account in the current AWS Region.
Keys per object type Each supported Region: 10 Yes The maximum number of keys that can be defined per object type in the current AWS Region.
Maximum expiration in days Each supported Region: 1,098 Yes The maximum expiration, in days, that can be defined for an object or profile in the current AWS Region.
Maximum number of calculated attributes per domain Each supported Region: 50 No The maximum number of calculated attributes per domain in the current AWS Region.
Maximum number of event stream per domain Each supported Region: 1 No The maximum number of event stream per domain in the current AWS Region.
Maximum number of event triggers per domain Each supported Region: 20 Yes The maximum number of event triggers per domain in the current AWS Region.
Maximum number of integrations Each supported Region: 50 Yes The maximum number of integrations per domain in the current AWS Region.
Maximum size of all objects for a profile Each supported Region: 51,200 Kilobytes Yes The total size of a profile, including all of its related objects, in the current AWS Region.
Object and profile maximum size Each supported Region: 250 Kilobytes No The maximum size of a single profile or profile object in the current AWS Region.
Object types per domain Each supported Region: 100 Yes The maximum number of object types you can define per domain in the current AWS Region.
Objects per profile Each supported Region: 1,000 Yes The maximum number of objects that can be attached to a single profile in the current AWS Region.

Amazon Connect Cases quotas

Amazon Connect Cases has the following quotas.

