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Create a field in a metadata form in Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio - Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio
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Create a field in a metadata form in Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio

In Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio, metadata forms are simple forms to augment additional business context to the asset metadata in the catalog. They serve as extensible mechanisms for data owners to enrich the asset with information that can help data users when they search and find that data. Metadata forms can also serve an mechanism to enforce consistency to all assets being published to the Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio catalog.

A metadata form definition is composed of one or more field definitions, with support for boolean, date, decimal, integer, string, and business glossary field value data types. For more information, see Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio terminology and concepts. To create, edit, or delete fields in metadata forms in your Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio domain, you must be a member of the owning project who has the right credentials.

To create a field in a metadata form, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio using the URL from your admin and log in using your SSO or AWS credentials.

  2. Navigate to the Discover menu in the top navigation bar.

  3. Choose Metadata forms.

  4. Choose the name of the metadata form that you want to add a field to. This takes you to the metadata form details page.

  5. On the metadata form details page, choose Create field.

  6. Specify the field name, description, type, and whether this is a required field. Depending on the field type, you might be able to configure additional selections.

  7. Choose Create field.

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