Automation actions reference - AWS App Studio

AWS App Studio is in preview and is subject to change.

Automation actions reference

The following is the reference documentation for automation actions used in App Studio.

An automation action, commonly referred to as an action, is an individual step of logic that make up an automation. Each action performs a specific task, whether it's sending an email, creating a data record, invoking a Lambda function, or calling APIs. Actions are added to automations from the action library, and can be grouped into conditional statements or loops.

For information about creating and configuring automations and their actions, see the topics in Defining and implementing your app's business logic with automations.

Invoke API

Invokes an HTTP REST API request. Builders can use this action to send requests from App Studio to other systems or services with APIs. For example, you could use it to connect to third-party systems or homegrown applications to access business critical data, or invoke API endpoints that cannot be called by dedicated App Studio actions.



The API connector to use for the API requests made by this action. The connector dropdown will be filtered to show only API-related connectors. Depending on how the connector is configured, it can contain important information such as credentials and default headers or query parameters. For more information about API connectors, see Connect to third-party services.

API request configuration properties

Choose Configure API request from the properties panel to open the request configuration dialog box. If an API connector is selected, the dialog box will include connector information.

Method: The method for the API call. Possible values are as follows:

  • DELETE: Deletes a specified resource.

  • GET: Retrieves information or data.

  • HEAD: Retrieves only the headers of a response without the body.

  • POST: Submits data to be processed.

  • PUSH: Submits data to be processed.

  • PATCH: Partially updates a specified resource.

Path: The relative path to the resource.

Headers: Any headers in the form of key-value pairs to be sent with the API request. If a connector is selected, its configured headers will be automatically added and cannot be removed. The configured headers cannot be edited, but you can override them by adding another header with the same name.

Query parameters: Any query parameters in the form of key-value pairs to be sent with the API request. If a connector is selected, its configured query parameters will be automatically added and cannot be edited or removed.

Body: Information to be sent with the API request in JSON format. There is no body for GET requests.

Mocked output

Actions do not interact with external services or resources in the preview environment. The Mocked output field is used to provide a JSON expression that simulates the behavior of a connector in the preview environment for testing purposes. This snippet is stored in the action's results map, just like the connector response would be for a published app in the live environment.

With this field, you can test various scenarios and their impact on other actions within the automation such as simulating different result values, error scenarios, edge cases, or unhappy paths without communicating with external services through connectors.

Invoke AWS

Invokes an operation from an AWS service. This is a general action for calling AWS services or operations, and should be used if there is not a dedicated action for the desired AWS service or operation.



The AWS service which contains the operation to be run.


The operation to be run.


The connector to be used for the operations run by this action. The configured connector should be set up with the proper credentials to run the operation, and other configuration information, such as the AWS region that contains any resources referenced in the operation.


The JSON input to be when running the specified operation. For more information about configuring inputs for AWS operations, see the AWS SDK for JavaScript.

Invoke Lambda

Invokes an existing Lambda function.



The connector to be used for the Lambda functions run by this action. The configured connector should be set up with the proper credentials to access the Lambda function, and other configuration information, such as the AWS region that contains the Lambda function. For more information about configuring a connector for Lambda, see Create Lambda connector.

Function name

The name of the Lambda function to be run. Note that this is the function name, and not the function ARN (Amazon Resource Name).

Function event

Key-value pairs to be passed along to your Lambda function as the event payload.

Mocked output

Actions do not interact with external services or resources in the preview environment. The Mocked output field is used to provide a JSON expression that simulates the behavior of a connector in the preview environment for testing purposes. This snippet is stored in the action's results map, just like the connector response would be for a published app in the live environment.

With this field, you can test various scenarios and their impact on other actions within the automation such as simulating different result values, error scenarios, edge cases, or unhappy paths without communicating with external services through connectors.


Runs nested actions repeatedly to iterate through a list of items, one item at a time. For example, add the Create record action to a loop action to create multiple records.

The loop action can be nested within other loops or condition actions. The loop actions are run sequentially, and not in parallel. The results of each action within the loop can only be accessed to subsequent actions within the same loop iteration. They cannot be accessed outside of the loop or in different iterations of the loop.



The list of items to iterate through, one item at a time. The source can be the result of a previous action or a static list of strings, numbers, or objects that you can provide using a JavaScript expression.


The following list contains examples of source inputs.

  • Results from a previous action: {{}}

  • A list of numbers: {{[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]}}

  • A list of strings: {{["apple", "banana", "orange", "grape", "kiwi"]}}

  • A computed value: {{params.actionName.split("\n")}}

Current item name

The name of the variable that can be used to reference the current item being iterated. The current item name is configurable so that you can nest two or more loops and access variables from each loop. For example, if you are looping through countries and cities with two loops, you could configure and reference currentCountry and currentCity.