Name Default Adjustable Description
Attached files per case Each supported Region: 50 Yes The maximum number of files that can be attached to a case
BatchGetCaseRule burst quota Each supported Region: 25 per second Yes The maximum number of concurrent BatchGetCaseRule API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
BatchGetCaseRule rate quota Each supported Region: 8 per second Yes The maximum number of BatchGetCaseRule API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
BatchGetField burst quota Each supported Region: 25 per second Yes The maximum number of concurrent BatchGetField API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
BatchGetField rate quota Each supported Region: 8 per second Yes The maximum number of BatchGetField API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
BatchPutFieldOptions burst quota Each supported Region: 5 per second Yes The maximum number of concurrent BatchPutFieldOptions API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
BatchPutFieldOptions rate quota Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of BatchPutFieldOptions API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Case fields per layout Each supported Region: 100 Yes The maximum number of case fields in a case layout
CreateCase burst quota Each supported Region: 10 per second Yes The maximum number of concurrent CreateCase API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
CreateCase rate quota Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of CreateCase API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
CreateCaseRule burst quota Each supported Region: 5 per second Yes The maximum number of concurrent CreateCaseRule API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
CreateCaseRule rate quota Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of CreateCaseRule API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
CreateDomain burst quota Each supported Region: 5 per second Yes The maximum number of concurrent CreateDomain API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
CreateDomain rate quota Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of CreateDomain API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
CreateField burst quota Each supported Region: 5 per second Yes The maximum number of concurrent CreateField API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
CreateField rate quota Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of CreateField API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
CreateLayout burst quota Each supported Region: 5 per second Yes The maximum number of concurrent CreateLayout API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
CreateLayout rate quota Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of CreateLayout API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
CreateRelatedItem burst quota Each supported Region: 10 per second Yes The maximum number of concurrent CreateRelatedItem API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
CreateRelatedItem rate quota Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of CreateRelatedItem API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
CreateTemplate burst quota Each supported Region: 5 per second Yes The maximum number of concurrent CreateTemplate API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
CreateTemplate rate quota Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of CreateTemplate API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
DeleteCaseRule burst quota Each supported Region: 5 per second Yes The maximum number of concurrent DeleteCaseRule API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
DeleteCaseRule rate quota Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of DeleteCaseRule API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Domains Each supported Region: 5 Yes The maximum number of Cases domains per AWS account
Field options per field Each supported Region: 500 Yes The maximum number of field options per single select field in the Cases domain
Fields per domain Each supported Region: 500 Yes The maximum number of fields in a Cases domain
GetCase burst quota Each supported Region: 15 per second Yes The maximum number of concurrent GetCase API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
GetCase rate quota Each supported Region: 4 per second Yes The maximum number of GetCase API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
GetCaseAuditEvents burst quota Each supported Region: 10 per second Yes The maximum number of concurrent GetCaseAuditEvents API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
GetCaseAuditEvents rate quota Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of GetCaseAuditEvents API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
GetCaseEventConfiguration burst quota Each supported Region: 10 per second Yes The maximum number of concurrent GetCaseEventConfiguration API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
GetCaseEventConfiguration rate quota Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of GetCaseEventConfiguration API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
GetDomain burst quota Each supported Region: 5 per second Yes The maximum number of concurrent GetDomain API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
GetDomain rate quota Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of GetDomain API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
GetLayout burst quota Each supported Region: 20 per second Yes The maximum number of concurrent GetLayout API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
GetLayout rate quota Each supported Region: 6 per second Yes The maximum number of GetLayout API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
GetTemplate burst quota Each supported Region: 20 per second Yes The maximum number of concurrent GetTemplate API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
GetTemplate rate quota Each supported Region: 6 per second Yes The maximum number of GetTemplate API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Layouts per domain Each supported Region: 100 Yes The maximum number of layouts in a Cases domain
ListCaseRules burst quota Each supported Region: 10 per second Yes The maximum number of concurrent ListCaseRules API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
ListCaseRules rate quota Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of ListCaseRules API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
ListCasesForContact burst quota Each supported Region: 10 per second Yes The maximum number of concurrent ListCasesForContact API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
ListCasesForContact rate quota Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of ListCasesForContact API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
ListDomains burst quota Each supported Region: 5 per second Yes The maximum number of concurrent ListDomains API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
ListDomains rate quota Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of ListDomains API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
ListFieldOptions burst quota Each supported Region: 15 per second Yes The maximum number of concurrent ListFieldOptions API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
ListFieldOptions rate quota Each supported Region: 6 per second Yes The maximum number of ListFieldOptions API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
ListFields burst quota Each supported Region: 5 per second Yes The maximum number of concurrent ListFields API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
ListFields rate quota Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of ListFields API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
ListLayouts burst quota Each supported Region: 10 per second Yes The maximum number of concurrent ListLayouts API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
ListLayouts rate quota Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of ListLayouts API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
ListTagsForResource burst quota Each supported Region: 10 per second Yes The maximum number of concurrent ListTagsForResource API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
ListTagsForResource rate quota Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of ListTagsForResource API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
ListTemplates burst quota Each supported Region: 10 per second Yes The maximum number of concurrent ListTemplates API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
ListTemplates rate quota Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of ListTemplates API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
PutCaseEventConfiguration burst quota Each supported Region: 10 per second Yes The maximum number of concurrent PutCaseEventConfiguration API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
PutCaseEventConfiguration rate quota Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of PutCaseEventConfiguration API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Related items per case Each supported Region: 200 Yes The maximum number of related items that can be attached to a case
SearchCases burst quota Each supported Region: 10 per second Yes The maximum number of concurrent SearchCases API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
SearchCases rate quota Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of SearchCases request per second that Cases will fulfill before returning 429 Too Many Requests error responses
SearchRelatedItems burst quota Each supported Region: 10 per second Yes The maximum number of concurrent SearchRelatedItems API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
SearchRelatedItems rate quota Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of SearchRelatedItems API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
TagResource burst quota Each supported Region: 10 per second Yes The maximum number of concurrent TagResource API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
TagResource rate quota Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of TagResource API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Templates per domain Each supported Region: 100 Yes The maximum number of templates in a Cases domain
UntagResource burst quota Each supported Region: 10 per second Yes The maximum number of concurrent UntagResource API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
UntagResource rate quota Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of UntagResource API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
UpdateCase burst quota Each supported Region: 10 per second Yes The maximum number of concurrent UpdateCase request submissions that Cases will fulfill before returning 429 Too Many Requests error responses
UpdateCase rate quota Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of UpdateCase API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
UpdateCaseRule burst quota Each supported Region: 5 per second Yes The maximum number of concurrent UpdateCaseRule API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
UpdateCaseRule rate quota Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of UpdateCaseRule API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
UpdateField burst quota Each supported Region: 5 per second Yes The maximum number of concurrent UpdateField API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
UpdateField rate quota Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of UpdateField API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
UpdateLayout burst quota Each supported Region: 5 per second Yes The maximum number of concurrent UpdateLayout API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
UpdateLayout rate quota Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of UpdateLayout API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
UpdateTemplate burst quota Each supported Region: 5 per second Yes The maximum number of concurrent UpdateTemplate request submissions that Cases will fulfill before returning 429 Too Many Requests error responses
UpdateTemplate rate quota Each supported Region: 2 per second Yes The maximum number of UpdateTemplate API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Connect Cases rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.

