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Configuring permission mode - Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio
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Configuring permission mode

Permission mode is a configuration available to Spark compute resources such as Glue ETL or EMR Serverless. It configures Spark to access different types of data based on the permissions configured for that data. There are two configuration options for permission mode:

  • Compatibility mode. This is a configuration for data managed using full-table access, meaning the compute engine can access all rows and columns in the data. Choosing this option enables your Glue ETL to work with data assets from AWS and from external systems.

  • Fine-grained mode. This is a configuration for data managed using fine-grained access controls, meaning the compute engine can only access specific rows and columns from the full dataset. Choosing this option enables your Glue ETL to work with data product subscriptions from Amazon SageMaker Catalog.

By default, when you create a project in Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio two Glue ETL compute connections are created. The Glue ETL connection with permission mode set to compatibility is called project.spark.compatibility, and the Glue ETL connection with permission mode set to fine-grained is called project.spark.fineGrained.

To configure permission mode in Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio using the URL from your admin and log in using your SSO or AWS credentials.

  2. Navigate to a project.

  3. Navigate to the Visual ETL tool by using the dropdown Build menu and selecting Visual ETL flows.

  4. Navigate to a flow by creating one or selecting the flow from the list.

  5. From the dropdown menu next to the Run button, choose a compute connection type that aligns with your data access preference.

    • Select project.spark.fineGrained to configure permission mode to support fine-grained access control. Choosing this option configures your Visual ETL flow to work with data product subscriptions from Amazon SageMaker Catalog.

    • Select project.spark.compatibility to configure permission mode to be compatible with general access control. Choosing this option configures your Visual ETL flow to work with data assets that you connect to from your project.

You can then run the Visual ETL flow with data that aligns with your selected compute connection.

Topik berikutnya:

Visual ETL

Topik sebelumnya:

Glue ETL
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