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AWS CloudHSM Sintaks konfigurasi klien SDK 5

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AWS CloudHSM Sintaks konfigurasi klien SDK 5 - AWS CloudHSM

Terjemahan disediakan oleh mesin penerjemah. Jika konten terjemahan yang diberikan bertentangan dengan versi bahasa Inggris aslinya, utamakan versi bahasa Inggris.

Terjemahan disediakan oleh mesin penerjemah. Jika konten terjemahan yang diberikan bertentangan dengan versi bahasa Inggris aslinya, utamakan versi bahasa Inggris.

Tabel berikut menggambarkan sintaks untuk file AWS CloudHSM konfigurasi untuk Klien SDK 5.

PKCS #11
configure-pkcs11[ .exe ] -a <ENI IP address> [--hsm-ca-cert <customerCA certificate file path>] [--cluster-id <cluster ID>] [--endpoint <endpoint>] [--region <region>] [--server-client-cert-file <client certificate file path>] [--server-client-key-file <client key file path>] [--client-cert-hsm-tls-file <client certificate hsm tls path>] [--client-key-hsm-tls-file <client key hsm tls path>] [--log-level <error | warn | info | debug | trace>] Default is <info> [--log-rotation <daily | weekly>] Default is <daily> [--log-file <file name with path>] Default is </opt/cloudhsm/run/cloudhsm-pkcs11.log> Default for Windows is <C:\\Program Files\\Amazon\\CloudHSM\\cloudhsm-pkcs11.log> [--log-type <file | term>] Default is <file> [-h | --help] [-V | --version] [--disable-key-availability-check] [--enable-key-availability-check] [--disable-validate-key-at-init] [--enable-validate-key-at-init] This is the default for PKCS #11
configure-dyn[ .exe ] -a <ENI IP address> [--hsm-ca-cert <customerCA certificate file path>] [--cluster-id <cluster ID>] [--endpoint <endpoint>] [--region <region>] [--server-client-cert-file <client certificate file path>] [--server-client-key-file <client key file path>] [--client-cert-hsm-tls-file <client certificate hsm tls path>] [--client-key-hsm-tls-file <client key hsm tls path>] [--log-level <error | warn | info | debug | trace>] Default is <error> [--log-type <file | term>] Default is <term> [-h | --help] [-V | --version] [--disable-key-availability-check] [--enable-key-availability-check] [--disable-validate-key-at-init] This is the default for OpenSSL [--enable-validate-key-at-init]
configure-ksp[ .exe ] -a <ENI IP address> [--hsm-ca-cert <customerCA certificate file path>] [--cluster-id <cluster ID>] [--endpoint <endpoint>] [--region <region>] [--client-cert-hsm-tls-file <client certificate hsm tls path>] [--client-key-hsm-tls-file <client key hsm tls path>] [--log-level <error | warn | info | debug | trace>] Default is <info> [--log-rotation <daily | weekly>] Default is <daily> [--log-file <file name with path>] Default is <C:\\Program Files\\Amazon\\CloudHSM\\cloudhsm-ksp.log> [--log-type <file | term>] Default is <file> [-h | --help] [-V | --version] [--disable-key-availability-check] [--enable-key-availability-check] [--disable-validate-key-at-init] This is the default for KSP [--enable-validate-key-at-init]
configure-jce[ .exe ] -a <ENI IP address> [--hsm-ca-cert <customerCA certificate file path>] [--cluster-id <cluster ID>] [--endpoint <endpoint>] [--region <region>] [--server-client-cert-file <client certificate file path>] [--server-client-key-file <client key file path>] [--client-cert-hsm-tls-file <client certificate hsm tls path>] [--client-key-hsm-tls-file <client key hsm tls path>] [--log-level <error | warn | info | debug | trace>] Default is <info> [--log-rotation <daily | weekly>] Default is <daily> [--log-file <file name with path>] Default is </opt/cloudhsm/run/cloudhsm-jce.log> Default for Windows is <C:\\Program Files\\Amazon\\CloudHSM\\cloudhsm-jce.log> [--log-type <file | term>] Default is <file> [-h | --help] [-V | --version] [--disable-key-availability-check] [--enable-key-availability-check] [--disable-validate-key-at-init] This is the default for JCE [--enable-validate-key-at-init]
configure-cli[ .exe ] -a <ENI IP address> [--hsm-ca-cert <customerCA certificate file path>] [--cluster-id <cluster ID>] [--endpoint <endpoint>] [--region <region>] [--server-client-cert-file <client certificate file path>] [--server-client-key-file <client key file path>] [--client-cert-hsm-tls-file <client certificate hsm tls path>] [--client-key-hsm-tls-file <client key hsm tls path>] [--log-level <error | warn | info | debug | trace>] Default is <info> [--log-rotation <daily | weekly>] Default is <daily> [--log-file <file name with path>] Default for Linux is </opt/cloudhsm/run/cloudhsm-cli.log> Default for Windows is <C:\\Program Files\\Amazon\\CloudHSM\\cloudhsm-cli.log> [--log-type <file | term>] Default setting is <file> [-h | --help] [-V | --version] [--disable-key-availability-check] [--enable-key-availability-check] [--disable-validate-key-at-init] [--enable-validate-key-at-init] This is the default for CloudHSM CLI
configure-pkcs11[ .exe ] -a <ENI IP address> [--hsm-ca-cert <customerCA certificate file path>] [--cluster-id <cluster ID>] [--endpoint <endpoint>] [--region <region>] [--server-client-cert-file <client certificate file path>] [--server-client-key-file <client key file path>] [--client-cert-hsm-tls-file <client certificate hsm tls path>] [--client-key-hsm-tls-file <client key hsm tls path>] [--log-level <error | warn | info | debug | trace>] Default is <info> [--log-rotation <daily | weekly>] Default is <daily> [--log-file <file name with path>] Default is </opt/cloudhsm/run/cloudhsm-pkcs11.log> Default for Windows is <C:\\Program Files\\Amazon\\CloudHSM\\cloudhsm-pkcs11.log> [--log-type <file | term>] Default is <file> [-h | --help] [-V | --version] [--disable-key-availability-check] [--enable-key-availability-check] [--disable-validate-key-at-init] [--enable-validate-key-at-init] This is the default for PKCS #11
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