For more information, see Amazon Connect Service Quotas in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

Amazon Q in Connect quotas

Amazon Q in Connect has the following quotas.

Name Default Adjustable Description
Amazon Q in Connect - assistant count Each supported Region: 5 No The maximum number of Amazon Q in Connect assistants you can create in this account in the current Region.
Amazon Q in Connect - knowledge base count Each supported Region: 10 No The maximum number of Amazon Q in Connect knowledge bases you can create in this account in the current Region.
Assistant association Each supported Region: 1 No The maximum number of assistant associations you can create for this assistant in the current Region.
Content per knowledge base Each supported Region: 5,000 No The maximum pieces of content that you can add to a knowledge base in this Region.
Content size Each supported Region: 1 Megabytes No The maximum size, in MB, of a piece of content that you can add to a knowledge base in this Region.
Maximum number of attachments per email message template Each supported Region: 10 No The maximum number of attachments per email message template. After this limit is reached, Amazon Q in Connect rejects requests to add more attachments to the email message template.
Maximum number of characters in an SMS message template Each supported Region: 800 No The maximum number of characters in an SMS message template.
Maximum number of characters in an email message template Each supported Region: 5,000,000 No The maximum number of characters in an email message template.
Maximum number of message templates per knowldege base Each supported Region: 200 No The maximum number of message templates per knowledge base.
Maximum number of versions per message template Each supported Region: 20 No The maximum number of versions per message template.
Maximum size per attachment in an email message template Each supported Region: 1 No The maximum size (in MB) of an attachment per email message template. Amazon Q in Connect rejects requests to add larger attachments.
Rate of API requests for ActivateMessageTemplate Each supported Region: 3 No The maximum number of concurrent ActivateMessageTemplate API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Q in Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of API requests for CreateAssistant Each supported Region: 10 No The maximum number of concurrent CreateAssistant API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Q in Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of API requests for CreateAssistantAssociation Each supported Region: 10 No The maximum number of concurrent CreateAssistantAssociation API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Q in Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of API requests for CreateContent Each supported Region: 10 No The maximum number of concurrent CreateContent API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Q in Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of API requests for CreateKnowledgeBase Each supported Region: 10 No The maximum number of concurrent CreateKnowledgeBase API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Q in Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of API requests for CreateMessageTemplate Each supported Region: 3 No The maximum number of concurrent CreateMessageTemplate API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Q in Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of API requests for CreateMessageTemplateAttachment Each supported Region: 3 No The maximum number of concurrent CreateMessageTemplateAttachment API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Q in Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of API requests for CreateMessageTemplateVersion Each supported Region: 3 No The maximum number of concurrent CreateMessageTemplateVersion API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Q in Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of API requests for CreateQuickResponse Each supported Region: 10 No The maximum number of concurrent CreateQuickResponse API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Wisdom rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of API requests for CreateSession Each supported Region: 10 No The maximum number of concurrent CreateSession API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Q in Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of API requests for DeactivateMessageTemplate Each supported Region: 3 No The maximum number of concurrent DeactivateMessageTemplate API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Q in Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of API requests for DeleteAssistant Each supported Region: 10 No The maximum number of concurrent DeleteAssistant API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Q in Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of API requests for DeleteAssistantAssociation Each supported Region: 10 No The maximum number of concurrent DeleteAssistantAssociation API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Q in Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of API requests for DeleteContent Each supported Region: 10 No The maximum number of concurrent DeleteContent API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Q in Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of API requests for DeleteImportJob Each supported Region: 10 No The maximum number of concurrent DeleteImportJob API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Q in Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of API requests for DeleteKnowledgeBase Each supported Region: 10 No The maximum number of concurrent DeleteKnowledgeBase API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Q in Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of API requests for DeleteMessageTemplate Each supported Region: 10 No The maximum number of concurrent DeleteMessageTemplate API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Q in Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of API requests for DeleteMessageTemplateAttachment Each supported Region: 10 No The maximum number of concurrent DeleteMessageTemplateAttachment API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Q in Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of API requests for DeleteQuickResponse Each supported Region: 20 No The maximum number of concurrent DeleteQuickResponse API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Q in Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of API requests for GetAssistant Each supported Region: 10 No The maximum number of concurrent GetAssistant API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Q in Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of API requests for GetAssistantAssociation Each supported Region: 10 No The maximum number of concurrent GetAssistantAssociation API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Wisdom rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of API requests for GetContent Each supported Region: 10 No The maximum number of concurrent GetContent API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Q in Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of API requests for GetContentSummary Each supported Region: 10 No The maximum number of concurrent