Runs actions based on the result of one or more specified logical conditions that are evaluated when the automation is run. The condition action is made up of the following components:

  • A condition field, which is used to provide a JavaScript expression that evaluates to true or false.

  • A true branch, which contains actions that are run if the condition evalutes to true.

  • A false branch, which contains actions that are run if the condition evalutes to false.

Add actions to the true and false branches by dragging them into the condition action.



The JavaScript expression to be evaluated when the action is run.

Create record

Creates one record in an existing App Studio entity.



The entity in which a record is to be created. Once an entity is selected, values must be added to the entity's fields for the record to be created. The types of the fields, and if the fields are required or optional are defined in the entity.

Update record

Updates an existing record in an App Studio entity.



The entity that contains the records to be updated.


The criteria that defines which records are updated by the action. You can group conditions to create one logical statement. You can combine groups or conditions with AND or OR statements.


The fields to be updated in the records specified by the conditions.


The values to be updated in the specified fields.

Delete record

Deletes a record from an App Studio entity.



The entity that contains the records to be deleted.


The criteria that defines which records are deleted by the action. You can group conditions to create one logic statement. You can combine groups or conditions with AND or OR statements.

Invoke data action

Runs a data action with optional parameters.


Data action

The data action to be run by the action.


Data action parameters to be used by the data action. Data action parameters are used to send values that are used as inputs for data actions. Data action parameters can be added when configuring the automation action, but must be edited in the Data tab.

Advanced settings

The Invoke data action action contains the following advanced settings:

  • Page size: The maximum number of records to fetch in each query. The default value is 500, and the maximum value is 3000.

  • Pagination token: The token used to fetch additional records from a query. For example, if the Page size is set to 500, but there are more than 500 records, passing the pagination token to a subsequent query will fetch the next 500. The token will be undefined if no more records or pages exist.

Amazon S3: Put object

Uses the Amazon S3 PutObject operation to add an object identified by a key (file path) to a specified Amazon S3 bucket.



The connector to be used for the operations run by this action. The configured connector should be set up with the appropriate credentials to run the operation, and other configuration information, such as the AWS region that contains any resources referenced in the operation.


The required options to be used in the PutObject command. The options are as follows:


For more information about the Amazon S3 PutObject operation, see PutObject in the Amazon Simple Storage Service API Reference.

  • Bucket: The name of the Amazon S3 bucket in which to put an object.

  • Key: The unique name of the object to be put into the Amazon S3 bucket.

  • Body: The content of the object to be put into the Amazon S3 bucket.

Mocked output

Actions do not interact with external services or resources in the preview environment. The Mocked output field is used to provide a JSON expression that simulates the behavior of a connector in the preview environment for testing purposes. This snippet is stored in the action's results map, just like the connector response would be for a published app in the live environment.

With this field, you can test various scenarios and their impact on other actions within the automation such as simulating different result values, error scenarios, edge cases, or unhappy paths without communicating with external services through connectors.

Amazon S3: Delete object

Uses the Amazon S3 DeleteObject operation to delete an object identified by a key (file path) from a specified Amazon S3 bucket.



The connector to be used for the operations run by this action. The configured connector should be set up with the proper credentials to run the operation, and other configuration information, such as the AWS region that contains any resources referenced in the operation.


The required options to be used in the DeleteObject command. The options are as follows:


For more information about the Amazon S3 DeleteObject operation, see DeleteObject in the Amazon Simple Storage Service API Reference.

  • Bucket: The name of the Amazon S3 bucket from which to delete an object.

  • Key: The unique name of the object to be deleted from the Amazon S3 bucket.

Mocked output

Actions do not interact with external services or resources in the preview environment. The Mocked output field is used to provide a JSON expression that simulates the behavior of a connector in the preview environment for testing purposes. This snippet is stored in the action's results map, just like the connector response would be for a published app in the live environment.

With this field, you can test various scenarios and their impact on other actions within the automation such as simulating different result values, error scenarios, edge cases, or unhappy paths without communicating with external services through connectors.

Amazon S3: Get object

Uses the Amazon S3 GetObject operation to retrieve an object identified by a key (file path) from a specified Amazon S3 bucket.



The connector to be used for the operations run by this action. The configured connector should be set up with the proper credentials to run the operation, and other configuration information, such as the AWS region that contains any resources referenced in the operation.


The required options to be used in the GetObject command. The options are as follows:


For more information about the Amazon S3 GetObject operation, see GetObject in the Amazon Simple Storage Service API Reference.

