HERE Technologies
Amazon Location Service uses HERE Technologies’ location services to help AWS customers use maps, geocode, and calculate routes effectively. HERE's location data offers a location-centric platform that's open, secure, and private. By selecting HERE location data, you are selecting accurate, fresh, and robust data that's deployed natively on the AWS Cloud.
For additional capability information, see HERE
HERE map styles
Amazon Location Service supports the following HERE map styles when creating a map resource:
HERE map styles that are not listed in this section are currently not supported.
HERE Explore

Map style name:
HERE Explore
A detailed, neutral base map of the world. The street map includes highways, major roads, minor roads, railways, water features, cities, parks, landmarks, building footprints, and administrative boundaries. Includes a fully designed map of Japan.
Amazon Location serves fonts using GetMapGlyphs
. The following are available font
stacks for this map:
Fira GO Italic
Fira GO Regular
Fira GO Bold
Noto Sans CJK JP Light
Noto Sans CJK JP Regular
Noto Sans CJK JP Bold
For additional information about map data quality in different regions of the world,
see HERE map coverage
Coverage: HERE
You can use HERE as a data provider to support queries for geocoding, reverse geocoding, and searches when you create a place index resource, or to support queries to calculate a route when you create a route calculator resource.
HERE provides different levels of data quality in different regions of the world. For additional information about coverage in your region of interest, see the following:
Terms of use and data attribution: HERE
Before you use HERE data, be sure you can comply with all applicable legal requirements, including license terms applicable to HERE and AWS. Because of licensing limitations, you may not use HERE to store geocoding results for locations in Japan.
For information about the AWS requirements, see AWS Service Terms
For additional information about HERE's attribution guidelines, see Section 2 of HERE
Technologies' Supplier Terms Applicable to Location and Other Content
Error reporting to HERE
To report map errors and discrepancies to HERE, go to