GetContentSummary API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Q in Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of API requests for GetImportJob Each supported Region: 10 No The maximum number of concurrent GetImportJob API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Q in Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of API requests for GetKnowledgeBase Each supported Region: 10 No The maximum number of concurrent GetKnowledgeBase API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Q in Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of API requests for GetMessageTemplate Each supported Region: 10 No The maximum number of concurrent GetMessageTemplate API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Q in Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of API requests for GetQuickResponse Each supported Region: 10 No The maximum number of concurrent GetQuickResponse API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Q in Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of API requests for GetRecommendations Each supported Region: 10 No The maximum number of concurrent GetRecommendations API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Q in Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of API requests for GetSession Each supported Region: 10 No The maximum number of concurrent GetSession API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Q in Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of API requests for ListAssistantAssociations Each supported Region: 10 No The maximum number of concurrent ListAssistantAssociations API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Q in Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of API requests for ListAssistants Each supported Region: 10 No The maximum number of concurrent ListAssistants API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Q in Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of API requests for ListImportJobs Each supported Region: 10 No The maximum number of concurrent ListImportJobs API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Wisdom rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of API requests for ListKnowledgeBases Each supported Region: 10 No The maximum number of concurrent ListKnowledgeBases API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Q in Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of API requests for ListMessageTemplateVersions Each supported Region: 10 No The maximum number of concurrent ListMessageTemplateVersions API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Q in Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of API requests for ListMessageTemplates Each supported Region: 10 No The maximum number of concurrent ListMessageTemplates API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Q in Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of API requests for ListQuickResponses Each supported Region: 10 No The maximum number of concurrent ListQuickResponses API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Q in Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of API requests for ListTagsForResource Each supported Region: 10 No The maximum number of concurrent ListTagsForResource API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Q in Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of API requests for NotifyRecommendationsReceived Each supported Region: 10 No The maximum number of concurrent NotifyRecommendationsReceived API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Q in Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of API requests for QueryAssistant Each supported Region: 10 No The maximum number of concurrent QueryAssistant API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Q in Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of API requests for RemoveKnowledgeBaseTemplateUri Each supported Region: 10 No The maximum number of concurrent RemoveKnowledgeBaseTemplateUri API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Q in Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of API requests for RenderMessageTemplate Each supported Region: 10 No The maximum number of concurrent RenderMessageTemplate API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Q in Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of API requests for SearchContent Each supported Region: 10 No The maximum number of concurrent SearchContent API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Q in Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of API requests for SearchMessageTemplates Each supported Region: 10 No The maximum number of concurrent SearchMessageTemplates API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Q in Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of API requests for SearchQuickResponses Each supported Region: 20 No The maximum number of concurrent SearchQuickResponses API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Q in Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of API requests for SearchSessions Each supported Region: 10 No The maximum number of concurrent SearchSessions API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Q in Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of API requests for StartContentUpload Each supported Region: 10 No The maximum number of concurrent StartContentUpload API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Q in Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of API requests for StartImportJob Each supported Region: 10 No The maximum number of concurrent StartImportJob API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Q in Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of API requests for TagResource Each supported Region: 10 No The maximum number of concurrent TagResource API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Q in Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of API requests for UntagResource Each supported Region: 10 No The maximum number of concurrent UntagResource API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Q in Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of API requests for UpdateContent Each supported Region: 10 No The maximum number of concurrent UpdateContent API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Q in Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of API requests for UpdateKnowledgeBaseTemplateUri Each supported Region: 10 No The maximum number of concurrent UpdateKnowledgeBaseTemplateUri API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Q in Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of API requests for UpdateMessageTemplate Each supported Region: 3 No The maximum number of concurrent UpdateMessageTemplate API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Q in Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of API requests for UpdateMessageTemplateMetadata Each supported Region: 3 No The maximum number of concurrent UpdateMessageTemplateMetadata API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Q in Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Rate of API requests for UpdateQuickResponse Each supported Region: 10 No The maximum number of concurrent UpdateQuickResponse API requests allowed per second. When you reach this quota, Amazon Q in Connect rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.