  • Bucket: The name of the Amazon S3 bucket from which to retrieve an object.

  • Key: The unique name of the object to be retrieved from the Amazon S3 bucket.

Mocked output

Actions do not interact with external services or resources in the preview environment. The Mocked output field is used to provide a JSON expression that simulates the behavior of a connector in the preview environment for testing purposes. This snippet is stored in the action's results map, just like the connector response would be for a published app in the live environment.

With this field, you can test various scenarios and their impact on other actions within the automation such as simulating different result values, error scenarios, edge cases, or unhappy paths without communicating with external services through connectors.

Amazon S3: List objects

Uses the Amazon S3 ListObjects operation to list objects in a specified Amazon S3 bucket.



The connector to be used for the operations run by this action. The configured connector should be set up with the proper credentials to run the operation, and other configuration information, such as the AWS region that contains any resources referenced in the operation.


The required options to be used in the ListObjects command. The options are as follows:


For more information about the Amazon S3 ListObjects operation, see ListObjects in the Amazon Simple Storage Service API Reference.

  • Bucket: The name of the Amazon S3 bucket from which to list objects.

Mocked output

Actions do not interact with external services or resources in the preview environment. The Mocked output field is used to provide a JSON expression that simulates the behavior of a connector in the preview environment for testing purposes. This snippet is stored in the action's results map, just like the connector response would be for a published app in the live environment.

With this field, you can test various scenarios and their impact on other actions within the automation such as simulating different result values, error scenarios, edge cases, or unhappy paths without communicating with external services through connectors.

Amazon Textract: Analyze document

Uses the Amazon Textract AnalyzeDocument operation to analyze an input document for relationships between detected items.



The connector to be used for the operations run by this action. The configured connector should be set up with the proper credentials to run the operation, and other configuration information, such as the AWS region that contains any resources referenced in the operation.


The content of the request to be used in the AnalyzeDocument command. The options are as follows:


For more information about the Amazon Textract AnalyzeDocument operation, see AnalyzeDocument in the Amazon Textract Developer Guide.

  • Document / S3Object / Bucket: The name of the Amazon S3 bucket. This parameter can be left empty if a file is passed to the action with the S3 upload component.

  • Document / S3Object / Name: The file name of the input document. This parameter can be left empty if a file is passed to the action with the S3 upload component.

  • Document / S3Object / Version: If the Amazon S3 bucket has versioning enabled, you can specify the version of the object. This parameter can be left empty if a file is passed to the action with the S3 upload component.

  • FeatureTypes: A list of the types of analysis to perform. Valid values are: TABLES, FORMS, QUERIES, SIGNATURES, and LAYOUT.

Mocked output

Actions do not interact with external services or resources in the preview environment. The Mocked output field is used to provide a JSON expression that simulates the behavior of a connector in the preview environment for testing purposes. This snippet is stored in the action's results map, just like the connector response would be for a published app in the live environment.

With this field, you can test various scenarios and their impact on other actions within the automation such as simulating different result values, error scenarios, edge cases, or unhappy paths without communicating with external services through connectors.

Amazon Textract: Analyze expense

Uses the Amazon Textract AnalyzeExpense operation to analyze an input document for financially-related relationships between text.



The connector to be used for the operations run by this action. The configured connector should be set up with the proper credentials to run the operation, and other configuration information, such as the AWS region that contains any resources referenced in the operation.


The content of the request to be used in the AnalyzeExpense command. The options are as follows:


For more information about the Amazon Textract AnalyzeExpense operation, see AnalyzeExpense in the Amazon Textract Developer Guide.

  • Document / S3Object / Bucket: The name of the Amazon S3 bucket. This parameter can be left empty if a file is passed to the action with the S3 upload component.

  • Document / S3Object / Name: The file name of the input document. This parameter can be left empty if a file is passed to the action with the S3 upload component.

  • Document / S3Object / Version: If the Amazon S3 bucket has versioning enabled, you can specify the version of the object. This parameter can be left empty if a file is passed to the action with the S3 upload component.

Mocked output

Actions do not interact with external services or resources in the preview environment. The Mocked output field is used to provide a JSON expression that simulates the behavior of a connector in the preview environment for testing purposes. This snippet is stored in the action's results map, just like the connector response would be for a published app in the live environment.

With this field, you can test various scenarios and their impact on other actions within the automation such as simulating different result values, error scenarios, edge cases, or unhappy paths without communicating with external services through connectors.

Amazon Textract: Analyze ID

Uses the Amazon Textract AnalyzeID operation to analyze an identity document for relevant information.



