Built-in Slot Types - Amazon Lex V1

If you are using Amazon Lex V2, refer to the Amazon Lex V2 guide instead.


If you are using Amazon Lex V1, we recommend upgrading your bots to Amazon Lex V2. We are no longer adding new features to V1 and strongly recommend using V2 for all new bots.

Built-in Slot Types

Amazon Lex supports built-in slot types that define how data in the slot is recognized and handled. You can create slots of these types in your intents. This eliminates the need to create enumeration values for commonly used slot data such as date, time, and location. Built-in slot types do not have versions.

Slot Type Short Description Supported Locales
AMAZON.Airport Recognizes words that represent an airport. All locales
AMAZON.AlphaNumeric Recognizes words made up of letters and numbers.

All locales except Korean (ko-KR)

AMAZON.City Recognizes words that represent a city. All locales
AMAZON.Country Recognizes words that represent a country. All locales
AMAZON.DATE Recognizes words that represent a date and converts them to a standard format. All locales
AMAZON.DURATION Recognizes words that represent duration and converts them to a standard format. All locales
AMAZON.EmailAddress Recognizes words that represent an email address and converts them into a standard email address. All locales
AMAZON.FirstName Recognizes words that represent a first name. All locales
AMAZON.LastName Recognizes words that represent a last name. All locales
AMAZON.NUMBER Recognizes numeric words and converts them into digits. All locales
AMAZON.Percentage Recognizes words that represent a percentage and converts them to a number and a percent sign (%). All locales
AMAZON.PhoneNumber Recognizes words that represent a phone number and converts them into a numeric string. All locales
AMAZON.SpeedUnit Recognizes words that represent a speed unit and converts them into a standard abbreviation. English (US) (en-US)
AMAZON.State Recognizes words that represent a state. All locales
AMAZON.StreetName Recognizes words that represent a street name. All locales except English (US) (en-US)
AMAZON.TIME Recognizes words that indicate times and converts them into a time format. All locales
AMAZON.WeightUnit Recognizes words that represent a weight unit and converts them into a standard abbreviation English (US) (en-US)

For the English (US) (en-US) locale, Amazon Lex supports slot types from the Alexa Skill Kit. For a list of available built-in slot types, see the Slot Type Reference in the Alexa Skills Kit documentation.

  • Amazon Lex doesn't support the AMAZON.LITERAL or the AMAZON.SearchQuery built-in slot types.