The connector to be used for the operations run by this action. The configured connector should be set up with the proper credentials to run the operation, and other configuration information, such as the AWS region that contains any resources referenced in the operation.


The content of the request to be used in the AnalyzeID command. The options are as follows:


For more information about the Amazon Textract AnalyzeID operation, see AnalyzeID in the Amazon Textract Developer Guide.

  • Document / S3Object / Bucket: The name of the Amazon S3 bucket. This parameter can be left empty if a file is passed to the action with the S3 upload component.

  • Document / S3Object / Name: The file name of the input document. This parameter can be left empty if a file is passed to the action with the S3 upload component.

  • Document / S3Object / Version: If the Amazon S3 bucket has versioning enabled, you can specify the version of the object. This parameter can be left empty if a file is passed to the action with the S3 upload component.

Mocked output

Actions do not interact with external services or resources in the preview environment. The Mocked output field is used to provide a JSON expression that simulates the behavior of a connector in the preview environment for testing purposes. This snippet is stored in the action's results map, just like the connector response would be for a published app in the live environment.

With this field, you can test various scenarios and their impact on other actions within the automation such as simulating different result values, error scenarios, edge cases, or unhappy paths without communicating with external services through connectors.

Amazon Textract: Detect doc text

Uses the Amazon Textract DetectDocumentText operation to detect lines of text and the words that make up a line of text in an input document.



The connector to be used for the operations run by this action. The configured connector should be set up with the proper credentials to run the operation, and other configuration information, such as the AWS region that contains any resources referenced in the operation.


The content of the request to be used in the DetectDocumentText command. The options are as follows:


For more information about the Amazon Textract DetectDocumentText operation, see DetectDocumentText in the Amazon Textract Developer Guide.

  • Document / S3Object / Bucket: The name of the Amazon S3 bucket. This parameter can be left empty if a file is passed to the action with the S3 upload component.

  • Document / S3Object / Name: The file name of the input document. This parameter can be left empty if a file is passed to the action with the S3 upload component.

  • Document / S3Object / Version: If the Amazon S3 bucket has versioning enabled, you can specify the version of the object. This parameter can be left empty if a file is passed to the action with the S3 upload component.

Mocked output

Actions do not interact with external services or resources in the preview environment. The Mocked output field is used to provide a JSON expression that simulates the behavior of a connector in the preview environment for testing purposes. This snippet is stored in the action's results map, just like the connector response would be for a published app in the live environment.

With this field, you can test various scenarios and their impact on other actions within the automation such as simulating different result values, error scenarios, edge cases, or unhappy paths without communicating with external services through connectors.

Amazon Bedrock: Invoke model

Uses the Amazon Bedrock InvokeModel operation to run inference using the prompt and inference parameters provided in the request body. You use model inference to generate text, images, and embeddings.



The connector to be used for the operations run by this action. To use this action successfully, the connector must be configured with Amazon Bedrock Runtime as the service. The configured connector should be set up with the proper credentials to run the operation, and other configuration information, such as the AWS region that contains any resources referenced in the operation.


The content of the request to be used in the InvokeModel command.


For more information about the Amazon Bedrock InvokeModel operation, including example commands, see InvokeModel in the Amazon Bedrock API Reference.

Mocked output

Actions do not interact with external services or resources in the preview environment. The Mocked output field is used to provide a JSON expression that simulates the behavior of a connector in the preview environment for testing purposes. This snippet is stored in the action's results map, just like the connector response would be for a published app in the live environment.

With this field, you can test various scenarios and their impact on other actions within the automation such as simulating different result values, error scenarios, edge cases, or unhappy paths without communicating with external services through connectors.


Runs a custom JavaScript function to return a specified value.


Source code

The JavaScript code snippet to be run by the action.

Invoke automation

Runs a specified automation.


Invoke Automation

The automation to be run by the action.

Send email

Uses the Amazon SES SendEmail operation to send an email.



The connector to be used for the operations run by this action. The configured connector should be set up with the proper credentials to run the operation, and other configuration information, such as the AWS region that contains any resources referenced in the operation.


The content of the request to be used in the SendEmail command. The options are as follows:


For more information about the Amazon SES SendEmail operation, see SendEmail in the Amazon Simple Email Service API Reference.

Mocked output

Actions do not interact with external services or resources in the preview environment. The Mocked output field is used to provide a JSON expression that simulates the behavior of a connector in the preview environment for testing purposes. This snippet is stored in the action's results map, just like the connector response would be for a published app in the live environment.

With this field, you can test various scenarios and their impact on other actions within the automation such as simulating different result values, error scenarios, edge cases, or unhappy paths without communicating with external services through connectors.